Top Quality New Years Resolutions How to Make and Stick to Them PLR Report
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Top Quality New Years Resolutions How to Make and Stick to Them PLR Report
A Guide to Making and not Breaking Your New Year’s Resolutions
Millions of people make New Year’s resolutions each year but not very many of them actually stick to them for longer than a week. They may sincerely want to make changes to their lives and that’s the reason people make resolutions. It isn’t that the desire isn’t there or that their reasons for wanting to change aren’t strong enough, it is simply much easier to continue to do things the way you’ve already done them.
Why do people make resolutions?
The real question to ask yourself is what motivates you to make resolutions? Do you sincerely want to improve yourself or are you feeling the effects of overindulgence over the holidays? Are you overly full from eating too many sweets and your clothes are beginning to feel tight or do you want to change the way you eat in order to improve your health? There’s a big difference in the amount of commitment you’ll have depending upon how you answer that question.
The more enduring your reasons for wanting to change the better chance you’ll have of succeeding. If you want to make changes to your life only because you’re uncomfortable at this moment, it is very likely success will elude you. When you realize making any change to your life may be uncomfortable and will require dedication, and you still want to make them, you’ll have a much better chance that you’ll meet your challenge head on and actually come out on top.
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New Years Resolutions How to Make and Stick to Them
Why do people break resolutions?
Fear of failure is one reason why people make resolutions and then don’t follow through with them. They may be afraid that they’ll make an effort to change and the people around them won’t notice. They may also be afraid that the people who are important to them won’t appreciate the changes or they’ll be made fun of for trying to better themselves. If this describes you, don’t let fear of failure or what others will think stop you from making and sticking to New Year’s resolutions.
Think about when people make resolutions. They’ve just spent a ton of money on Christmas gifts, they’ve probably overindulged in all types of sweets and they haven’t exercised. They may have noticed the extra pounds creeping on and begin to dread January’s credit card bills. It’s easy to decide to make sweeping changes to your life when you’re frustrated. When reality sets in, however, and you’ve had a chance to think about your resolution, you may find it wasn’t such a great idea after all.
People may also give in to their old habits because they feel deprived. They’ve been used to eating the way they want or whipping out their credit cards without giving it a thought. Now that they have this New Year’s resolution to think about they can’t do those things any longer.
You may also decide that January isn’t the best time to start making changes. Working out in the cold isn’t as easy as running when it’s warm outdoors. Either that or you have to bundle up, drive on potentially icy roads and pay for a membership at a gym. Neither prospect is that appealing.
Another common reason why people give up on their resolutions is that they’re not getting the results they want as quickly as they’d like. Making changes requires you to be committed and willing to put for the effort required. Many times making changes causes people to experience discomfort of one type or another. It’s no wonder they talk themselves into not following through. It goes to show people who don’t continue to push themselves until they succeed are human.
You convince yourself it would be much easier to lose weight when fresh fruits and vegetables are in abundance so you’d rather wait until spring or summer to begin the process of tackling those excess pounds. The problem with putting off working toward your New Year’s resolution or goal is that when that time rolls around you probably will have completely forgotten about your resolution and nothing will have changed.
Is that really what you want to happen or are you ready to grab the bull by the horns? What are the things you’d like to change? What skills would you like to learn over the next year? Think about those questions and how you will answer them.
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