680 Business and Marketing PLR Videos Firesale

MASSIVE PLR Video firesale
Profits Vault V1 SUPER Premium PLR Blowout

Profits Vault V1 – SUPER Premium PLR Blowout (242 000 Words)

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#emailcome #emailmarketing #emailmarketingtricks #emailmarketinginsights #emailmarketingstrategies #emailmarketingideas #emailmarketingtips #emailsubscribers #mailinglist #listbuilding #emailcopywriting #businessthroughemail #emailmarketingplr #websitetraffic #trafficstrategy #traffictips #traffictricks #trafficideas #targetedtraffic #referraltraffic #seotraffic #trafficplr #websitetrafficplr #profitablepackage #profitablepackagetips #profitablepackageideas #profitablepackageguide #pickaniche #selectatopic #salesfunnelplanning #backendoffers #bonuses #bonusestips #bonusesideas #couponscodes #bonusessecrets #typesofbonuses #bonusesuggestions #usingbonuses #businessbonuses #conversions #boostyourconversions #gettingmoresubscribers #boostyourprofits #targetmarket #salescopy #highconvertingheadlines #conversionstracking #conversionstesting #conversionmastery #conversionsecrets #conversionideas #ideas #goodideas #guidetoideas #brainstorming #brainstormingsessions #brainstormingtrick #ideamastery #ideastips #ideassecrets #ideassuggestions #ideasmethods #ideashacks #ideastemplates #ideasshortcuts #ideasresources #ideageneration #ideavalidation #ideaimplementation #ideasplr #nicheideas #businessideas #membershipsite# membershipcontent #membershipsitecontent #membershipsitetips #membershipsiteideas #membershipsitecontent #membershipsitecreators #membershipsitemodel #profitablemembershipsite #membershipsitestrategy

Profits Vault V1 – SUPER Premium PLR Blowout (242 000 Words)

Grab A Very SCARCE and LIMITED PLR License To The Entire 1,000+ Page Profits Vault V1 Package Consisting of Over 242 000 Words

This is Truly One of The Highest Quality PLR Licensing Opportunities You’ll Find Online and We’re Limiting It To 50 Licenses ONLY

PLR Content of this quality only comes around once in a while, and even then, they come so fast and within hours they’re gone for good.

If the content is this Premium PLR blowout fits your niche…

………..Don’t wait, grab it ASAP, you will not be sorry.

Hey There, It’s Mozie here,

PLR Deals like this do not come around often.

Personally when I see them, I grab them without hesitation because high quality PLR content is scarce without having to break the bank.

The PLR Courses and Content you’ll find in this blowout deal is the kind of content you can sell for $97, $297 and more if positioned correctly.

I’m going to be honest with you, I did not develop this content myself. I bought a license to be able to sell you a PLR license to it.

This content was developed by the “KING OF PLR”, that’s what I call him, because he is the one who started the PLR industry 20 years ago.

Jimmy is very well known around the web for developing some of the HIGHEST QUALITY PLR You’ll find online.

And unlike most PLR sellers, his content is not oversold and licensing is VERY LIMITED.

So that’s why I bought it, to make it available to you as I did not want you to miss out on it, plus I love offering Premium PLR content on BuyQualityPLR.com.

This PLR content blowout that you’re going to get today is $2000 worth of premium PLR content for a tiny fraction of the cost.

It’s my way of saying thank you for all the continued support over the years, I really do appreciate it.

If I had to put this PLR package into words…

This would be my description…

The BEST PLR Content Package Out There Created By The KING OF PLR! (The Guy Who Started It All)

This is not your average content, where you have to edit and rewrite half of it before it’s ready-to-go.

This is the kind of content that’s written by supreme copywriters and ready-to-go as is.

The only things you’ll probably want to do is:

  1. Add your name and branding
  2. Add links to your own products or affiliate offers
  3. Set prices and set it up for sale

Here’s some REALISTIC ideas of how to can profit with it and use it to grow your business knowing you’re using SUPREME PLR Content…

Edit the content, while using it to create your own profitable info-products like Courses, Video Courses, eBooks.

Break up some content and create elite List Building lead magnets. Your list will love you for providing them with premium content. Then upsell them more content as courses.

Transform the content into CDs, MP3 courses to help other learn. Charge premium prices your content.

Need coaching content? This package is perfect for adding fresh coaching content to your membership or as courses/modules for your coaching program. And your students will love you for it!

Host a webinar. Use the content in this package as a starting point for a webinar or teleseminar. This would include both free calls to use as lead generators to sell other offers, or as featured paid events to generate revenue.

Turn the content into an email course, and educate your list with premium content.

This content is sooo good, you’ll probably land up reading it, and learning so much from it because it’s not written as PLR.

There’s real coaches using this content as their coaching content in their business.

There’s so much more you can do with it, above is just some of the ideas for profiting with it…

3 Reasons to grab this deal RIGHT NOW

  1. This content would cost you a fortune

Having an experienced copywriter develop one of the products in this blowout would cost you easily over $500. All the products in this package could easily cost you $15 000 to have Ghostwritten.

  1. Limited PLR licenses available. 

We’re only going to sell 50 PLR licenses to this package to protect the content from being over-sold.

  1. Multiple Income Streams For You

This package can be transformed into multiple income streams for years to come. The content in this package is highly in-demand and evergreen, the quality is amazing and the possibilities only limited by your imagination.

There’s tons of PLR sites out there. And thousands of PLR deals.


….and you’re currently on the that package page! So congrats!

I hope you’re as hyped up as I am about this MONSTER PLR package…

…Because without further ado, I’m going to show you exactly what you’re getting with this limited licensing PLR deal

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have been added to your cart!

Introducing The…

PLR Profits Vault V1 – Premium PLR Content Blowout

Profits Vault V1 SUPER Premium PLR Blowout

The content includes over 1000 pages and over 242 000 words of high quality content that you can feel proud to use in your business.

Here’s what you’re getting in this incredible PLR licensing opportunity:



Course #1:  The 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages


The 31 Day PLR Guide To Profitable Packages


Page Count: 107 pages
Word Count: 23,000 words

This guide takes you from where you are today (no site, no content, maybe not even an idea) to getting your first package up and ready to take orders in about a month. Each day you’ll get a lesson on how to complete some part of the task, plus you’ll get an action step. If you follow the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be ready to start taking orders in 31 days!

Let’s take a look inside this The 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages:


The 31 Day Guide To Profitable Packages Inside Look


Sample Content for the 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages:

When a lot of people think about creating a package of materials to sell, they get overwhelmed. Create one piece of content… sure. But what about creating 10, 20 or more pieces in a mixed bag of reports, courses, worksheets, templates, checklists and more?

Overwhelm City!

Until now…

That’s because you’re about to walk through a step-by-step 31-day guide for creating your own profitable package by using private label rights content. It’s the easiest and most cost-effective way to create a lot of content… FAST. And if you use the tips you’re about to discover, you’ll end up with a very unique, high-value package!

So, without further ado, let’s jump in and get to work…

Day 1: Pick a Niche

First things first: before you can start planning a single piece of content for your profitable package, you need to know who you’ll be selling this package to. In other words, what niche?

You may already have a niche in mind. Maybe you’re already working in this niche. If so, great! But if not, then please review this lesson carefully and follow the steps below in order to pick your niche.

This step is actually composed of two major steps:

  1. Create a list of potential niches.
  2. Research these niches to find out which ones are profitable.

Let’s start with that first step…

Step 1: Create a List of Potential Niches

If you don’t already have some potential niches in mind, then your first step is to develop a list. Here’s how:

Brainstorm Potential Niches

Here you think about your own hobbies and challenges. List everything you can think of, from losing weight to scuba diving to restoring cars to back pain (and absolutely everything in between). Think about:

  • Your favorite things to do.
  • Biggest problems.
  • Tasks you wish were easier.
  • Where you spend your disposable income.
  • Places you like to visit (vacation).
  • Things you like to do on vacation.
  • Things you like to read about (books, blogs, etc.).
  • DIY jobs that you know how to do.
  • Things people ask you for advice about.

And similar topics – list everything you can think of, and then move onto the next step…

Pay Attention to Discover Niches

Now look around to come up with other niche ideas. This includes:

  • Looking at your friends’ and family members’ hobbies and challenges.
  • Taking note of what’s popular on social media.
  • Watching/reading the news for ideas.


Use Keyword Tools

Still another way to get ideas is by using a keyword tool (like MarketSamurai.com, KeywordTracker.com, or your favorite tool). The idea here is to enter a partial search and see what sort of niche ideas come up.


Plus you also get “The Profit-Maximizing Bonus Pack…


Profitable Packages Bonuses


Inside the bonus pack, you get five accessories that make it faster and easier for you to create an awesome package that your audience is sure to love.

Here’s what you get:

Bonus 1: Sales Letter Template

Bonus 2: The Profitable Packages Checklist

Bonus 3: How to Create an Effective Lead Magnet

Bonus 4: 50 Templates You Can Use to Create High-Converting Titles

Bonus 5: 40 Really Clever Ways to Use PLR Content


Let’s take a look inside this The 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages Bonuses:


Profitable Packages PLR Guide


Plus you get a professional sales letter for the product so you can be up and running fast. 

Just format to match your site design, insert your payment button and you’re ready to start taking orders!


Course #2: The 31-Day Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site


The 31-Day PLR Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site


Page Count: 88 pages
Word Count: 23,000 words

This guide takes you from where you are today (no site, no content, maybe not even an idea) to getting your first PLR membership site up and ready to take orders in about a month. Each day you’ll get a lesson on how to complete some part of the task, plus you’ll get an action step. If you follow the steps outlined in this guide, your site will be ready to go at the end of 31 days!

Let’s take a look inside this The Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site:


Profitable PLR Membership Site PLR Guide


Sample Content for the Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site:

Welcome to the 31 Day Startup Guide for a Profitable Membership Site!

Just as the name promises, you’re about to discover what to do for each of the next 31 days in order to get a PLR membership site up and running. You’ll go from “scratch” to “ready to take orders” during this time-frame, and you’ll do it all in a series of bite-size steps so you won’t get overwhelmed.

So, with that in mind, let’s get started…

Day 1: Select a Niche and Profitable Topic

First things first: you need to decide which niche you’ll cater to and what topic. Let’s start with the niche…

The key here is that you need to select a big, profitable niche market. The bigger the market is overall, the more marketers there will be in the niche – and that means more people for you to sell your PLR to.

You’ll want to look for niches inside the bigger, evergreen markets such as:

  • Weight loss.
  • Health and fitness.
  • Relationships/dating/marriage.
  • Jobs/career.
  • Business and marketing.
  • Make money online.
  • Finance/investing.
  • Hobbies (e.g., golf, car restoration, hunting, etc.).

And similar profitable and large markets.

Then what you’ll want to do is pick a smaller niche within this market. For example, you might pick health and fitness, and then focus on bodybuilding. If you’ve never dabbled in your chosen niche before, then be sure to do your market research to confirm it’s going to be profitable. (This means checking that people are already buying plenty of products in the niche.)

NOTE: At this point you don’t want to narrow down too much further, because you want to appeal to a relatively larger market. If you construct your materials the right way, then your buyers will be able to “niche-ify” your content to suit their needs. For example, your buyers could turn a report on bodybuilding into a report for women who want to lift weights.

Once you pick the niche, then you need to pick the topic. To do this, find out what topics are already really popular in your niche. If end users (aka consumers) are buying infoproducts like crazy on a specific topic, then you can bet marketers will want to get their hands-on PLR content on the same topic!

To that end, go to marketplaces like Amazon.com, ClickBank.com and JVZoo.com to see what topics in your niche are bestsellers.  You do this by running a search for your niche keywords (such as “bodybuilding” or “dog training”).  You’ll also want to check to see which topics have multiple competitors, as that’s a sign that the topic is popular and profitable.

The second step is to check out what other PLR sellers in your niche have on offer. You may find that there are a lot of competing PLR vendors on a topic. This isn’t a bad thing, as it shows the topic is indeed profitable. The key is that you need to separate yourself from these others sellers (which you’ll learn how to do later in this guide).

Alternatively, you may find that you don’t have much competition on a particular topic. If end users are buying a topic like crazy but there are few to none PLR vendors creating products on that same topic, that’s a potential unexploited niche for you to pursue. Be the first to enter the market with that particular topic, and you’ll dominate it!

Depending on what sort of site you’re setting up, you may select multiple popular topics around which you’ll create PLR content. For example, if you’re setting up a traffic generation site, you may select topics such as Facebook marketing, SEO for Google, guest blogging, JV marketing, and more. You’d then create reports or other PLR content on these topics to deliver to your members over time.

TODAY’S TASK:Your task for today is to brainstorm markets, pick a profitable niche within that overall market, and then pick a popular topic within the niche. The more research you do at this step, the more confident you’ll be in your decisions! (But don’t overdo it and go into analysis paralysis – do your research and make your decision in one day, and then move on.)


 Plus you also get “The Profit-Maximizing Bonus Pack”…


The Profit Maximizing Bonus Pack


Inside the bonus pack, you get five accessories to help you make the most of your PLR membership site. Here’s what you get:

Bonus 1:  The 3-Step System For Getting Free Traffic From Other PLR Sellers

Bonus 2:  5 PLR Membership Site Specific Strategies To Keep Members Spending

Bonus 3:  5 Reasons Why People Won’t Join Your Membership Site (And How To Make Sure They Will)

Bonus 4:  How To Out-Sell Your Competition By Doing What They Do Better Than They Do It

Bonus 5: The Best Way To Get New Members To Join Your PLR Membership Site


Let’s take a look inside this The Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site Bonuses:

Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site PLR Content


Plus you get a professional sales letter for the product so you can be up and running fast.

Just format to match your site design, insert your payment button and you’re ready to start taking orders!


