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Top Immune Boosters PLR Lead Magnet Kit

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Top Immune Boosters PLR Lead Magnet Kit

How Would You Like To Own Your Own High Converting Top Immune Boosters PLR Lead Magnet with Ready-to-go Squeeze Page So You Can Start Building Your List In The Health PLR Niche?

This Is Your Chance To Grab A Completely Done-For-You Top Immune Boosters PLR Lead Magnet That You Can Setup And Start Sending Traffic To In Order To Build Your Biggest Business Asset…Your Email List!


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Top Immune Boosters PLR Lead Magnet Kit

A High Quality Lead Magnet With Private Label Rights Consisting of 3862 words that includes a done-for-you HTML Squeeze Page and 7 Ready-to-go Autoresponder Follow-up Emails.

Top Immune Boosters PLR Report eCover

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Screenshot Inside the Top Immune Boosters PLR Lead Magnet Report:

Top Immune Boosters PLR Report Sneak Preview

Table of Contents 

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………… 3

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Get Plenty of Sleep…………………………………………………………………… 8

Stay Active……………………………………………………………………………… 12

Eat Whole Plant Foods……………………………………………………………. 15

Eat Healthy Fats……………………………………………………………………… 20

Eat Probiotic-Rich Foods…………………………………………………………. 22

Limit Sugar Intake……………………………………………………………………. 24

Stay Hydrated…………………………………………………………………………. 26

Reduce Stress………………………………………………………………………… 29

Quit Smoking…………………………………………………………………………… 32

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………… 34

Resources………………………………………………………………………………. 37

Sample Of The Content Inside The Top Immune Boosters PLR Lead Magnet:


Your immune system is an amazing machine. It’s responsible for keeping your body safe from outside invaders like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and toxins.

There are two main parts of your immune system: the part you were born with (innate or non-specific system) and the part you develop from exposure to the environment (adaptive acquired, or specific system).

Your immune system is made of various organs, cells, and proteins – skin cells, blood, bone marrow, tissues and organs like the thymus and lymph glands.

A strong immune system is your best defense against illness and infection. Without it, you would have no way of fighting off harmful substances or changes within the body.

Your immune system has three main tasks:

  • To fight pathogens (disease-causing “germs”) like viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites and get them out of your body
  • To recognize and neutralize harmful substances from the environment
  • To fight disease-causing changes in the body, like cancer cells

Your immune system is activated by antigens – things the body doesn’t recognize as belonging there. These are proteins on the surfaces of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

When the immune system cells come into contact with these antigens, a whole series of processes is stimulated in your immune system.

The good news is that once your immune system comes in contact with a germ, it will recognize that germ if it sees it again. This is why vaccines work to protect you against certain diseases.

In this special report, we’ll take a look at the top all-natural and safe immune boosters that everyone can take advantage of to strengthen your immune response, increase your resistance to disease and infection, and help you recover more quickly if you do become ill.

Let’s begin!

Get Plenty of Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can lower your immune response and leave you more likely to succumb to infection.

In a study of 164 adults, the ones who slept less than six hours a night proved more likely to catch a cold than those who slept longer.

When you’re sleep-deprived, your body makes stress hormones like cortisol to keep you awake and alert – and that can suppress your immune system.

And you may also take longer to recover if you’re sleep-deprived. That’s because your body can’t make enough antibodies to fight off disease if you’re not rested.

Your body also releases special proteins (cytokines) that help your immune system – but they only do that while you’re asleep. Your body does a lot of healing and regenerating while you’re asleep.

Typical adults should try to get seven or more hours of sleep daily to function properly.

Teens need eight to ten hours a night and younger children and infants need to get up to 14 hours of sleep to be at their best.

You’ll also be getting a high converting squeeze page that you can use to build your list!

Screenshot of the HTML Squeeze Page Included:

Top Immune Boosters PLR Squeeze Page


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You’ll also be getting 7 done-for-you PLR follow-up emails that you can pop into your Autoresponder and start sending to your new subscribers immediately after they join your email list!


Sample of these Top Immune Boosters PLR follow-up Autoresponder Messages:

Subject: Your Immune System


We’ll be talking about your body’s defense
system and how to boost it in our next series
of emails.

There are many natural ways to boost your
immune system and help you stay healthier.

Your immune system is an amazing machine. Its
job is to protect your body from foreign invaders,
toxins, and from internal changes like cancer.

Your immune system – your skin, blood, bone
marrow, tissues and organs like the thymus,
spleen, and lymph glands – keeps your body safe
from outside invaders like viruses, bacteria,
fungi and toxins.

It also recognizes and neutralizes harmful
substances from the environment and fights
disease-causing changes in the body (like cancer

There are two main parts to your immune system:
the part you were born with (innate or non-specific
system) and the part you develop from exposure to
the environment (adaptive acquired, or specific

White blood cells or leucocytes are part of this
system. These come in two basic varieties:
phagocytes that chew up invaders and lymphocytes
that let your body remember and recognize previous

Lymphocytes also come in several varieties.
B-Cells release antibodies to defend against
invaders. Helper T-Cells communicate between
B-Cells and Killer T-Cells, sending signals
that tell the killer cells to attack. Killer
T-Cells target and destroy infected cells and
cancer cells.

A strong immune system is your best defense
against illness and infection.

Without it, you would have no way of fighting
off harmful substances or changes within the
body. Your immune system is activated by
antigens – things the body doesn’t recognize
as belonging there.

These are proteins on the surfaces of bacteria,
viruses and fungi. When the immune system cells
come into contact with these antigens, a whole
series of processes is stimulated in your immune

B-lymphocytes are triggered. These make antibodies
that attach to the antigens and tag them for the
T-cells. T-cells then destroy these antigens and
signal for the phagocyte cells to come in and get
to work. Antibodies will also neutralize toxins
made by different organisms and activate a
special group of proteins that help kill viruses,
bacteria, and infected cells.

The good news is that once your immune system
comes in contact with a germ, it will recognize
that germ if it sees it again. This is why vaccines
work to protect you against certain diseases.

In our next email, we’ll talk about how to tell
if your immune system has been overwhelmed.

Until then,


These 7 top immune boosters PLR emails have a total word count of: 2800 words

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Don’t miss out on this chance to grab YOUR OWN rebrandable Top Immune Boosters PLR Lead Magnet that is done-for-you and ready for you to insert your affiliate links to start building your list and earning affiliate commissions.


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 Package Details:

– 1 Lead Magnet Report (PDF, DOC),
Report Word Count: 3862 words

– 7 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
Autoresponder Email Messages Word Count: 2800 words

– 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)

– File Size: 4MB

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