Purifying Plants PLR Lead Magnet Kit
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Purifying Plants PLR Lead Magnet Kit
How Would You Like To Own Your Own High Converting Purifying Plants PLR Lead Magnet with Ready-to-go Squeeze Page So You Can Start Building Your List In The Health PLR Niche?
This Is Your Chance To Grab A Completely Done-For-You Purifying Plants PLR Lead Magnet That You Can Setup And Start Sending Traffic To In Order To Build Your Biggest Business Asset…Your Email List!
Introducing The…
Purifying Plants PLR Lead Magnet Kit
A High Quality Lead Magnet With Private Label Rights Consisting of 4396 words that includes a done-for-you HTML Squeeze Page and 7 Ready-to-go Autoresponder Follow-up Emails.
Screenshot Inside the Purifying Plants PLR Lead Magnet Report:
Table of Contents
Purifying Plant #1: Pothos…………………………………………………………………….8
Purifying Plant #2: Dwarf Date Palm……………………………………………………….11
Purifying Plant #3: Peace Lily…………………………………………………………………14
Purifying Plant #4: Philodendron…………………………………………………………….16
Purifying Plant #5: Spider Plant……………………………………………………………..19
Purifying Plant #6: Chrysanthemums……………………………………………………..21
Purifying Plant #7: Rubber Plant……………………………………………………………23
Purifying Plant #8: Boston Fern……………………………………………………………26
Purifying Plant #9: Areca Palm……………………………………………………………..28
Purifying Plant #10: Dracaena………………………………………………………………31
Bonus Tips……………………………………………………………………………………………34
Sample Of The Content Inside The Purifying Plants PLR Lead Magnet:
If you’re like most people, you worry about the quality of the air you’re breathing. There’s just so much pollution nowadays, from factories and industries, vehicles, and second-hand smoke.
And it’s not just outside, either.
Inside, you’re exposed to that same air, plus whatever toxic chemicals happen to be in your cleaning products or the paint on your walls. There are also hundreds of microorganisms living in your house.
NASA produced a report on “Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement.” This study looked at various plants, plus a carbon filter to see whether the plants could absorb and purify toxins and microorganisms from indoor air.
Based on this report and other sources of proven research, we’ve compiled a list of the top indoor plants that can help purify your home’s air and protect you and your family from toxins and microorganisms.
Best of all, many of these are very easy to grow and maintain, so even if you aren’t a green-thumb, you can have clean air inside your home.
One thing to keep in mind, though. These are live plants, so they’ll need care and attention. If you overwater, you might end up with mold or other fungus that will make the air worse instead of better.
Be sure to follow directions and care for your plants appropriately, so they’ll thrive and help remove all those toxins from your air.
In this special report, we’ll uncover at the top indoor plants that will purify the air you breathe, as well as how to care for them.
We’ll also cover which toxins are most likely to be absorbed by each particular plant so you better understand how each variety goes to work in helping clean the air.
If you follow our directions and put a little work into caring for these plants, you’ll have a lovely, green home with a superior air supply.
Let’s begin!
You’ll also be getting a high converting squeeze page that you can use to build your list!
Screenshot of the HTML Squeeze Page Included:
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You’ll also be getting 7 done-for-you PLR follow-up emails that you can pop into your Autoresponder and start sending to your new subscribers immediately after they join your email list!
Sample of these Purifying Plants PLR follow-up Autoresponder Messages:
Subject: Growing a Pineapple Plant
Hi There!
This week, we’re talking about air purifying plants to
keep in your home. These are plants you can easily grow
in order to purify the air and create a healthier environment
for you and your family.
The pineapple plant is a rather unusual plant but one that
you should consider. While it doesn’t exactly reduce the toxins
in the air, it produces so much fresh oxygen that NASA put it
on their list of healthiest plants for your house!
It creates so much oxygen, in fact, that it has been proven
to reduce snoring if you keep a pineapple plant in your bedroom.
Here’s what you need to know:
First, purchase a pineapple.
Cut the top part off the fruit so you have the crown of stiff
leaves and a bit of stalk.
Cut off any extra fruit attached to the stalk.
Now, carefully peel away some of the lower leaves at the base
to reveal more stem and some small bumps.
There may even be some tiny roots beneath the leaves. Those
bumps are what’s called root primordia, which means they
are incipient roots just waiting to grow.
Prepare some potting soil so that it’s about half sand.
Sandblasting sand is a good sort of sand if you can find that.
The idea is to have a well-draining soil that will allow
plenty of oxygen down into the soil.
Place the stem portion of your pineapple into this soil
and water it well.
Keep the soil moist but not soggy until roots begin to
develop. This should take a couple of months.
To speed the process a bit, place the entire plant and pot
into a white plastic trash bag and knot it at the top.
Set this in a window. The plastic will keep the humidity high
while still allowing water to drain from the soil and the
white will keep the direct sunlight from burning the plant’s
tender leaves.
After about two months, you should begin seeing new growth
at the top of your pineapple plant. Tug gently at the leaves
to see if roots have developed.
If so, you will feel resistance to your tug. If the plant
simply comes loose, replant and wait longer.
If the stem is rotting, start over with a new pineapple
and fresh potting soil. Remember not to overwater.
To grow your new houseplant, give it a nice location where
it can get indirect sunlight for about six hours a day.
The best place would be outside in the warm shade during
summer. Not too much shade though – make sure there’s grass
growing there.
After a few months, you will have an interesting tropical
plant for your bedroom!
In our next email, we’ll talk about the aloe vera plant.
Until Then,
{Your Name Here}
These 7 purifying plants PLR emails have a total word count of: 3200 words
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Don’t miss out on this chance to grab YOUR OWN rebrandable Purifying Plants PLR Lead Magnet that is done-for-you and ready for you to insert your affiliate links to start building your list and earning affiliate commissions.
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Package Details:
– 1 Lead Magnet Report (PDF, DOC),
Report Word Count: 4396 words
– 7 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
Autoresponder Email Messages Word Count: 3200 words
– 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
– File Size: 4MB
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