Premium Article Library

20 SUPER Premium Articles (Over 10 000 Words of High Quality Content)


Article Library 20 Premium Internet Marketing PLR Articles


Page Count: 47 pages
Word Count: 10,000 words

This package of 20 high-quality articles includes eight how-to articles, eight list articles, and 4 FAQ-style articles. Here’s what’s included:

  1. How to Create a Course Your Customers Will Really Love
  2. How to Write a Compelling Sales Letter
  3. How to Monetize Your Blog
  4. How to Start Guest Blogging
  5. How to Get More Visibility in Google
  6. How to Start a Profitable Affiliate Program
  7. How to Build a Responsive Mailing List
  8. How to Promote Backend Offers Throughout Your Sales Funnel
  9. 7 Current Marketing Trends That Are Happening Right Now
  10. 10 Surefire Ways to Get Targeted Traffic
  11. 6 Types of Products Every Infoproduct Creator Ought to Have in Their Sales Funnel
  12. 8 Types of Lead Magnets You Can Use to Attract the Right Audience and Build Your List
  13. 7 Ways to Increase Profits (backend, upsell/cross-sell, etc.)
  14. Five Places to Purchase a Highly Effective Paid Ad
  15. 7 Essential Social Media Platforms
  16. 10 Types of Videos You Should be Sharing With Your Market
  17. Your Content Marketing Questions Answered: The Content Marketing FAQ
  18. How to Create an In-Demand Product: The Product Creation FAQ
  19. The Infoproduct Marketer’s Social Media Marketing FAQ
  20. Hands-Free Income: The Outsourcing FAQ

A look inside the Premium Quality PLR Articles Pack:

Article Library Premium Internet Marketing Inside Look


Sample Content for the Article Library Premium PLR Article:

How to Create a Course Your Customers Will Really Love

Whether you’re talking about a text-based course or a video course, customers tend to love these types of products.  And you’ll love selling them, since the high perceived value means you can charge more for a course versus other infoproduct formats (such as ebooks).

So, with that in mind, check out these three steps for creating courses your customers will love…

Step 1: Do Your Market Research

The first thing you need to do is figure out what your audience wants. A good way to do this is to find out what they’re already buying. You can check:

  • com to see what sort of video courses they’re buying.
  • Marketplaces like Amazon and ClickBank to see what sort of infoproducts they’re buying in your niche.
  • Websites in your niche to see what they’re selling.
  • Paid advertisements (such as sponsored ads) to see what they’re promoting.

Look for bestsellers and multiple vendors selling similar topics – these are both signs that a particular topic is “hot” in your niche right now.

Select a topic that looks like it will sell well, and then move to the next step…

Step 2: Decide What to Include

Next, you need to decide what to include in your course and start creating your outline. To do this, take two steps:

  1. Think up all the sub-topics, steps, tips, examples, mistakes, etc. you’d like to include in your course.
  1. Find out what similar infoproducts. Use this information for inspiration – do NOT copy.

NOTE: While you may choose a topic that others have done before, and you may even look to similar products for inspiration, your goal is to create something fresh. This means:

  • Sharing novel tips.
  • Sharing unique information such as case studies, personal stories and personal examples.
  • Sharing information in a new way, such as turning a step-by-step formula into an acronym/formula. (E.G., “AIDA” (attention, interest, desire, action) is an acronym that describes a copywriting formula – you can create your own acronym-based formula around a step by step process.)

Next step…

Step 3: Develop Your Course

Once you know what all information you want to include, then organize it into a step-by-step format. If you’re delivering the course in parts, then create equal-sized modules. (E.G., you might create a 12-module course and deliver one lesson/module per week for three months.)

Keep these tips in mind:

  • Use a light, conversational tone. Look at this article as an example.
  • Add relevant stories to keep people engaged. For example, what problems did you have when you first started with this niche topics? What mistakes did you make?
  • Add value to your course. Offer worksheets, checklists, templates, swipes, planners and cheat sheets to help people take action on what they just learned.
  • Proof and polish. If you have errors in your course, people will judge the information as a whole to be low-quality. If needed, hire someone to proof and fact-check your course.
  • Insert backend offers. Promote related products and services inside your course.

As always, you can outsource this entire task to a freelance writer (or video editor) to produce a polished end result.


You can easily turn these premium PLR articles into a course, premium offer or even a residual income offer, so you can educate people with great content and charge top dollars for your coaching content! These articles are not your usual crappy PLR. They are high quality articles developed by a PLR veteran.


Each of these articles is between 500-600 words in length and are perfect to load “as is” to autoresponder sequences, blogs, courses, membership sites and other content publications.   


EMAILCOME:  The Guides To Email Marketing

Premium PLR Course about Email Marketing


Emailcome Premium Email Marketing PLR Guides


Page Count: 120 pages
Word Count: 29,000 words

Introducing “Emailcome: How to Reach More People and Do More Business” – a set of 12 guides that show you what’s really working right now to create and grow a profitable mailing list. Each of these guides is jam-packed with 17 of my best tips, tricks and keys to online success.

Here’s what you get:

Guide 1: The Guide To Campaign Strategy:  17 Keys To Creating A Profitable Promotional Calendar

Guide 2: The Guide To Getting Subscribers: 17 Best Practices For Building Your List Every Single Day

Guide 3: The Guide To Ideation:  17 Places To Look For Inspiration And Ideas To Write About (That Your Subscribers Will Respond To)

Guide 4: The Guide To Open Rates:  17 Ideas For Ensuring When Subscribers Check Their Email They Read Yours

Guide 5: The Guide To Getting Attention:  17 Ways To Create Subject Lines That Stand Out In The Inbox

Guide 6: The Guide To Crafting Messages:  17 Essential Elements Of Effective Email Copywriting

Guide 7: The Guide To Getting Clicks:  17 Things You Can Do Get People To Leave Their Inbox To Go To Your Site

Guide 8: The Guide To Segmentation: 17 Tips, Ideas, Examples and Insights For Getting The Right Message To The Right Audience

Guide 9: The Guide To Follow-Ups:  17 Suggestions For Your Own Set It And Forget It Sales

Guide 10: The Guide To Reader Loyalty:  17 Ways To Make People Love You And Your Business Through Email

Guide 11: The Guide To Deliverability:  17 Checks You Must Make Before You Hit Send (Or Your Email May Never Arrive)

Guide 12: The Guide To Analytics:  17 Insights For Interpreting, Improving And Increasing Your Results With Every Email You Send


Let’s take a look inside this Emailcome Premium Email Marketing PLR Guides:

Emailcome Premium PLR Course


Sample Content for the Emailcome Premium Email Marketing PLR Guides:

Guide 1: The Guide To Campaign Strategy 17 Keys To Creating A Profitable Promotional Calendar

So, you’re going to build an email list… now what?

Some marketers just wing it, meaning they decide what they’re going to send to their subscribers at the moment they sit down to craft an email. Failing to plan an email ahead of time won’t hurt if you do it once in a blue moon. Truth is, however, the most successful email marketers plan their promotional calendar well ahead of time, anywhere from six months to a year in advance. And these are the folks that tend to have the most profitable lists.

So, with that in mind, you’re about to discover how to plan out your own profitable promotional calendar. Read on…

  1. Determine Your Goals

The first thing you need to do is decide on the primary and secondary goals for your mailing list. You’ll define these goal in this order:

  1. Define the overall goals for your mailing list as a whole. Note: you’ll have different goals for each segment of your list. E.G., the goal of your prospect list is to get people to buy their first offer, while the goal of a customer list is to get repeat buys.
  2. Define the goal for EACH sequence you intend to create.
  3. Define the specific goal for EACH email you intend to create.

That way, you’ll know that each email supports the goal of each sequence, and each sequence you create supports the overall goal for your mailing list.

For example, your overall mailing list goal might be to make $X amount of money by promoting your offers as well as your partners’ offers.

To support this goal, you plan on sending an email sequence for each offer you want to promote.

You then plan how each individual email will help you sell more of a particular offer.

So, start by writing down your goals. Then check out this next idea…

  1. 7 Types of Email Sequences That Work

There are plenty of different sequences you can use to grow your relationship with your list and promote offers. Check out these popular types of sequences:

Onboarding. Here’s where you send an initial sequence of emails to new customers to remind them of the benefits of the product they purchase, to show them how to get the most out of it, and to encourage them to start using it.

Indoctrination. This is a welcome series that you send to new subscribers to let them know what your business is about and how you can help them.

Ascension. This is the series you send immediately after a purchase to persuade a buyer to purchase more offers from you.

Special promos/sales sequences. This includes sequences for things like launch week specials, flash sales, holiday sales and similar events.

Fear-Logic-Gain. This is a three-part sales sequence, where each email appeals to a different emotion or rationale.

Objection handling. Here’s where you raise and handle common objections (one objection per email).

Social proof sequence. This series is all about sharing case studies, testimonials and other proof.


  1. 10 Questions to Ask Before Creating a Promotional Calendar

You’ve defined your goals and you know the different types of sequences that can help you achieve your goals. Now it’s time to plan out your promotional calendar for at least the next six months.

Answer these questions:

Which of your own products will you promote?

How many emails will you send for each offer? (Be specific.)

Which of your partners’ products will you promote?

How many emails will you send for each partner offer?

When will you promote each offer listed above? (E.G., a new launch needs to be promoted during that specific week, whereas an existing offer can fit anywhere into your calendar.)

What sort of sales/promos will you promote? Be specific.

Will you have any sequences tied to specific dates, such as a holiday sale?

Of the offers that aren’t tied to any specific date, is there a logical place they should fit into your calendar? For example, if you’re promoting a fat-loss guide that’s called “Get Ready for Bikini Season,” then it makes sense to promote it a couple months before summer. Or if you’re promoting something like a stop smoking guide, then it makes sense to make a big promotional push during the New Year when people are making resolutions.

Which of the above can go into your autoresponder, and which will need to be live broadcasts?

How will your indoctrination and onboarding sequences fit into the above?

Once you answer these questions, then you’ll be able to plan a calendar that’s designed to generate as many sales as possible.

Now read on to get more tips for refining your calendar…

  1. Balance Autoresponder Messages With Live Broadcasts

Be aware of what sort of autoresponder messages your list is receiving when you send them live broadcasts. You need to balance these so that your audience doesn’t become inundated with messages.

For example, you might segment your list so that those who are receiving onboarding messages every couple days aren’t also hit with your live broadcasts. (Note: this is only temporary for a couple weeks – once someone is done with the onboarding sequence, then they can receive all your other emails too.)

  1. Create Consistency/Continuity

When you’re creating your emails and sequences, be sure everything about them matches the rest of your business. Your lead pages, lead magnets, blog posts, social media posts, products and everything else should all have a consistent message and overall feel (e.g., same writing voice).

TIP: If you’re outsourcing some of this content, then tweak it as a needed to create a consistent message and voice. Whenever possible, hire the same writer to create all your content to help maintain consistency.

Here’s the next set of ideas…

  1. 8 Questions to Ask Yourself When Creating an Email Sequence

Before you plan a sequence, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the goal of this sequence?
  • How many emails will be in the sequence?
  • What is the outline for each email?
  • How long will each email be?
  • How will each email help my subscribers?
  • What will the title (subject line) of each email be?
  • What will the call to action look like?
  • Will I offer any special incentives to get people to take action now?

Be sure you have good answers to these questions, as doing so will keep your sequence tight, focused and effective.

  1. 15 Different Types of Email Formats

Your sequences can consist of a variety of content. Here are different types of emails that might show up in a sequence:

  • Direct response (hard selling) emails.
  • Product reviews.
  • Product comparisons.
  • How-to/tutorial.
  • Lists (gear lists, resource lists, etc.).
  • Coaching Q&A.
  • “Last chance” emails.
  • Anticipation emails (used at the beginning of a launch sequence).
  • Cheat sheets.


  1. Pick the Right Sequence Length

Generally, your sequences should be around three to seven emails long for each product you promote. Ask yourself these questions to pick the right length:

What is the price of the offer? Higher prices = longer sequences.

Is this a new product? Use longer sequences if the audience is unfamiliar with the product.

Are the subscribers new to your list? Use longer sequences if the audience is new, shorter sequences for long-time subscribers or customers.

For example, if you’re promoting a $20 offer to your customer list, you can send three emails. On the other hand, if you’re selling a $197 offer to new subscribers, then you may send out a sequence of five to seven emails.

  1. Promote Right Away

Some people think they should “nurture” their list before promoting anything. Truth is, you should promote offers right in the first email. That’s because a good product recommendation helps subscribers. Why would you keep a solution from your subscribers that would really help them? Recommending solutions right away sets the right expectations, and grows your relationship when your audience sees that you’re interested in helping them.

  1. Craft Evergreen Content

When you’re crafting sequences that you intend to upload to your autoresponder, be sure to craft evergreen content. This is content that won’t get outdated – it will be just as good six months from now as it is today. To that end, be sure to share time-tested strategies and products in your evergreen sequences.

  1. Consider Retention Strategies

As you develop your sequences, you’ll want to keep an eye towards retaining your subscribers so that they continue opening and reading your emails. Here are four ways to do it:

  • Focus on helping your subscribers and customers FIRST (e.g., no recommending subpar solutions just to line your own pockets).
  • Send high-quality content that impresses readers.
  • Offer occasional surprise freemiums and perks like exclusive discounts.
  • Encourage interaction on another platform (like your blog or even a subscribers-only Facebook group) so that subscribers feel special and like they’re part of a community.


Plus you also get the free report called “The Database Dozen:  12 Must-Dos For Building And Monetizing An Email List” — this makes a great lead magnet to presell the Emailcome set of guides!

Plus you get a professional sales letter for the product so you can be up and running fast.

Just format to match your site design, insert your payment button and you’re ready to start taking orders!



Guidebook #1:  The Ultimate Guide To Bonuses


The Ultimate Guide To Bonuses Premium PLR Guide


Page Count: 42 pages
Word Count: 11,000 words

This exciting guide gives you 101 Tips, Secrets, Ideas, Suggestions, Methods, Hacks, Templates, Shortcuts, Resources And Lists For Bonus and Incentive Mastery!

