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Listed in Business PLR Content, PLR Launches
Sharyn Sheldon from Content Sparks has just released a brand new premium brandable coaching program called How to Promote and Market Your Business Book PLR Coaching Course.
The Promote and Market Your Business Book Coaching PLR Product is a Ready-to-Teach Course that you can rebrand and sell or teach as your own.
Content Sparks has created a premium, Ready-to-Teach course called ‘Promote and Market Your Business Book’ that you can both LEARN from and TEACH under your own name.
In Promote & Market Your Business Book you’ll teach your students how to:
Ensure they have multiple formats of their book – to appeal to a wide range of readers (and listeners)
Set up all the elements they need for a successful launch and beyond
Follow a proven launch process and timeline – to maximize visibility and sales
Continue to market their book post-launch,… so they can earn passive income ongoing
Leverage their book to attract more leads and create other sources of income
romote & Market Your Business Book is designed to be delivered in whatever format makes the most sense for YOUR audience. For example, you can deliver it as any or all of the following:
2-day in-person, hands-on workshop (or VIP retreat)
Online course with both text and a series of 20 or more bite-sized videos
Webinar series with 4 or more live, interactive sessions (plus handouts)
Self-study eBook with Action Guide (add a coaching upsell to increase value)
Dripped email course with attached worksheets (add links to your other programs!)
And to teach the program above, here’s exactly what you’ll get in 'Promote & Market Your Business Book':
art 1: Student Materials - to Learn & Take Action
Promote & Market Your Business Book - Course Book
Course Book
87 pages of content and activity instructions you can use to create a comprehensive self-study eBook, online course, or handout for a live workshop
You’d pay $2,000+ just to learn how to create a course like this, and you’d still have to spend months doing it yourself
Action Guide
A complete set of worksheets which helps your students take action on what they learn, so you’ll have happy, successful customers
Summary Cheat Sheet
A 38-page course overview, which includes the main takeaways, key points, and action steps from each module of the course
You and your students can use it as a quick reference to save time, versus having to refer to the course book every time.
Customers always love these!
Promote & Market Your Business Book - Graphics
Graphics of Key Points
35 colorful graphics that are used to visualize key content in the course book (and slideshow).
These not only give a snapshot view of concepts, but also give your content some visual zing (in .pptx, .pdf and .png)
You'll also get the following...
Marketing Assets Checklist – for your students to see where they have gaps in their book marketing.
Book Launch Timeline – for your students to plan out their pre-launch activities and stay on track (just plug in the launch date and each task deadline is generated for them!)
Promote & Market Your Business Book Overview Infographic - which gives your students an 'at a glance' visual of the process for launching and marketing their online course (in .pdf, .png & .pptx)
Handouts of All of the Presentation Slides - so participants can follow along, take notes, and refer back to the material later...all you have to do is hit ‘send’ or ‘print’
Part 2: Instructor Materials to Teach Your Course
Promote & Market Your Business Book - Slideshow
223 slides, which give you a ready-made presentation for a multi-day classroom workshop, webinar series, or videos. You just fire up your slide program or screen recorder... and start teaching or recording
Worth at least $750 and hours of your time
Speaker Notes
A full script and instructions for presenting the course, so you’ll know exactly what to say. You'll find your notes both under the slides AND in a separate document.
Just add some of your own language to make it sound like you. That's what makes your course truly unique.
Promote & Market Your Business Book - OptIn Email 1
Course Follow-Up Emails
5 emails to send to participants after the course, which allow you to continue to provide value and build relationships, so you can make them customers for life
A decent copywriter charges at least $100 per email.
Promote & Market Your Business Book - Implementation Guide
Implementation Guide and Suggested Curriculum
Additional instructions and ideas, so that you're prepared to deliver the quality your customers expect.
You'll even get a list of 12 different courses you can use to put together a longer series or membership site for a high-ticket program.
You'll also get the following...
Evaluation Form - so you can get customer feedback and further customize the course for your audience (and turn them into raving fans)
Course Research Sources list - which gives you reference material so you can brush up on your own knowledge and answer any question your customers ask (Saves you hours of searching on Google)
Top Ways to Deliver Your Training - which helps you select the right delivery method for you, so you can reach your target audience and maximize sales
Instructions for Using Your Content - which give you additional tips for for using and repurposing your content in different ways.
Part 3: Lead Generation Materials to Attract Students
Promote & Market Your Business Book - OptIn Report
Opt-In Report
Use the report on '5 Easy Ways to Increase Revenue from Your Book' as a lead magnet to get new people on your email list, so you can sell your course or other products & services. We even give you a slideshow and cheat sheet version!
A $550 value all by itself.
Promote & Market Your Business Book - OptIn Email 1
Opt-In Follow-Up Emails
7 emails to send to people after they receive your lead magnet to nurture your relationship with your new subscribers. These increase your own credibility and sell your programs for you, saving you time and converting more subscribers into customers
Another $500+ value
Promote & Market Your Business Book - Blog Post 1
Blog Posts
5 articles which give you pre-written marketing content to spark discussion on your blog, so you can build more excitement for your course
Costs $500+ to outsource
Promote & Market Your Business Book - OptIn Infographic
Share the infographic on '5 Easy Ways to Increase Revenue from Your Book' on social media or elsewhere to show your audience how important the topic is.
Or use it as an additional lead magnet or content upgrade on your blog to attract more students for your course.
You'll also get the following...
Opt-In Slideshow - which gives you the opt-in report in a presentation format with speaker notes, so you can also present it in person, as a video, or on a webinar (webinars have been proven to have the highest conversion rates!)
Opt-In Cheat Sheet - which gives you a summary outline of the opt-in report as another alternate lead magnet (people love content they can consume quickly)
30 Social Media Posts - which give you pre-written tips to share on all your social media (try putting them on shareable images too!)
EARLY BIRD BONUS - You'll get the following if you purchase the full Blaze package by Thursday, March 12th (Value = $400+)
5-Day Challenge: 5 Easy Ways to Increase Revenue from Your Book
A brandable, ready-to-go, 5-day challenge on the topic of 5 Easy Ways to Increase Revenue from Your Book, based on the opt-in report in the Lead Generation Materials. You'll guide your participants through completing the action steps in a challenge format, which enables you to engage and build the personal connections that lead to more sales of your course.
Includes 7 daily challenge emails (including 2 emails to promote your course) and 5 worksheets to include for each day of the main challenge. Just add some of your own language and links to your sales page or other URL.
Deliver your challenge via email, livestream, chatbot, or your preferred method.
You can also find a sample by clicking the link on this page.
Go check it out for yourself and lock in your early-bird discount by visiting the link on this page.