Inside this jam-packed guide, you’ll discover the three steps you need to optimize your bonus and incentive strategy, including:

  • Using Bonuses
  • Creating Bonuses
  • Optimizing Bonuses


Let’s take a look inside this The Ultimate Guide To Bonuses Premium PLR Guide:


The Ultimate Guide To Bonuses Premium PLR Course


Sample Content for The Ultimate Guide To Bonuses Premium PLR Guide:

The Ultimate Guide To Bonuses

101 Tips, Secrets, Ideas, Suggestions, Methods,Hacks, Templates, Shortcuts, Resources And Lists

Offering bonuses and incentives in your business work wonders to boost conversion rates, reduce refunds, get referrals, and motivate affiliates. That’s why you’re about to discover 101 tips, tricks and hacks for using bonuses and incentives to grow your business. Here are the three key areas we’ll focus on:

  • Using Bonuses
  • Creating Bonuses
  • Optimizing Bonuses

Let’s jump in…


Check out these ideas for using bonuses and incentives effectively…

  1. 4 Characteristics of a Successful Bonus

Effective bonuses possess these characteristics:

  • They’re valuable. Your bonus should be something you can easily sell for $25, $50 or more.
  • They’re in-demand. Simply put, a bonus needs to be something your audience wants, so be sure to do your market research before you create your bonus.
  • They’re highly related to the main offer. Indeed, the bonus ideally should make it easier or better to use the main offer.
  • They’re easy-to-deliver. Your bonus won’t be very effective for you if you need to deliver it manually. Be sure your bonus is easy to deliver so that high volume doesn’t put a damper on your campaigns.


  1. 18 Different Types of Bonuses and Incentives

What sort of bonus or incentive can you offer to grow your business? Check out these ideas:

  • Ebooks or reports.
  • Access to membership sites.
  • Access to a private group.
  • Coaching/consulting.
  • Done-for-you offers or services.
  • Cheat sheets.
  • Planners or calendars.
  • Apps, software or plugins.
  • Free trials.
  • Multipart ecourse.

Here’s the next tip…

  1. 10 Ways to Use Bonuses to Grow Your Business

There are a whole lot of ways to use bonuses and incentives to grow your business. These include:

  • Add value to affiliate offers (which boosts conversions).
  • Boost conversions on your own offers.
  • Retain members in a membership site.
  • Reduce refunds.
  • Receive more customer referrals.
  • Motivate affiliates.
  • Encourage people to share content.
  • Get people to join a webinar.
  • Give people an extra incentive to request a lead magnet.
  • Offer people an incentive for requesting a quote or trial.

This isn’t necessarily an exhaustive list. Think about what you want your prospects, customers, and affiliates to do and how you can give them an incentive to take that specific action.

  1. How to Use Bonuses to Overcome Buying Objections

One good way to boost conversions is by using bonuses to overcome buying objections.

For example, let’s suppose you’re selling a weight-loss product and the buyer objection is this: “I’m too busy to follow this diet.”

You can overcome this objection by offering a bonus that makes it quick and easy to follow the diet, such as a package of meal plans, quick recipes, and accompanying shopping lists.

5.How to Use Bonuses to Boost Affiliate Sales

When you’re promoting an affiliate offer, you have a lot of competition. One way to both overcome this competition and boost your affiliate paycheck is by offering bonuses.

Here’s the key: you need to offer something that’s highly related to the main offer. It should be something that makes using the main product easier and better.

For example, if you’re promoting a copywriting course, then you might offer a package of sales letter templates and swipes as a bonus to those who purchase through your affiliate link.

  1. How to Use Bonuses to Sell More Products/Services

You can boost your conversions on your own products by offering bonuses. This increases the perceived value of the overall offer and pushes people towards the buying decision.

Again, the key is to give people something that’s really in demand and something that complements the main offer. For example, if you’re selling a weight-loss course, then you might offer a meal-planning app as a bonus.

  1. How to use Bonuses in a Membership Site

Offering bonuses in a membership site is not only a great way to boost conversions, but you can also use it to retain members. This works really well if you offer delayed bonuses.

For example:

  • Offer a new monthly bonus for every month that a customer retains their membership.
  • Offer a bonus every three months.
  • Offer a “graduation” bonus if it’s a fixed-term membership site.


  1. 15 Places to Promote a Bonus

In order to make a bonus or incentive as effective as possible, you need to spread the word that you’re offering the bonus. Here are 15 places to promote your bonus:

  • Sales page.
  • Lead page.
  • On the order form.
  • On an upsell/OTO page.
  • Via email.
  • Sidebar of a blog.
  • Blog header.
  • Blog content.
  • On a notification/attention bar.
  • Embedded in a coupon.
  • On social media.
  • In a signature file.


Plus you get a professional sales letter for the product so you can be up and running fast.

Just format to match your site design, insert your payment button and you’re ready to start taking orders!


Guidebook #2: The Ultimate Guide To Conversions

The Ultimate Guide To Conversions Premium PLR Guide

Page Count: 42 pages
Word Count: 11,000 words

This guidebook reveals 101 Tips, Secrets, Ideas, Suggestions, Methods, Hacks, Templates, Shortcuts, Resources And Lists For Conversion Mastery!

Here are the four main areas we’ll be looking at to boost your conversions:

  • Usability and Design
  • Target Market
  • Sales Copy
  • Tracking/Testing

Let’s take a look inside this The Ultimate Guide To Conversions Premium PLR Guide:


The Ultimate Guide To Conversions Premium PLR Course


Sample Content for The Ultimate Guide To Conversions Premium PLR Guide:

The Ultimate Guide To Conversions

101 Tips, Secrets, Ideas, Suggestions, Methods,Hacks, Templates, Shortcuts, Resources And Lists

Are you leaving money on the table?

If you’re not optimizing your conversions, then you can bet the answer is a resounding “yes.” But fortunately it’s easy to start getting better conversions, more sales and more money. And this Go To Guide will show you how!

Here are the four main areas we’ll be looking at to boost your conversions:

  • Usability and Design
  • Target Market
  • Sales Copy
  • Tracking/Testing

Let’s get started…


If your site, email or advertisement doesn’t look good and/or it’s not user friendly, you’ll struggle with low conversions. Check out these tips…

  1. Get a Professional Design

Whether it’s an HTML template for an email, a blog theme or a sales page layout, don’t skimp on design. You can use a polished template, or you can hire someone to create a professional design for you.

  1. Check Links

Nothing spells “amateur” like a web page, email or other communication with broken links. And, obviously, a broken link is going to sink conversions. That’s why you’ll want to double check all links before you post them, and then periodically check links on your website to be sure everything is in good working order.

TIP: If you’re selling affiliate products, be sure to use a redirect link (preferably one that goes through your own domain first) rather than a direct affiliate link. That way, if the vendor retires the product or changes the affiliate links, you won’t have “dead” links floating around in lead magnets, blog posts and elsewhere. Instead, you can quickly and easily change the link to a similar product.


  1. Be Sure Forms and Scripts Work

Same reason as above – it will look like amateur hour if your scripts don’t work, and it’s downright disastrous if your call to action involves that script. As such, check your forms and scripts regularly, and be sure to check them across different devices and browsers to ensure they work for everyone.

  1. Do Usability Testing

The idea here is to get three or four people to complete common tasks on your website, and then get their feedback regarding how to improve the process. For example, you can have users purchase a product and report on the process.

Check out these two best practices for usability testing:

  • Get actual users. In other words, be sure your users are people who are from your target market (your ideal audience).
  • Do it in person. You can also do usability testing via video, such as Skype. The point is that you want to be able to see the user’s face so that you can pick up on facial cues that the person is confused (e.g., a furrowed brow).

Here’s the next conversion tip…

  1. Don’t Create Hoops

If you’re trying to get someone to take a specific action – such as order a product – then don’t create unnecessary hoops between the user and the action you want them to take.

Check out these two tips:

  • Don’t make buyers register for an account before they can complete the order. If creating an account is a necessity (such as for a membership site), then have your buyers do this AFTER the ordering process. (And be sure the registration process fills in the form as much as possible based on details the buyer provided during the ordering process.)
  • Do test an order form embedded directly into the sales page. In other words, see if you can boost your conversions by eliminating the need for people to click on an order button that takes them to an order form.


  1. Check Your Font

Sometimes marketers try to use “cool” and unusual fonts to make their content stand out.

Don’t do this. Your focus needs to be on easily readable font. If it’s too small or otherwise too hard to read on the user’s device, you can bet your conversion rate is going to struggle. As such, stick with the old standby fonts such as Arial and Verdana.

  1. Design With Mobility In Mind

Plenty of your prospects are going to be reading your emails, sales letters and other communications on their phones or other devices. That’s why you want to make sure you use a responsive template or theme that adjusts to different devices. In other words, web pages such as your sales letter should look good on both a 24” desktop screen and a mobile device.

Keep these tips in mind:

  • Be sure the design is truly responsive. This means columns, graphics and other design elements automatically adapt to look best on whatever device the prospect is using.
  • Make links easy to tap. This means putting plenty of space between links and creating big buttons so that mobile users who are tapping these links can do so easily.


  1. Add Live Chat

If you have a customer service staff that’s at least available and on during normal business hours, then you may consider offering a live chat option on your website. This lets prospects get their pre-sale questions answered immediately, which in turn boosts conversions.

  1. Watch for Abandoned Carts

If you traffic logs are showing that too many people are abandoning their shopping carts or order forms, then it’s time to figure out what the problem is. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the price clearly stated on the sales page? Sometimes people click through to the order form just to get a price if it’s not clearly marked on the sales page.
  • Is the ordering process easy? If not, people will abandon their orders.
  • Does the order form look trustworthy? Again, people will click away if they don’t trust their credit card on your order form.

And here’s something related…

Plus you get a professional sales letter for the product so you can be up and running fast.

Just format to match your site design, insert your payment button and you’re ready to start taking orders!


Guidebook #3: The Ultimate Guide To Ideas


The Ultimate Guide To Ideas Premium PLR Guide


Page Count: 42 pages
Word Count: 11,000 words

This exciting report reveals 101 Tips, Secrets, Ideas, Suggestions, Methods, Hacks, Templates, Shortcuts, Resources And Lists For Idea-Generation Mastery!

Perhaps some folks stumble into good ideas through sheer dumb luck. But the truth is, most folks who have great ideas go through a three-part process which includes:

  • Idea Generation
  • Idea Validation
  • Idea Implementation

Let’s take a look inside this The Ultimate Guide To Ideas Premium PLR Guide:


The Ultimate Guide To Ideas PLR Course Content


Sample Content for The Ultimate Guide To Ideas Premium PLR Guide:

The Ultimate Guide To Ideas

101 Tips, Secrets, Ideas, Suggestions, Methods,Hacks, Templates, Shortcuts, Resources And Lists

Seems like big ideas are all around you. But if you’re like a lot of people, you may wonder exactly how others are able to generate these awesome ideas. Are they just incredibly lucky or what?

Perhaps some folks stumble into ideas through sheer good luck. But the truth is, most folks who have great ideas go through a three-part process which includes:

  • Idea Generation
  • Idea Validation
  • Idea Implementation

The good news is that you’re about to discover 101 ideas, tips, tricks and hacks across these three parts. So without further ado, let’s get started…


Ever get stuck when it comes to generating great ideas? This won’t ever happen again once you read all these tips and ways to generate all the ideas you need. Check them out…

  1. Two Great Ways to Capture Ideas

Don’t let your best ideas slip away and be forgotten. Instead, capture them using one of these methods:

  • Use your phone. You can of course record your ideas using videos or sound files. Better yet, use an app like EverNote.com, which is geared towards those who want to capture ideas.
  • Utilize pen and paper. If you prefer, you can go old school and use pen and paper to capture ideas. A small notebook that fits in your pocket works well for this purpose.

Whatever method you choose, be sure to always keep it handy. That means having it with you in the car, next to your bed, at work, and everywhere else you go.

  1. 3 Keys to Better Brainstorming Sessions

If you want to create better ideas, then you need to start having better brainstorming sessions. Check out these tips:

  • Set plenty of uninterrupted time aside. You should brainstorm for at least 20 to 30 minutes straight, without interruption.
  • Brainstorm as quickly as possible. Write (or type) everything quickly, without pausing to evaluate your ideas.
  • Don’t censor your ideas. Write EVERYTHING down, even if it seems silly or nonsensical in the moment.


  1. Map Your Ideas

Some people don’t like to brainstorm in linear ways. If you’re a part of this group, then you’ll want to try mind mapping. This is where you start with a central idea in the middle of your page, and then “branch out” with ideas that spring from your central idea. Your secondary ideas may also have branches (and so on).

For example, your central idea may be “dog.” Secondary ideas may include training, health, socialization and similar ideas. You may also branch out from these ideas. For example, “training” may have branches such as house training, obedience training, trick training and similar.

  1. Use Google to Get Ideas

Here are two ways to generate ideas using Google:

  • Try Google autocomplete. Go to the Google search engine and enter partial keywords related to your niche. For example, if you enter “dog,” then Google will suggest ideas such as dog breeds, dog training, dog boarding and similar.
  • Use the Google keyword tool. You can use Google’s tool (at https://ads.google.com/home/tools/keyword-planner/) or your favorite keyword tool to generate ideas. Just enter partial searches such as “how to” or “tips” or “get rid of,” and you’ll get all kinds of ideas.


  1. Utilize Storyboarding

Another way to generate ideas is to use “old fashioned” storyboarding. This is where you get a corkboard and pin your ideas to it. You may pin pictures, words, or anything else that represents your ideas. Be creative, move your ideas around on the board, free associate, and see what happens.

  1. Spy on Your Competitors

One sneaky way to generate ideas is to see what your competitors are doing. This means checking out the following:

  • Blog posts.
  • Emails/newsletters.
  • Social media posts.

The best part about checking social media (and sometimes blog posts) is that you’ll simultaneously get an idea of whether an idea is popular just based on how many people like, share and comment on it. Be sure to also read visitor comments which may generate even more content, product, service and/or business ideas.

  1. Find Out What’s Selling

Still another way to generate ideas is to run a search for your niche keywords and take a look at what others are selling. You can complete this search in marketplaces such as ClickBank.com, iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon.com. You can also run a general Google search to see what pops up.


  1. Look at TOCs

A great way to generate a bunch of content or even product ideas fast is to look at the tables of contents of popular products in your niche. For example, if a book has 10 chapters and each chapter has five sub-topics, that’s 50 quick ideas for you.

  1. Check Popular Articles

You can check your own articles, check your competitors’ articles, or even check article packs in your niche that PLR sellers are offering. Whatever method you choose, the point is to generate ideas from articles. In most cases, you can generate multiple content or product ideas from each article.

For example, if an article has ten tips, those ten tips are ten potential product or article ideas.

  1. Browse the News

Spend time every day browsing news sites such as the BBC, NPR, CNN and even your local news. You can also run searches on these sites for niche keywords to uncover relevant stories, which may lead to product, content or business ideas.

  1. Go to Google Scholar

This is a place where you can search for topics in academic journals. For example, if you’re serving the weight loss market, then you might search these journals to learn the latest about metabolism, nutrition and exercise. In turn, what you learn may lead to some great product and content ideas.

For example, let’s suppose that researchers uncover how a certain food or supplement raises the metabolism. You can create a diet based on this research and put it on sale as soon as possible. By the time news of this research spreads, you’ll have a product in place and ready to go.


And this process is exactly what you’ll be learning about inside this jam-packed guide!

Plus you get a professional sales letter for the product so you can be up and running fast.

Just format to match your site design, insert your payment button and you’re ready to start taking orders!


Guidebook #4: The Ultimate Guide To Membership Sites


The Ultimate Guide To Membership Sites Premium PLR Guide 10k Words


Page Count: 42 pages
Word Count: 11,000 words

This report gives you 101 Tips, Secrets, Ideas, Suggestions, Methods, Hacks, Templates, Shortcuts, Resources And Lists For Membership Site Mastery!

If you’re planning on setting up and running a membership site, then you need to go through a five-step process. These five steps include:

  • Planning: here’s where you decide on the niche and topic for your site, as well as picking your membership site model and starting to plan your content.
  • Production: at this step you start producing your content and setting up your site.
  • Preselling/Persuasion: here you create materials to presell prospects and persuade them to join your membership site.
  • Profits: this is where you’ll seek out strategies and best practices for boosting your membership site profits.
  • Participation: getting members active and participating in your site is the key to member retention, which is why you’ll want to put these participation tactics to work for you.

Let’s take a look inside this The Ultimate Guide To Membership Sites Premium PLR Guide:


The Ultimate Guide To Membership Sites Coaching Course Content


Sample Content for The Ultimate Guide To Membership Sites Premium PLR Guide:

The Ultimate Guide To Membership Sites

101 Tips, Secrets, Ideas, Suggestions, Methods,Hacks, Templates, Shortcuts, Resources And Lists

If you’re planning on setting up and running a membership site, then you need to go through a five-step process. These five steps include:

  • Planning: here’s where you decide on the niche and topic for your site, as well as picking your membership site model and starting to plan your content.
  • Production: at this step you start producing your content and setting up your site.
  • Preselling/Persuasion: here you create materials to presell prospects and persuade them to join your membership site.
  • Profits: this is where you’ll seek out strategies and best practices for boosting your membership site profits.
  • Participation: getting members active and participating in your site is the key to member retention, which is why you’ll want to put these participation tactics to work for you.

Let’s jump in…


Your first step in setting up a membership site is to do a little planning and research. Check out these tips, strategies and best practices…

  1. Three Best Practices for Market Research

The worst thing you can do is go through all the work of setting up a membership site, only to find out no one is interested in the topic. That’s why you’ll want to do your market research. Here are three best practices to follow:

  • Use multiple methods to do your research, but remember that the best predictor of future buying behavior is to look at past behavior.
  • Look for gaps in the market. Is there a particular subniche or topic that no other expert has fully claimed or specialized in?
  • Avoid relying on surveys. What people say they’re going to do and what they actually do often tends to be different.


  1. Three Characteristics of a Good Topic

Got a topic in mind that you think would work well delivered in a membership site format? Check that it has these three characteristics:

  • It’s focused enough to attract a targeted market, yet broad enough for a membership site. Typically, you deliver many months’ worth of content, so be sure you have enough information to cover across multiple lessons.
  • It’s a pressing problem or “obsessive” hobby for your audience. If the audience is lukewarm about the topic, they’re not going to stay members beyond a month or two.
  • It’s something that you’re knowledgeable about and find interesting. This will keep you motivated to keep running your site. Plus, it helps establish you as an expert once members see how knowledgeable you are on the topic.

Here’s the next thing to know…

  1. Three Dos and Don’ts for Picking a Model

One of the steps in planning your membership site is to pick a model, such as an ongoing site, a fixed-term membership site or a vault-style site. Check out these dos and don’ts:

  • Don’t pick an ongoing membership site model if you can’t plan out a couple years’ worth of content.
  • Do consider where your membership will fit into your sales funnel. For example, a vault-style site may be a good entry-level offer, while a fixed-term site may make a good core offer.
  • Do create a list of pros and cons for each model to help you make the best decision. For example, if you’re teaching a process that takes months for the user to complete, then a fixed-term membership would be a good choice.


  1. 2 Tips for Profiling Your Customer

One of the keys to creating great content (and great sales copy) for your membership site is to understand how your customer thinks, how they feel, and what they want. To that end, follow these two tips:

  • Gather basic demographics with a Google search. E.G., search for “dog owner demographics,” and then gather data from well-known research organizations.
  • Spend time talking to your audience. The best way to understand how they think and feel is to do what they do, and talk to others about their experiences. E.G., if you’re targeting bodybuilders, then join gym to both become a part of the niche and to talk to your audience.

Here’s the next tip…

  1. #1 Tip for Creating an Awesome Membership Site

What makes a great membership site? To answer this question, join popular membership sites, and then reverse engineer their success. Ask yourself:

  • What do you like about the site?
  • What could you use improvement?

Then use your answers to ensure you create a great site for your customers.

  1. Three Survey Questions to Ask Your Audience

You shouldn’t use survey questions as a standalone method for gathering market research data, but surveys can help you gather insight into how your audience thinks and feels. To that end, here are three open-ended questions to ask your audience:

  • What are your biggest [niche/topic] challenges?
  • What one thing would help you the most to [get a good result]?
  • What tools would make it easier for you to [get a good result]?


  1. The Key to Running a Smooth Membership Site

The #1 key to starting and growing your membership site is to NOT try to do everything yourself. To that end, always be on the lookout for ways to automate your site (such as using a good membership site platform) and ways to delegate/outsource the tasks you need to do.

For example, don’t get tied to your computer sending out new membership content. Instead, use an autoresponder or a membership site platform or plugin to drip-feed content to your members automatically and on a schedule.

Which brings us to the next point…

  1. What to Do When You Get Stuck

If you’re new to creating a membership site or even new to online marketing in general, then there are times you’re going to get stuck. For example, maybe you don’t know how to install a membership site platform (like aMember), or maybe you don’t know how to create a video for your members.

What should you do when you get stuck? Outsource. Go to a site like upwork.com and find a pro who can do the work for you, which will keep you moving forward and on track.

  1. Creating a Schedule to Keep You on Track

Creating and launching a membership site is a big process. To keep you on track, you’ll want to create a calendar or schedule. You can break it down this way:

  • List all the tasks you need to do to start your membership site (this is your master list).
  • Estimate how long it will take you to do each task.
  • Set a deadline for EACH task on your list.
  • Decide which tasks you’ll outsource.
  • Break your master list into the tasks you need to do each month.
  • Break your monthly lists into weekly tasks.
  • Use your weekly task list to create your daily to-do lists.

Now on any day of the week you can check your to-do lists to see if you’re on track to get your site up and running on your desired timeline.

  1. Ask These Two Questions Before You Begin

Before you set up your site, ask:

  • What is your income goal with this site? This will help you make decisions about pricing, what model to choose, etc.
  • What do you want members to learn and do? This will keep your site focused on helping members achieve a specific goal.

Now the next major component of setting up and running a membership site…


Here’s where you start producing content and other materials for your membership site. Check out these ideas…


And this guide gives you tips, tricks and secrets across all five of these steps!

Plus you get a professional sales letter for the product so you can be up and running fast.

Just format to match your site design, insert your payment button and you’re ready to start taking orders!


OUTSCRIPTIONS:  Outsourcing Projection Description PLR Templates


Outscriptions Outsourcing Projection Description PLR Templates


Page Count: 63 pages
Word Count: 13,700 words

Get all your outsourcing jobs done right the first time with Outscriptions, which is a set of 50 project-description templates!

All you have to do is copy the job description template of your choice, tweak it to fit your needs, and upload it to your favorite outsourcing site or jobs board. These descriptions will help you attract the right talent, and it will help your freelancer deliver awesome results to you!

Here’s what you get:

  1. Craft an Autoresponder Series
  2. Create a Tripwire Product
  3. Do Graphic Design for a Cheat Sheet
  4. Write Blog Posts
  5. Craft a Sales Letter
  6. Write a Press Release
  7. Design a Website
  8. Install and Customize a Script
  9. Do Interior Design for an Ebook
  10. Create a Video
  11. Create a Slide-Share Presentation
  12. Optimize Sales Page Conversions
  13. Optimize a Blog
  14. Research a Market
  15. Do Product Research
  16. Design a Logo
  17. Create a Slogan
  18. Create an Advertisement
  19. Launch a Facebook Ad Campaign
  20. Design a Banner Graphic
  21. Create a Rebrandable Report
  22. Do Voiceover Narration
  23. Research Social Media Hashtags
  24. Grow Social Media Followers
  25. Launch and Manage a Contest
  26. Craft a Lead Page
  27. Edit/Proof Content
  28. Edit a Video
  29. Tweak PLR Content
  30. Transcribe Multimedia Content
  31. Convert an Ebook into a Kindle Book
  32. Turn a Digital Book Into a Physical Book
  33. Design Cover Graphics
  34. Develop an App/Software/Plugin
  35. Set Up an Ecommerce Platform
  36. Do a Website Audit
  37. Create Guest Articles
  38. Find/Submit to Guest Blogging Opportunities
  39. Find and/or Recruit JV Partners
  40. Plan Overall Marketing Strategy
  41. Set Up a Membership Site
  42. Stock a Membership Site With Content
  43. Plan a Sales Funnel
  44. Provide Keyword Research
  45. Do SEO
  46. Participate in Communities
  47. Find and Land Guest Interviews
  48. Provide Reporting
  49. Create Documentation for a Help Desk
  50. Create a Udemy Course


Let’s take a look inside this Outscriptions Outsourcing Projection Description PLR Templates:


Outscriptions Outsourcing Projection Descriptions PLR Templates Inside


Sample Content for the Outscriptions Outsourcing Projection Description PLR Templates:

Outsourcing sounds great in theory, but sometimes the results aren’t always what you envision. Often this happens because a project or brief uploaded to a freelancing site such as upwork.com simply isn’t detailed enough to attract the right bidders and get great results.

That’s where these 50 templates come in. Simply copy them, modify them to suit your needs, and start posting them to outsourcing platforms as soon as today. You’re sure to attract the right freelancers who’ll deliver great results!

Take a look…

  1. Craft an Autoresponder Series.

Wanted: a talented writer to create a five-part autoresponder series on the topic of [insert topic]. This autoresponder series is for new prospects, and it’s designed to sell a [type of product]. Thus, each email will include part content (tips and how-to information) and part pitch for [the product you’re selling].

Here are the details…

Each email will be roughly 500 words, for a total of 2500 words for this project.

Working title of the series: [insert working title].

Here is an outline for the five emails:

[Insert your working title for each email, along with a description of the content of each email. E.G. “Email #1 will describe the first secret of fat loss, which is to reduce carbohydrates. This email should include a description of good carbs versus bad carbs, plus a list of slow-burning carbs. This email should end with a pitch for {product}.]

I’m looking for someone with the following qualifications:

  • Excellent writer. English must be your first language. You should have an excellent grasp of how to create engaging yet grammatically correct content.
  • Established freelancer. You should have a verifiable record of creating great content for others for at least one year.
  • Someone with experience writing about [topic]. Please link to a portfolio that includes samples of other content you’ve written on this topic.
  • A writer who understands marketing. You need to be able to craft emails that sell products.

Budget for this project: [Insert your budget range].

Deadline: Please deliver by [date].

If this project sounds like a good fit for you, please bid now.

  1. Create a Tripwire Product.

In search of a talented, experienced writer who understands how to craft engaging, useful content.

This report needs to [solve some specific problem] for readers. It needs to be a highly useful report that satisfies the customers who paid for it.

Secondly, this report also needs to sell a [type of] product on the backend. As such, you need to have a good grasp of how to create content that presells offers.

Here are the details of this writing project…

Topic: [insert topic]

Working title: [insert working title]

Length: [insert a word count range, e.g., 20,000 to 25,000 words].

Outline: [Insert your rough outline that lists each chapter/section, along with a description. E.G., “Chapter 1 is about profiling a target market, and it should include a step-by-step process for gathering demographic information and doing customer surveys in order to learn more about the ideal customer.”]

Special notes:

  • This report should include plenty of tips and examples. Please use bulleted lists instead of long paragraphs, where applicable.
  • The report should be written in an engaging, conversational style.
  • The finished product should be formatted in 12-pt Tahoma, single space, no paragraph indents. Chapter titles should be in 16-pt Tahoma.
  • Please include three alternative titles/sub-titles.

Budget for this project: [insert your budget range].

Deadline: Please deliver by [date].

If you have experience writing about [topic], and you know how to create useful content that readers enjoy, then please bid on this project.

  1. Do Graphic Design for a Cheat Sheet.

Wanted: a graphic designer and layout specialist who’s able to create a high-impact design for a one-page cheat sheet.

Here are the specs:

The topic of the cheat sheet is [topic]. Whenever possible, the icons and graphics should reflect this topic. For example, [provide an example… e.g., “Instead of bullet points, use paw prints in bulleted lists.”]

Colors: [insert the colors you want for the cheat sheet, e.g., “All font should be black on a white background, but the overall design should be red and white.”]

Columns: [insert how many columns you want, e.g., “A clean, two-column design.”]

General feel: [Insert description of the overall feeling of the cheat sheet – e.g., professional, whimsical, humorous, etc.].

Branding: Your design should also incorporate my branding logo in the header of the cheat sheet. [Insert graphic of your branding or description of branding, if you’re unable to insert graphics.]

I would like the final product delivered in this format: [insert your preferred format or formats]. Please be sure that the final product is easily editable, as I may use this cheat sheet as a template for future cheat sheets.

Budget: [insert your budget range].

Deadline: Please deliver by [date].

If you’re skilled designer who can create the project above, please send me a link to your portfolio when you bid on this project.

  1. Write Blog Posts.

Wanted: a skilled, experienced writer to create [number] blog posts on the topic of [topic].

I’ve just started a [type of/topic] blog, and I need [number] high-quality blog posts to populate the blog. Here are the details:

Number of posts: [insert number needed. Also note if these are part of a blog series, or if they’re standalone posts].

Length of each post: [insert length, such as “700 words per post.” If they are different length posts, be sure to make a note of that here. E.G., “ranging from 300 to 700 words – see details below.”]

Topics: [Insert a description/outline for each post. E.G., “Post 1 should provide a step-by-step overview of how to set up a hydroponic garden. This post doesn’t need to be detailed, as each subsequent post will provide more details about each of the steps. Here are the five steps you’ll cover in this post…”]

Purpose: [describe purpose of these posts, e.g., “The purpose of these posts is to provide a lot of value and information for readers, while also soft-selling related products and services at the end of the post.”]

Target audience: [Insert description of who’ll be reading these posts, such as “target audience primarily includes women age 30-50 who’ve always done some backyard or patio gardening, but they’re now looking to try their hand at hydroponic gardening”]

Overall formatting and notes: Please ensure the content is engaging and easy-to-read, with short sentences and paragraphs. Please deliver the finished posts in one document in [type of format, such as .doc].

Budget for this project: [insert your budget range].

Deadline: Please deliver by [date].

If you’re a skilled writer with English as a first language, then please bid on this project now. Please also be prepared to send a link to your portfolio.

  1. Craft a Sales Letter.

Wanted: a skilled copywriter who has a track record of creating high-converting sales copy.

Project: a sales letter to sell a [$ price] [type of product or service]. I expect the sales letter will be approximately [give an estimated word count range], but I’ll leave the exact length up to you.

Audience: The target audience for this product consists mainly of [age range and gender] who want to [get some specific results]. Here are some of the demographics and characteristics of this audience:

  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Location:
  • Education level:
  • Income:
  • Problems they experience in the niche:
  • What they’re looking for in a solution:
  • Their fears with regards to the niche/their problems:
  • Their hopes/desires:
  • Jargon they may use:

The ideal customer is someone who [describe].

Product: This product is designed to [explain what problem is solves and how it solves it in a few sentences]. [Be sure to describe the product length and format, e.g., “This is a 400-page PDF ebook.”]

Here are the main features and benefits of the product:

Features:                      Benefits:

[Insert features and associated benefits.]

Here’s a screenshot of the product: [Include an ecover graphic, as well as a screenshot of the table of contents.]

The winning bidder for this project will receive a link to the product so you can fully review it.

Price for the product: [Insert price, being sure to be clear about whether this is the regular price or special pricing, such as introductory pricing.]

Bonuses included: [Describe any bonuses offered.]

Guarantee: [Describe your guarantee.]

Special notes: [Include any other notes, such as how you’d like the letter formatted, or if you want the copywriter to have experience in this particular niche].

Budget: [insert your budget range for this project].

Deadline: Please deliver by [date].

If you’re a highly skilled copywriter who could do a great job with this sales letter, please bid.

  1. Write a Press Release.

Wanted: a skilled writer who has experience creating effective press releases, especially those in the [niche/industry] field.

Overview: The purpose of this press release is to introduce a new product, [name of product], which [describe briefly what the product does].

Audience: [Describe the ideal customer for this product. E.G., “This product is aimed at college-educated men age 25-35 who’re looking to start their own online businesses.”]

Angle: I’m looking for an experienced press release writer who can create a clever angle for this release. For example, [give an example of one angle that would make this particular topic more “newsy” rather than promotional].

Other details: [Describe information what will help the writer create the release, such as more information about you and your qualifications to create the product, interesting details about how the product came about, etc. This should be something that helps the writer craft that interesting angle.]

Quotes: Please include one or more of the following quotes in the release: [insert quotes you’d like included].

This release should fit the formatting guidelines for submission to PRWeb.com, as well as fitting general press release requirements/formatting so that I can submit it to my local media.

Budget for this project is [budget range]

Deadline: Please deliver by [date].

Please submit a proposal for an angle as well as your bid. Thank you!

  1. Design a Website.

Wanted: a skilled, experienced designer to create a custom website in the [type of industry] industry.

Specifics: I need a [number] page website that includes the following pages: [insert your pages such as the home page, about page, a sales page, etc.]. The content is ready to go, so you’ll need to design the pages and then upload the content.

You’ll also need to have minimal [technical skills such as “script”] customization skills, as I’ll need to install [type of script, form or button, such as a “contact form”]. I intend to use [describe the script you’ll be using so that designers know if they have the skills to customize it]. Prefer someone who has experience customizing [this particular script].

Color: The overall design should include [insert the colors]. These colors should match the logo. [Insert your branding graphics, if possible.]

Graphics media: [Describe whether you need custom graphics, or if you’ve already prepared some graphics for your designer to use. Also describe if you need the designer to insert any multimedia, such as videos.]

Purpose of the website: [Describe the purpose, such as getting people to join your mailing list or to purchase a product.]

Important Note: What I’m looking for is a CUSTOM design that you create from scratch. No templates, no WordPress, no other content management systems, etc.

Please send me a link to your portfolio when you bid. The budget for this project is [budget range]. I’m also looking for someone who can provide a monthly maintenance contract for at least six months.

Deadline: Please deliver by [date].

  1. Install and Customize a WordPress Script.

Wanted: Professional WordPress developer to securely install and customize WordPress on my [type of/industry] site. No dashboard installations – please do this manually to ensure top security.

Your qualifications: You should have a well-established record installing and customizing WordPress, including [type of themes, such as “Genesis/Studio Press framework and themes]. You also need the skills to [customize specific types of plugins].

Site specifications: This is going to be set up as a [number] page website, which includes [list the pages and sections, such as “About,” a blog section, etc.].

Please note that the purpose of this site is to [name your site’s main purpose], and the audience includes [describe your audience in a sentence or two]. As such, the WP website needs to be designed in a way that’s appealing [to this particular audience].

Theme: I’ve chosen the following theme for the site: [insert the theme]. You’ll need to customize the theme in the following ways: [explain how you want it customized, such as changing the font, inserting a logo, changing the width of a column, etc.].

Plugins: I’d like the following plugins installed: [insert names of plugins where applicable].

Other coding: The site should also include [some specific functionality]. No plugins – I’d like this hand-coded directly into the theme.

Budget: [Insert budget range for this project.]

Deadline: Please deliver by [date].

Please submit a link to your portfolio and a description of your qualifications along with your bid. Thank you!

  1. Do Interior Design for an Ebook.

Wanted: a layout and design specialist to create a design for an ebook. Ideally, this should be a template that I can tweak and reuse in the future.

Format: I’ll send you the ebook in Microsoft Word document (.docx) format, and you’ll send me back two things:

  1. The PDF version of the ebook. You’ll need to format the document (font, font sizes, colors where appropriate, etc.), and then insert the formatted document into the template you design. Then convert the whole thing to PDF.
  1. The Word template that I can use for future ebooks.

Details: I’m looking for someone with experience creating crisp, clean, minimalist interior designs for ebooks. This includes creating a template with a header and footer, plus formatting a document for easy readability.

No proofing or editing needed – you just need to format to make it look professional. Specifically:

  • Create Johnson Boxes for the “idea” sections of the document.
  • Insert appropriate icons in lieu of bullets in bulleted lists.
  • [Describe other formatting you’d like done.]

The template should include [describe colors, graphics or any other notes your designer needs in order to create your template].  Please note that this should be a CUSTOM template (not a template from a third party that you’ve tweaked].

Budget: [insert budget range].

Deadline: Please deliver by [date].

Please send me your qualifications when you send me your bid. Thank you!

  1. Create a Video.

Wanted: an experienced video production specialist to create [briefly describe length and type of video, e.g., “a three-minute explainer video using a whiteboard/doodle style”].

Purpose of the video: [describe the purpose, such as “Introduce new website visitors to my business” or “Sell a product.”]

Audience: [describe your audience, e.g., “middle-aged, college educated women who want to learn how to write their very first novel.”]

I’ve already created a [number of words]-word script for this video, which you’ll get if you win this project. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Create a doodle/whiteboard video to go along with the script.
  • Provide the voice-over narration.
  • Provide background music to go along with the video.
  • Create an intro and outro (including title, graphics, etc.).
  • Provide the finished product to me in [type of format, such as “.MP4 format”].

Here’s an example of the type of video I’d like created: [include one or more examples, along with what you like about these examples – e.g., “I like the pacing and enthusiastic, energizing narration” or “I like the way the doodles transition.”]

You’ll need to be creative, as you’re in charge of crafting the visuals for this video based on the script I provided. Please send me a storyboard before you begin work.

You need to have experience creating [specific type of] videos, voice-overs, and producing a polished finish product. Please send me a link to other similar videos you’ve created.

Budget: [include budget range].

Delivery date: [include when you’d like video delivered].


Plus you get a professional sales letter for the product so you can be up and running fast.

Just format to match your site design, insert your payment button and you’re ready to start taking orders!


BUSINESSENTIALS:  The Supplemental Reports

8 Essentials For Creating an Successful Online Business


Businessentials 8 Business Essentials Premium PLR Reports


Page Count: 65 pages
Word Count: 16,400 words

This is a Supreme quality PLR product built around eight “essentials” for creating a successful online business.  Inside this bundle, you’ll get eight brand new 2000-word supplemental reports that cover these same core essentials from a different, but related subject. Here are the eight super premium quality PLR reports:

  1. Market: How to Become a Trusted Go-To Source for Content in Your Market
  2. Mission: How to Use Your Mission Statement to Build a Powerful Brand
  3. Monetize: The Five Types of Profitable Membership Sites You’ll Want to Build
  4. Minimize: Three Proven Traffic Methods to Grow Your Business
  5. Model: How to Effectively Lead Your Prospects and Customers Through Your Sales Funnel
  6. More: How to Use Testing and Tracking to Get More Subscribers, More Customers and More Sales
  7. Methods: Tips and Tricks for Effectively Scaling Your Business
  8. Milestones: How to Set Effective Goals That You Can Meet and Even Exceed

Let’s take a look inside this Businessentials 8 Business Essentials Premium PLR Reports:

Businessentials 8 Business Essentials Inside look

Sample Content for the Businessentials 8 Business Essentials Premium PLR Reports:

Report One: Market How to Become a Trusted Go-To Source for Content in Your Market

As you likely already know, creating content is one of the keys to building a thriving online business (especially an infoproduct business). You need content to:

  • Generate traffic.
  • Convert this traffic into subscribers.
  • Build relationships with your prospects.
  • Convert prospects into buyers.
  • Convert buyers into repeat customers.

And of course if you’re selling infoproducts, then you also need plenty of content in the form of ebooks, videos and more to sell to your customers.

Now here’s the thing…

None of this content is going to be all that effective if you’re not considered an expert/authority or the “go to” source for a specific topic in your market.

Makes sense, right? If no one has ever really heard of you, then they’re not going to beat down your virtual door to get their hands on your content.

So, the question is, how do you become the “go to” source for trusted content in your niche?

Hint: it’s not a “one and done” sort of thing. Instead, you need to take multiple steps on a consistent basis to build and protect your brand reputation as a trusted source. Here’s how to do it…

Specialize in One Topic

Don’t try to be a Jack of all trades in your niche. Instead, find one topic and specialize in it. Ideally, this should be a topic that others aren’t specializing in too, or one that you can compete in because you have some special qualifications.

This doesn’t mean you can’t write about other topics. It just means you want to develop a reputation as the “go to” source for one specialized topic.

For example, maybe you’re selling bodybuilding information. You can write about all sorts of bodybuilding topics, but perhaps you specialize in narrow topic, such symmetry, or the best leg exercises, or “peaking” at the right time for competitions.

To really make this effective, you may want to introduce some branding that emphasizes your specialization. Let’s go back to the bodybuilding example, and let’s suppose you’re the expert at helping people build symmetry with their physique before a competition. Whenever you sign your name, it might look something like this: “John Doe, Symmetry Specialist.”

Another example: “Jane Doe, the Tomato-Growing Guru.”


Offer Breaking News

Part of becoming a “go to” source is being the first to share news in your niche, especially with regards to how the news impacts your audience and any related advice you can give to them. In particular, focus on sharing news related to your specialty topic.

TIP: When you share news, be sure to link to quality news articles from reputable news sources (e.g., the Associated Press). Avoid fringe news sites in order to protect your reputation.


Blow Your Own Horn

Why should your audience listen to you? Here’s where you blow your own horn by touting your credentials. This includes anything that makes you uniquely qualified to teach your specific specialty topic (and the niche topic as a whole), such:

  • Relevant education credentials.
  • Work experience.
  • Awards and accolades.
  • Results you’ve created for yourself.
  • Results you’ve created for others.
  • Strategies you’ve pioneered.
  • Items you’ve invented.
  • Other experts who’ve endorsed you.

…And any other proof that you’re a trusted source of information when it comes to this topic.

For example, if you’ve won a prestigious award in your industry, then share this credential with your audience. You can share it on your site’s “About” page, in the sidebar of your blog, in your social media profiles, in the “About” section of your free and paid products, in your newsletter byline… and basically anywhere else that your audience sees it.

You can also mention your credentials in the middle of a blog article or other content. Even something as simple as one line can help answer the reader’s question about why they should listen to you.

Let’s suppose you’re writing about dog training. You can let people know you’ve been doing it a long time by sharing a story within your content. E.G. “When I trained my first dog 30 years ago, I admit I made a few mistakes…”

Make a Great Impression

The key here is to make sure every piece of content you publish is high-quality and looks great. This means doing the following:

  • Creating well-written, engaging and accurate content.
  • Designing the interior of the product so that it looks polished and professional.
  • Getting a professional ecover.

If you can’t do any of these things yourself, then it’s a good idea to outsource these tasks to professionals. You can post projects on sites like Upwork.com, Guru.com and Fiverr.com.

Share Good Content for Free

The idea behind this strategy is to share the high-caliber content for free that others charge for. Not only does this help establish you as the “go to” source in your market, but it also makes people figure your paid content must be REALLY good since your free content is better than most.

Provide Something Fresh

Part of becoming the go-to source of content means that you can’t just share the same type of content that everyone else is sharing. In order to develop a reputation as an expert/authority in your niche, you need to share content that others aren’t sharing.

If you can pioneer a strategy, that’s awesome. If you can share a tip that you’ve never seen anyone else share, that’s good too. Here are other ways to share unique content:

Create a case study or experiment. While others may also do case studies or experiments, no two are the same.

Tell a personal story. For example, did you have to overcome some sort of obstacle before getting results in the niche? Do you have an embarrassing story to share? While others may share stories, your story is unique to you. Not only do stories make your content more memorable, it also helps you engage readers on an emotional level.

Share information in a unique way. For example, if everyone shares information in text-format in your niche, then you can stand out by sharing short videos. (This also helps humanize you and builds trust in your audience.)

Create a formula. Still another way to stand out from your competitors is by creating a formula for achieving a step-by-step process. I like to use this strategy by creating acronyms around a process. So, even though others are sharing similar information, my formula stands out (and by creating a formula, I’m positioned as an expert).

For example, let’s suppose you have six-step formula for building a business. You may call it the “P.R.O.F.I.T.” formula, where each letter corresponds to a step of the process. E.G., Step 1, PICK a Business Model, Step 2, RESEARCH the Market… and so on with the rest of the letters in the formula all corresponding to a step of the process.

Now the next tip…

Interact With Readers

In order to move past the image of you as a faceless “company,” you need to interact with your readers. That’s why you should post content to interactive platforms, such as a blog (with comments enabled) and social media. Be sure to reply to comments and/or “like” comments. This helps build relationships and rapport with readers, and cements their loyalty.

Host Live Events

Live events – such as a webinar – tend to carry a high perceived value. As such, any time you do a live event, your audience is going to treat it as highly valuable content. This goes a long way in helping cement your reputation as an authority in the niche. Plus, a live event gives you the opportunity to interact one-on-one with your audience as you field questions and showcase your expertise with your answers.

Protect Your Reputation

Your reputation is one of your most valuable assets. It takes time to build a good reputation in your niche as a source of quality information, but you can destroy your reputation with just one poor post or product. That’s why you’ll want to fiercely protect your good reputation with these tips:

  • Post high-quality content only. Don’t push out subpar content just to meet a deadline. Better to be a few hours late than to put out something that will destroy your reputation.
  • Be careful with what you promote. Review and use every single product that you promote, and be brutally honest in your assessment. If you don’t think your audience should buy a particular product, then say so. This sort of honesty will help build your reputation as someone trustworthy in the niche.

Here’s the next tip…

Blanket Your Niche With Content

Still another way to position yourself as the go-to source of information is by blanketing your niche with content. Whenever your prospects search for information online, you want the to encounter YOUR name and content. This repeated association will help you build your authority in the niche.

Here are some of the ways to distribute your content:

  • Publish high-quality content on your blog.
  • Do guest blogging.
  • Share content via your newsletter.
  • Post on social media.
  • Syndicate your content.
  • Use search engine optimization strategies so that prospects find your content when they’re searching for specific niche problems.
  • Do webinars.
  • Produce high-quality freemiums and lead magnets.
  • Create rebrandable reports for your affiliates to distribute.
  • Publish a book on Kindle.
  • Sell a hard copy book (check CreateSpace.com).
  • Give local talks and post the video clips.
  • Create other videos to share on YouTube, your blog, and social media.
  • Create viral content such as infographics, short videos, blog post and similar.
  • Distribute press releases locally as well as using services such as PRWeb.com.
  • Ask your joint venture partners to help you distribute your content.
  • Place paid advertising that points to your content.
  • Post comments/content in niche communities such as forums and Facebook groups (preferably ones you own, but you can post in ones belonging to others as well).

You get the idea – everywhere your prospects look in your niche should have them stumbling on your name and content.

Do Interviews

When you do an interview, you’re automatically viewed as an expert on the topic. That’s why you’ll want to offer yourself for interviews to people in your niche. This includes:

  • Encouraging affiliates to interview you. You can then promote your offer using your affiliate’s link, so you’ll both make money when people buy through the interview.
  • Creating a “media page” on your site to encourage the media to contact you for interviews about your specialty topic. Be sure to include information about the topics you’re qualified to speak on, with an emphasis on your specialty topic. Be sure to also include video or audio clips (samples) from past interviews.
  • Seeking out interviews in your niche. Is there a blogger, talk radio host or other influencer who tends to do plenty of interviews in your niche? If so, get in touch with them to offer yourself as a guest expert on your specialty topic. Again, send clips so that they can see for themselves that you’ll be a high-quality guest.

Now a few parting thoughts…

Your Assignment

As you can see, becoming a “go to” source in your niche – an expert – isn’t something that comes about overnight. Instead, you need to take the above steps and keep taking them over time to build and then protect your reputation. However, it’s well worth the investment of time, as people much prefer to do business with an authority rather than some no-name person in your niche, which means higher conversions. What’s more, experts can charge more for information versus others who aren’t well-known in the niche. That’s why you’ll want to get started on these tactics as soon as possible to start developing your good reputation in your niche.

To that end, here’s your assignment for this lesson: create a plan for becoming the go-to expert in your niche. Go through each of the steps and tips listed in this lesson, and brainstorm how you can implement that tip in your business.

Meanwhile, I’ll see you in the next lesson…

End result? It’s all about growing your business and putting more profit in your pocket!


TEMPLATES TO GO (326 Templates)

326 Fill-in-the-blank Online Business PLR Templates


326 Fill in the blank Online Business PLR Templates


Page Count: 114 pages
Word Count: 20,000 words

This collection includes 326 fill-in-the-blank templates across five categories, including sales letter templates, email templates, email subject line templates, blog templates and social media templates.

Here’s what you get:

3 Sales Letter Templates

  • The “Reasons Why” Template
  • The “Inspiring Story” Template
  • The “Proof” Template

20 Email Templates 

  • Email 1: The Welcome Email
  • Email 2: The Free Trial Email
  • Email 3: The Webinar Registration Email
  • Email 4: The Motivate-Affiliates Email
  • Email 5: The Discount-Coupon Email
  • Email 6: The Direct-Pitch Email
  • Email 7: The Overcoming Objections Email
  • Email 8: The Upgrade Email
  • Email 9: The Case Study Email
  • Email 10: The Prelaunch Email
  • Email 11: The “Hurry and Get It Before It’s Gone” Email
  • Email 12: The Testimonial Email
  • Email 13: The Bonus (Add Value) Affiliate Email
  • Email 14: The Product Review Email
  • Email 15: The Special Offer Email
  • Email 16: The Flash-Sale Email
  • Email 17: The Free-Resource Email
  • Email 18: The Feedback-Request Email
  • Email 19: The Checklist Email
  • Email 20: The How-To Email

101 Email Subject Templates

  • Articles
  • Promos
  • Miscellaneous

101 Social Media Templates

  • Information sharing: These are templates suitable for sharing tips, short how-to information, lists and similar information. In some cases you’ll share the content directly on social media, and in other cases these templates include a call to action to send people to your blog or other platform.
  • Promos: Use these templates to promote your offers and affiliate offers.
  • Miscellaneous: This category covers everything else, such as contest announcements, viral campaigns and similar.

101 Blog Title Templates

Your blog title is the most important part of your blog post. If the title doesn’t capture attention and compel your audience to click to read more, then the rest of your post doesn’t even need to exist. That’s why you’re going to want to spend some time brainstorming and crafting compelling blog titles. To make this task easier than ever, you can start by using these 101 fill-in-the-blank templates!

Let’s take a look inside this 326 Fill-in-the-blank Online Business PLR Templates:


Social Media PLR Templates


Email Subject PLR Templates


Blog Title PLR Templates


Email PLR Templates


Salesletter PLR Templates


Sample Content for the 326 Fill-in-the-blank Online Business PLR Templates:

Templates To Go (Blog Titles)

Your blog title is the most important part of your blog post. If the title doesn’t capture attention and compel your audience to click to read more, then the rest of your post doesn’t even need to exist. That’s why you’re going to want to spend some time brainstorming and crafting compelling blog titles. To make this task easier than ever, you can start by using these 101 fill-in-the-blank templates. Take a look…

  1. [Number] Mistakes Almost Every [Person] Makes

Example: 10 Application Mistakes Almost Every Aspiring Medical Student Makes

  1. The [Topic] Crash Course

Example: The Sales Letter Writing Crash Course

  1. The Ultimate Guide to [Getting a Benefit]

Example: The Ultimate Guide to Retiring in Costa Rica

  1. How to [Get a Benefit] The Quick and Easy Way

Example: How to Start Your Vegetable Garden the Quick and Easy Way

  1. How to [Get a Benefit] In Just [Short Timeframe]

Example: How to Learn Self-Defense Skills in Just Two Short Weeks

  1. How to [Get a Benefit] Without [Some Bad Thing]

Example: How to Get a Lot of Web Traffic Without Spending a Dime

  1. How to [Get a Benefit] Even If [You Don’t Have Something]

Example: How to Lose Weight Easily Even If You Don’t Have a Fast Metabolism

  1. You, [a Successful Person]?

Example: You, a Bestselling Novelist?

  1. No One Believed [Someone Could do Something]

Example: No One Believed This High-School Dropout Could Start a Million-Dollar Company

  1. The Beginner’s Guide to [Topic]

Example: The Beginner’s Guide to Natural Pain Relief

  1. The Definitive Guide to [Topic]

Example: The Definitive Guide to Starting Your Own Highly Attended Church

  1. [Number] [Type of] Tips Every [Person] Ought to Know

Example: 17 Productivity Tips Every Entrepreneur Ought to Know

  1. [Number] Ways to [Get a Benefit]

Example: 27 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Burn More Fat

  1. The #1 Way to [Get a Benefit]

Example: The #1 Way to Repair Your Broken Marriage

  1. The Secrets of [Getting a Benefit]

Example: The Secrets of Adopting a Baby in the Shortest Time Possible

  1. How [Someone] [Got a Benefit] (And How You Can Too)

Example: How Jimmy D Brown Earns a Full-Time Income Working Part-Time Hours (And How You Can Too)

  1. Everything You Need to Know About [Topic]

Example: Everything You Need to Know About Installing a Home Theater

  1. [Number] Tips, Tricks and Hacks for [Getting a Benefit]

Example: 27 Tips, Tricks and Hacks for Getting a Great Deal on a Used Car

  1. [Getting a Benefit] Made Easy

Example: Learning to Sail Made Easy


THREE TO THRIVE:  Twelve Premium Newsletter Issues (Sellable)

Premium Newsletter Issues That Covers The 3 Things It Takes To Create A Thriving Business


Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Premium PLR Newsletter


Page Count: 132 pages
Word Count:  36,300 words

This collection includes twelve (12) 3000-word premium newsletter issues that covers the three things it takes to create a thriving business:

  1. List.
  2. Traffic.
  3. Offers

Here’s what’s inside each Premium PLR Newsletter issue:

Issue 1

  1. List: How To Create A Monthly Newsletter That Your Subscribers Can’t Wait To Read
  2. Traffic: The Real Key (Which You Already Know) To Getting Clicks (Which You Aren’t Getting Right)
  3. Offers: Top 5 Ways To Create Content That People Pay For (When So Much Free Stuff Is Available)

Issue 2

  1. List: 17 Different Types of Lead Magnets Your Audience Will Love
  2. Traffic: How to Create Guest Blog Posts That Other People Want to Publish
  3. Offers: How to Brainstorm Dozens of Product Ideas

Issue 3

  1. List: How to Create a More Profitable List Using Segmentation
  2. Traffic: How to Get Your Affiliates Promoting Your Offers Like Crazy
  3. Offers: How to Find Out What’s Selling Like Crazy in Your Niche (So That You Can Sell It Too)

Issue 4

  1. List: How to Use Email Personalization to Boost Response
  2. Traffic: How to Craft Social Media Content That Gets Clicks
  3. Offers: The Keys to Selling a Lot of Affiliate Offers

Issue 5

  1. List: How to Create Email Teasers That Get Clicks
  2. Traffic: The Four Essential Keys for Creating Viral Content
  3. Offers: How to Find and Use PLR Content to Create Stunningly Popular Products

Issue 6

  1. List: Why Creating a Multipart Course is Such a Powerful Lead Magnet
  2. Traffic: How to Create Content That Boosts Your Visibility in the Search Engines
  3. Offers: The Five Keys to Creating a High-Ticket Offer

Issue 7

  1. List: How to Establish Yourself as a Niche Authority With Your Newsletter
  2. Traffic: 5 Joint Ventures You Can Do Starting Today to Generate Red-Hot Traffic
  3. Offers: How to Create Bonuses That Boost Conversions

Issue 8

  1. List: 7 Ways to Open a Newsletter
  2. Traffic: How to Find Influencers to Help You Promote Your Site
  3. Offers: How to Quickly Create a High-Quality Product – Without Writing It Yourself

Issue 9

  1. List: How to Create CTAs that Get Results
  2. Traffic: How to Drive Traffic Using Repurposed Content
  3. Offers: The Secret of Adding Value to Any Product to Create Uber-Satisfied Customers

Issue 10

  1. List: 7 Tips for Creating Emails That Get Opened and Get Read
  2. Traffic: How to Build a Community That Establishes You as An Expert and Generates a Lot of Traffic
  3. Offers: How to Quick and Easily Create Products the Hands-Free Way

Issue 11

  1. List: How to Create a High-Converting Email Series
  2. Traffic: How to Get Your Best Customers to Refer Their Friends
  3. Offers: Five Keys to Creating Infoproducts That Sell Like Crazy

Issue 12

  1. List: Troubleshooting a Cold, Unresponsive List
  2. Traffic: How to Drive Traffic Using Optimized YouTube Videos
  3. Offers: How to Create a High-Value Product That Has a Super-Low Refund Rate

Let’s take a look inside this Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Premium PLR Newsletter:


Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Newsletter PLR Content


Sample Content for the Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Premium PLR Newsletter :

Issue One List: How To Create A Monthly Newsletter That Your Subscribers Can’t Wait To Read

Welcome to your first issue of “Three to Thrive!”

Each month, you’re going to learn about the three things it takes to create a thriving business:

  1. List.
  2. Traffic.
  3. Offers.

In particular, we’re going to be looking at how to create content to support those three key areas.

So, with that in mind, let’s jump right into the first key, as you learn how to create a monthly newsletter that your subscribes can’t wait to read. In order to do this, you need to do three things:

  1. Create an exciting title and theme.
  2. Generate compelling headlines and content that delivers.
  3. Make your content visually appealing and easy to read.

Let’s look at each of these three in more detail…

Create an Exciting Title and Theme

Seems like everyone and their brother has a mailing list, which means you won’t get a lot of sign ups if you have a “run of the mill” newsletter. For example, if you tell people to “sign up to learn how to train your dog” that’s not very original. You won’t stand out. And people aren’t going to hand over their precious email addresses for something they’re probably already getting elsewhere.

Instead, you need to create a unique theme and title that catches people attention, gets you standing out from your competitors, and makes people want to join.


One really good way to do this is by creating some sort of proprietary formula or system that you promise to share within your newsletter.

Let’s take the example of the very popular P90x workout system. Their fat-loss system was pretty much the same as everyone else’s. However, what set them apart is that they gave a fresh name to their system: they called it the Science of Muscle Confusion™.

No one else in the industry was using that exact name, which made the workout system stand out and get a lot of attention (even from notable figures such as Michelle Obama and Sheryl Crow). While that’s an example of how they named a program, it’s a great illustration of how you can name your newsletter.

I’ve done the same thing with my own newsletter (as well as courses and other content). For example, you’ll see that I often develop a system around an acronym (such as my S.P.E.N.D. more system, which teaches marketers how to get their customers to spend more money with them).

Another way to develop something that stands out is to combine two associated words. For example, my “Earncome” site is a combination of “Earn” and “Income.” Likewise, my “Businessentials” course is a combination of “Business” and “Essentials.’

Finally, you can use alliteration to stand out. This newsletter you’re reading now is an example (Three to Thrive). And as with all of these examples, the name matches the focused theme. Instead of talking about everything related to online marketing, this newsletter focuses on the three keys your business needs to thrive.

One final note: once you select your title and theme, then be sure to include this information on your opt-in page. You’ll also want to set expectations on this page, by letting people know what sort of content they’ll get and how often. E.G., “Each week you’ll get a fresh newsletter teaching you how to [get some good result], plus I’ll share with you my favorite resources for [making this process quicker/easier/faster!”

Now the next point…

Generate Compelling Headlines and Content

Your awesome theme and newsletter title compelled people to sign up. Now your next challenge is to get them to open and read your content. You do this by creating compelling headlines (AKA subject lines) followed by content that delivers on those headlines.

Here’s the key: don’t create click-bait titles that don’t match the content. This will disappoint and even upset subscribers, who will stop reading your newsletter and likely unsubscribe.

Instead, create intriguing titles, and then be sure your content creates a payoff.

For example, a title might be something like, “The weird fat-loss trick you’ve never heard of before…”

When readers open up and read the newsletter, they indeed better be reading something that they’ve never heard about before.

Let’s suppose the “trick” isn’t entirely new. In that case, your title might be something like this: “The weird fat-loss trick that really works…”

If your content then shares a trick that is a little “weird” (maybe something not commonly used), but it’s proven to work, then you’ve got good content that matches a compelling title.

You can take this tip and put it to work for you ASAP. Take note that we’ll be talking about how to create compelling content in length in future issues of this newsletter.

So, let’s move on and look at the third key to creating a newsletter people want to read…

Make Visually Appealing Content

The third key to creating a newsletter that your subscribers really want to read is to create visually enjoyable content. Here are tips for doing this:

Utilize White Space

Use short paragraphs, bulleted lists and similar elements to create more white space in your newsletter. This makes it visually appealing and easier to read.

Insert Graphics

Good graphics break up content, which makes it easier to read. They also add value to your content and make it more visually appealing.

Use a Polished Layout/Design

Don’t just send out a plain-text newsletter. Instead, use a responsive layout and HTML to create something that’s visually appealing. Many email service providers offer free templates so you can do this quickly and easily, no tech experience required.

Now let’s wrap things up…


If you’re looking to create a newsletter that people really want to read (and what marketer doesn’t?), then you need to implement the three keys you just learned about. Namely:

  1. Create an exciting title and theme for your newsletter.
  2. Generate compelling headlines and content that delivers on your headlines.
  3. Make your content visually appealing and easy to read.

If you do these three things, you’ll be well on your way to building a responsive list of eager readers who open (and read!) everything you send them!


TRAFFICOME:  The Guides To Traffic Generation And Conversion

12 Guides To Traffic Generation And Conversions


Trafficome Premium Traffic and Conversions PLR Guide

Page Count: 124 pages
Word Count: 27,800 words

Introducing Trafficome, a set of 12 traffic and conversion guides that are full of tips, tricks, and strategies to help you:

  • Get more traffic to your website, no matter what you’re selling.
  • Convert more of this traffic into subscribers and cash-paying customers.

Here are the 12 guides included in this Traffic PLR Guides pack:

Guide 1: The Guide to Traffic Strategy: 17 Keys to Creating a Profitable, Effective Traffic Strategy

Guide 2: The Guide to Social Media Marketing: 17 Ways to Attract a Targeted, Engaged Audience

Guide 3: The Guide to Guest Blogging: 17 Tips for Getting Your Content on Your Niche’s Best and Busiest Blogs

Guide 4: The Guide to Joint Venture Marketing: 17 Tips, Tricks and Ideas for Leveraging Other People’s Traffic

Guide 5: The Guide to Starting an Affiliate Program: 17 Ways to Get More Affiliates and Get Your Affiliates Promoting More Often

Guide 6: The Guide to Blogging: 17 Insights for Creating a Blog That Attracts Targeted Traffic Like a Magnet

Guide 7: The Guide to Content Marketing: 17 Tips and Tricks for Getting Your Content in Front of a Warm Audience

Guide 8: The Guide to Referral Traffic: 17 Hacks for Creating Viral Content That Sweeps Across Your Niche Like a Prairie Fire

Guide 9: The Guide to SEO Traffic: 17 Tips and Insights for Boosting Your Visibility in Google

Guide 10: The Guide to Paid Advertising: 17 Keys for Placing Paid Ads That Get Big Results

Guide 11: The Guide to Offline Marketing: 17 “Old School” Ideas for Putting Your Marketing Message in Front of an Offline Audience

Guide 12: The Guide to Conversion Optimization: 17 Keys to Getting Better Results With Your Traffic Campaigns

Plus you also get the Trafficome free report – “Top Twelve Traffic Tips: From Traffic Trickle to Vast Visibility” —  which you can use as a lead magnet to to presell the Trafficome set of guides.


Let’s take a look inside this Trafficome Premium Traffic and Conversions PLR Guide:


Trafficome Premium Traffic PLR Course content


Sample Content for the Trafficome Premium Traffic and Conversions PLR Guide:

Guide 1: The Guide to Traffic Strategy 17 Keys to Creating a Profitable, Effective Traffic Strategy

Inside this set of Trafficome guides you’re going to get all sorts of tips, tricks and strategies for getting plenty of high-quality traffic flowing into your site. But before you start working on any individual traffic method, the first thing you’ll want to do is read this guide. That’s because you’re about to learn how to plan and optimize your overall traffic strategy.

Let’s get started…

  1. Ask Yourself This Before Getting Started

There are a lot of different ways to get traffic, and seems like every other week someone is coming up with new ways to get web visitors. Some of these methods may seem pretty bright and shiny, and it’s easy to get distracted. That’s why you’ll want to ask yourself this one question before you pursue any traffic method:

Will this method deliver high-quality visitors who want what I’m selling?

If the answer is no, skip the method.

Seems obvious, and yet plenty of traffic methods are designed to get your “hit counter” spinning out of control, yet you don’t get any results because it’s low quality traffic. Don’t be fooled – focus on the numbers that count (conversions), not mere traffic “hits.”

  1. 20 Ways to Generate Traffic

As mentioned, there are a lot of ways to get traffic. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the most common methods so that you know which ones to pursue. Here are the top ways:

  • Guest blogging.
  • Video marketing.
  • Distributing valuable content (like lead magnets, videos or slide share presentations).
  • Email marketing.
  • Starting an affiliate program.
  • Doing joint ventures with other people in your niche.
  • Paid advertising (e.g., Facebook ads, pay per click ads, etc.).
  • Distributing press releases.
  • Offline marketing (e.g., buying display ads).
  • Search engine optimization.
  • Social media marketing.
  • Commenting (on blogs, forums, groups).
  • Getting listed in relevant directories.
  • Referral marketing.
  • Viral campaigns.
  • Holding contests.
  • Participating in bundles and giveaways.
  • Host webinars.
  • Give interviews and talks.

We’ll talk about many of these methods inside these guides, so be sure to review all of the guides.

  1. Get Better Results Using This Tip

Many marketers make the mistake of starting up several traffic methods at once, but they end up spreading themselves too thin. Here’s what to do instead: focus on one traffic method at a time. This means learning about the method, getting it up and running, AND fine-tuning it to get results. Once you’ve done all that, then and only then should you add another traffic method to your overall strategy.

For example, you might start with guest blogging. Once you have consistent results from that, then you might decide to start an affiliate program. Once you’re getting good results with affiliates, then you might add Facebook marketing to the mix. And so on.

  1. How to Choose a Traffic Method

Your first step is to figure out which traffic method you want to get up and running first. In order to decide, ask yourself these questions:

  • What traffic methods appeal to you the most?
  • Which methods do you already know something about?
  • What are your strengths with regards to these methods?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Which methods would take the least time to start getting good results?

For example, maybe you really like writing, and creating content appeals to you. You might decide to start with guest blogging, because it plays to your strengths and you can get initial results fairly quickly.

  1. Ask This Before You Design Your Traffic Strategy

Before you start building a single traffic method (much less an overall strategy), ask yourself this question: what are your goals with this method?

Be sure to choose specific, measurable and realistic goals. That way, you’ll be able to tell early on if you’re on track, or if you need to tweak your method to get better results.

  1. Look for Ways to Leverage Other Peoples’ Assets

You don’t need to start from scratch in order to get traffic. Instead, look for ways to leverage other peoples’ assets (such as their quality traffic or even their reputation), which can give you a quick win.

For example, doing a co-endorsement joint venture with established people in your niche can help you quickly get established as an expert (as your name will be associated with the established expert’s name), plus you’ll get high-quality traffic coming to your site quickly.

  1. Focus on Platforms You Own

One of your goals should be to build your audience on a platform that lets you reach out to your audience regularly. You can do this on a variety of platforms, but you should focus on the platforms you own. That way, you control it and don’t have to worry about losing your contacts because a platform changed its rules or even went out of business.

Your first priority should be on building your mailing list. Once you’ve got a good list that’s getting results for you, then you can focus on other platforms you own, such as your blog. Once that’s getting results, then you can add other platforms into the mix, such as a Facebook Page or Group.

It’s a good idea to send traffic from non-owned platforms to your owned platforms. In the example above, you’d encourage your Facebook followers to join your mailing list.

  1. Build Relationships With Your audience

It’s not enough to build a platform, such as a mailing list. Your goal with this list is to build relationships with your audience, which in turn builds trust and boosts your conversions over the long term. That’s why you’ll want to send out high-quality content on at least a weekly basis, to keep your name in front of your audience and to let people get to know, like and trust you.

If you want to get started on the right foot with your mailing list, or if you want to get better results from your existing efforts, then check out the Emailcome set of guides. These guides will teach you exactly how to attract the right audience, encourage them to join your list, and then turn your subscribers into cash.

Learn more at [EMAILCOME LINK]

  1. Start Small

It’s easy to spend a lot of time and money on a traffic method, only to realize you need to do something different in order to get better results. That’s why you’ll want to start small, tweak as you go, and then invest more time and money once you’re getting results.

For example, let’s suppose you’re buying ad space on a niche site. On paper, the demographics look good, so you expect to get good results. However, you’ll still want to start with a small ad buy just to test the waters. If you get good results, then you can reinvest your profits and purchase more ads on the site.

  1. Look for Scalable Methods

Another thing you’ll want to take into consideration when designing your traffic strategy is whether the traffic methods are scalable. In other words, can this traffic strategy grow as your business grows? And if not, is there a way to make it scalable?

Let’s take guest blogging as an example. If you write all the blog content yourself, then this method isn’t truly scalable. There’s a limit to how many blog articles you can create in any given week, which means there is a limit to the number of guest-blogging opportunities in which you can participate.

In this case, you can start outsourcing the content creation as well as looking for new opportunities. By outsourcing, the method becomes scalable because you can take advantage of as many opportunities as you please.

  1. Utilize Video Marketing

No matter what sort of content you’re sharing, see if it makes sense to create a video version of the content. Many people prefer videos to text, so offering videos helps you capture a wider swath of your market.

For example, you might do a product comparison article and a product comparison video, and then post both of them on y our blog.

  1. Flash Your Credentials

People like to do business with those they consider experts in the field. However, no one is going to know that you’re an expert unless you tell them. To that end, be sure to showcase your credentials in your blog content, advertisements, sales letters, emails, social media profiles and other content on your site.

Note: this doesn’t mean you go on and on about yourself. Instead, it’s about telling people why they should listen to you and how you’re the best person to solve their problems. You can share these types of relevant credentials:

  • Higher education.
  • Work experience.
  • Getting results for yourself in the niche.
  • Track record getting results for other people.
  • Awards/accolades.
  • Endorsements from other experts.


Membership Site Premium PLR Worksheets


Membership Site Premium PLR Worksheets


Page Count: 55 pages
Word Count: 10159 words

Introducing Membership Site Premium PLR Worksheets – Now You Too Can Shortcut the Process and Take the Guesswork Out of Setting Up and Growing a Profitable Membership Site!

Whether this is your first time setting up a membership site or you’re a pro with several sites under your belt, you’re sure to find these worksheets invaluable. They’ll help you focus on the most important steps, make the right decisions, and get your site up, running and profitable faster and easier than you ever thought possible!

Worksheet 1: How to Find a Profitable Membership Site Idea

When you’re getting ready to start a membership site, your very first task is to pick out a profitable niche and topic. In order to do that, you need to take two steps:

  1. Brainstorm ideas.
  2. Research those ideas to see what’s profitable.

By the time you fill out these worksheets, you’ll know what topic you’re going to teach inside your profitable membership site!

Worksheet 2: Creating a Memorable Brand

One of the things that’s going to set your membership site apart from competing infoproducts is your brand.  That’s why you need to spend some time creating a memorable brand that creates “top of mind awareness” and gets prospects clicking on your order button. This worksheet shows you how to do it!

Worksheet 3: Choosing a Membership Site Model

Once you’ve decided the topic for your membership site, then your next step is to determine these two things:

  1. What membership model you’ll use to create your site/deliver the content.
  2. Whether you’ll have a membership with different levels/tiers.

This worksheet will walk you through these steps so that you make the best and most profitable decisions!

Worksheet 4: The Profitable Pricing Worksheet

Another important step you’ll need to take when setting up your membership site is to decide how much to charge. Charge the wrong price, and you’ll experience one or more unwanted consequences such as:

  1. A low conversion rate (which could be due to either prices that are too high or too low).
  1. A high refund rate, especially if the expectation you created with your pricing doesn’t match the quantity of quality of your content.
  1. Generally leaving money on the table, if you charge too little.

You can avoid all of these issues by picking the right price, and that’s exactly what this worksheet will help you do!

Worksheet 5: Deciding What Kind of Content to Include

The goal for this worksheet is to decide exactly what sort of membership content and bonuses will thrill your customers and keep them paying their membership fees over the long term. In other words, if you choose the right content, then you’ll be able to pull more profits from your site. This worksheet will walk you through the process so you end up with in-demand, high-quality content!

Worksheet 6: Deciding Whether to DIY, Use PLR, or Outsource Content

When you get to the point where you need to decide how to create your content, you have multiple options.  These options include:

  • Do it yourself.
  • Outsource the task to a freelancer.
  • Use PLR content (which you tweak yourself or with the help of a freelancer).

So, which option should you choose? To find out, just answer the questions in this worksheet, and you’ll instantly know the best option to fit your needs. (Hint: the answer might surprise you!)

Worksheet 7: Outsourcing Worksheet  for Membership Site Creators

creating your membership content isn’t the only task you need to complete in order to set up your site. You also need to do things like set up the actual website, create a sales letter and more. You can outsource all of these tasks or even just some of them.

So, how do you decide what to outsource? And how do you find and hire competent freelancers?  That’s what this worksheet will help you do – and it’s easier and more affordable than you think!

Worksheet 8: The Member Retention Worksheet

You want to do everything possible to ensure your members stay members over the long term. Not only does this increase your front-end revenue as members continue to pay their monthly membership fees, but it also boosts your backend revenue when these members buy your backend offers!

That’s why member retention is so important – and this worksheet and checklist will show you the steps you need to take to boost retention (and profits)!

Worksheet 9: The “Surefire Profits” Backend Offer Worksheet

Th real profits lay hidden in the backend of your membership site, which is why you need to plan what you’ll sell and how you’ll sell it.  This worksheet walks through those steps so you can create as much profit on the backend as possible.

Worksheet 10: Planning Your Member-Acquisition Strategy

It’s no secret that one of the keys to a successful membership site is that you need — (wait for it) — paying members. To that end, this worksheet takes you through the steps of planning a profitable member-acquisition strategy.


Let’s take a look inside this Membership Site Premium PLR Worksheets:

Membership Site PLR Worksheets


Sample Content for the Membership Site Premium PLR Worksheets:

Worksheet 1: How to Find a Profitable Membership Site Idea

When you’re getting ready to start a membership site, your very first task is to pick out a profitable niche and topic. In order to do that, you need to take two steps:

  1. Brainstorm ideas.
  2. Research those ideas to see what’s profitable.

This worksheet will walk you through these two steps. Let’s get started…

Step 1:  Brainstorm Niche/Topic Ideas

If you don’t yet have any idea of the niche or topic for your membership site, then your first step is to start brainstorming ideas. You can do that by completing the following worksheet:

What sort of problems/challenges do you have?

What sort of problems/challenges have you overcome?

What sort of things do people ask you to do for them and/or ask for your advice? (E.G., set up their new computer.)

What are your hobbies?  What do you like to do in your free time?

Where do you like to go on vacation?

What do you like to do on vacation?

Where do you tend to spend your expendable income?

What topics interested you in school/college?

What is your job?

What other jobs have you held?

What topics do you like to talk about for long periods?

What are some of your favorite TV programs?

What types of things do you like to read? (Magazines, blogs, etc.)

What types of forums or groups do you belong to?

What other topics interest you?

What sort of stores do you like to shop in (brick and mortar and online)?

What sort of compliments do people give you? (E.G., “Wow, you really know a lot about _______”).

Now take all the above questions and think about your friends and family. Specifically, what problems do they have? What are their interests? Where are their areas of skill and knowledge?  Which of these areas of interest are you interested in as well?

What you’re looking for are the following:

  1. Topics that interest you.
  2. Topics that you know something about.
  3. Topics where you have some experience.

The reason why you want to have some experience is because this gives you the opportunity to make your membership site content unique by sharing your personal stories, case studies, examples, tips, photos and more.

Once you’ve done your brainstorming, then your next step is to figure out which of these potential ideas is likely to be profitable. That’s next…

Step 2: Determine Which Ideas are Profitable

Now that you have a list of potential ideas, you need to determine which ones are likely to be profitable.  The key here is to find out topics your market is already buying. Note that you don’t need to research membership ideas only. Instead, you’re looking at what other types of infoproducts your market is buying on the same topic.

To that end, complete this worksheet:

Enter your keywords into the Udemy search box (e.g., “dog training” or “bodybuilding”). Which topics are popular/bestsellers?

Search Amazon for your keywords.  Which topics are popular/bestsellers?

Search ClickBank for your keywords.  Which topics are popular/bestsellers?

Search Google for your keywords. What types of information products are your competitors selling?

Take note of the sponsored (paid) ads in your Google search, as well as the paid advertisements on your competitors’ sites. What are they selling?

Major magazines and other publications spend a lot of money researching what’s popular in the niche so that they can put the most profitable topics on the cover. To that end, look at niche magazines over the last few months and take note of their cover topics:

Note that the very best way to find out what someone is likely to buy from you tomorrow is to find out what they’re buying today, which is why the above market-research steps will yield the best results. However, you can confirm your findings with the following additional steps:

See what topics are popular in your niche by visiting niche blogs, forums and groups. Which topics are really popular right now? (E.G., lots of comments, likes, shares, etc.)

Which topics tend to be popular over time in the group or on the blog?  To answer this, you’ll need to visit the archives to see which topics come up repeatedly:

Note that you can also survey your audience to learn about their problems and challenges. If you take this step, write down your insights here:

Search Google Trends for your keywords to see if your topic idea has enduring interest (https://trends.google.com/trends/):

Final Step: Select a Topic

Now that you’ve brainstormed potential topics and then researched these topics to see which of them are popular, your final step is to select a topic for your membership site. Ask yourself these questions:

Which topics are both profitable and hold your interest?

Of the topics from your list above, which ones seem the most profitable (based on your research)?

Of the topics that have the most profit potential, which ones interest you the most?

In most cases, at this point your list will be pretty short – you may only have a few topics on the last line above of this worksheet. Those are the topics that are both profitable and interesting to you. Your final step is to simply pick a topic from this list. With all else being equal (meaning profit potential is equal), pick the topic that interests you the most (preferably one where you have experience).

That’s it! You now have a topic for your membership site!

has been added to your cart!

have been added to your cart!

Plus you get a professional sales letter for the product so you can be up and running fast.

Just format to match your site design, insert your payment button and you’re ready to start taking orders!


This content is so good, that even if you didn’t want to sell it right away, and just bought it just to learn from it for now, it would be a fantastic deal!

The content is very educational, and many coaches charges MEGA bucks to teach the same content. So learn from it then profit from it!

I bet you’re thinking….

Mozie, this is all great and I want it BUT…

What is this PLR blowout going to cost me?

If you hired a professional ghostwriter to create this content for you, you’d easily pay over $10 000, and this is an under-exaggeration.

This content is easily worth over $1000 and if you sold one course for $97 you’d have made your entire investment back, but imagine you sold 100 courses? That’s $9700 which is $9603 profits already! Just a realistic example of how quickly you could make big profits with this premium PLR blowout package.

If you act-fast and grab your PLR license to all the products mentioned on this page, you’ll only pay $97. You’ll get a lifetime PLR license to all the content, and if you sold 1 course at $97 you’ll have already broken even and every other sale would be profits!

Don’t miss out on this VERY RARE PLR Blowout deal. Once 50 PLR licenses to PLR Profits Vault V1 is sold, this page will be taken down for good.

Grab your Profits Vault V1 PLR licensing to Over 1,000 Pages Of HIGH QUALITY Done-For-You PLR Content (Over 242 000 Words) right now while you still can. 

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Package Details:

The 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages

The 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages – Bonuses Word Doc (5315 words)
The 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages – eCover Graphics
The 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages – Content Word Doc (18 069 words)
The 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages – Salesletter Word Doc
The 31-Day Guide To Profitable Packages – License PDF


The 31-Day Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site

The 31-Day Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site – Bonuses Word Doc (5402 words)
The 31-Day Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site – eCover Graphics
The 31-Day Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site – Content Word Doc (18 314 words)
The 31-Day Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site – Salesletter Word Doc
The 31-Day Guide To A Profitable PLR Membership Site – License PDF


Article Library 20 Premium Internet Marketing PLR Articles

  • 8 how-to articles
  • 8 list articles
  • 4 FAQ-style articles.

Here’s the Premium IM PLR Article titles:

1. How to Create a Course Your Customers Will Really Love
2. How to Write a Compelling Sales Letter
3. How to Monetize Your Blog
4. How to Start Guest Blogging
5. How to Get More Visibility in Google
6. How to Start a Profitable Affiliate Program
7. How to Build a Responsive Mailing List
8. How to Promote Backend Offers Throughout Your Sales Funnel
9. 7 Current Marketing Trends That Are Happening Right Now
10. 10 Surefire Ways to Get Targeted Traffic
11. 6 Types of Products Every Infoproduct Creator Ought to Have in Their Sales Funnel
12. 8 Types of Lead Magnets You Can Use to Attract the Right Audience and Build Your List
13. 7 Ways to Increase Profits (backend, upsell/cross-sell, etc.)
14. Five Places to Purchase a Highly Effective Paid Ad
15. 7 Essential Social Media Platforms
16. 10 Types of Videos You Should be Sharing With Your Market
17. Your Content Marketing Questions Answered: The Content Marketing FAQ
18. How to Create an In-Demand Product: The Product Creation FAQ
19. The Infoproduct Marketer’s Social Media Marketing FAQ
20. Hands-Free Income: The Outsourcing FAQ

eCover Graphics – 3D ecovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.

PLR License


Emailcome Premium Email Marketing PLR Guides

Emailcome – eCover Graphics
Emailcome – Free Report Word Doc (1968 words)
Emailcome – Guides Word Doc (25 356 words)
Emailcome – Salesletter Word Doc
Emailcome – License PDF


The Ultimate Guide To Bonuses Premium PLR Guide

The Ultimate Guide To Bonuses – Word and PDF (10 131 words)
The Ultimate Guide To Bonuses Salesletter
eCover Graphics – 3D ecovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.
PLR License


The Ultimate Guide To Conversions Premium PLR Guide

The Ultimate Guide To Conversions – Word and PDF (10 014 words)
The Ultimate Guide To Conversions – Salesletter
eCover Graphics – 3D ecovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.
PLR License


The Ultimate Guide To Ideas Premium PLR Guide

The Ultimate Guide To Ideas – Word and PDF (10 071 words)
The Ultimate Guide To Ideas – Salesletter
eCover Graphics – 3D ecovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.
PLR License


The Ultimate Guide To Membership Sites Premium PLR Guide

The Ultimate Guide To Membership Sites – Word and PDF (10 609 words)
The Ultimate Guide To Membership Sites – Salesletter
eCover Graphics – 3D eCovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.
PLR License


Businessentials 8 Premium Business Reports

Businessentials 8 Premium Business Reports  (16 451 words)
eCover Graphics – 3D ecovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.
PLR License


Outscriptions Outsourcing Projection Description PLR Templates

Outscriptions Templates (12 709 words)
Outscriptions Salesletter
eCover Graphics – 3D ecovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.
PLR License


326 Fill-in-the-blank Online Business PLR Templates

326 Fill-in-the-blank Online Business Templates (2 1650 words)
eCover Graphics – 3D ecovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.
PLR License


Three To Thrive List Traffic Offers Premium PLR Newsletter

Twelve Premium Newsletter Issues (36 300 words)
eCover Graphics – 3D ecovers and Flat Cover with PSD file.
PLR License


Trafficome Premium Traffic and Conversions PLR Guide

Trafficome – eCover Graphics
Trafficome – Free Report (1996 words)
Trafficome – Guides (24 267 words)
Trafficome – Salesletter Word Doc
Trafficome – License PDF


Membership Site Premium PLR Worksheets

Membership Site Worksheets – eCover Graphics
Membership Site Worksheets – Content Word Doc (10 159 words)
Membership Site Worksheets – Salesletter Word Doc
Membership Site Worksheets – PLR License


Your PLR License Terms

PERMISSIONS: What Can You Do With These Materials?

Sell the content basically as it is (with some minor tweaks to make it “yours”).

If you are going to claim copyright to anything created with this content, then you must substantially change at 75% of the content to distinguish yourself from other licensees.

Break up the content into small portions to sell as individual reports for $10-$20 each.

Bundle the content with other existing content to create larger products for $47-$97 each.

Setup your own membership site with the content and generate monthly residual payments!

Take the content and convert it into a multiple-week “eclass” that you charge $297-$497 to access!

Use the content to create a “physical” product that you sell for premium prices!

Convert it to audios, videos, membership website content and more.

Excerpt and / or edit portions of the content to give away for free as blog posts, reports, etc. to use as lead magnets, incentives and more!

Create your own original product from it, set it up at a site and “flip” the site for megabucks!

RESTRICTIONS: What Can’t You Do With These Materials?

To protect the value of these products, you may not pass on the rights to your customers. This means that your customers may not have PLR rights or reprint / resell rights passed on to them.

You may not pass on any kind of licensing (PLR, reprint / resell, etc.) to ANY offer created from ANY PORTION OF this content that would allow additional people to sell or give away any portion of the content contained in this package.

You may not offer 100% commission to affiliates selling your version / copy of this product. The maximum affiliate commission you may pay out for offers created that include parts of this content is 75%.

You are not permitted to give the complete materials away in their current state for free – they must be sold. They must be excerpted and / or edited to be given away, unless otherwise noted. Example: You ARE permitted to excerpt portions of PLR content for blog posts, lead magnets, etc.

You may not add this content to any part of an existing customer order that would not require them to make an additional purchase. (IE You cannot add it to a package, membership site, etc. that customers have ALREADY paid for.)

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