Green Smoothie Cleanse Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights
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Green Smoothie Cleanse Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights
Discover How To Feel Better Than You Ever Have Before With A Great Tasting Smoothie A Day…
Do you ever feel like you have to drag yourself out of bed just to get your day started?
If you’re like a lot of people out there, most days you likely feel out of energy before you ever get started for the day…
Heck, some days you may just want to crawl right back into bed…
Unfortunately, if you wake up with little to no energy, things don’t get much better as the day goes on…
By the afternoon, you feel drained, lethargic, and ready for a nap…
Of course, with the busy lives that most of us lead, taking a nap in the middle of the day is very rarely an option…
If You Feel Tired, Stressed, And Worn Out Most Of The Time, You’re Not Alone…
So what’s the answer to this?
Is feeling miserable all the time just part of modern life?
Most people probably think that’s the case…
…that feeling less than good is just “part of live.”
But there is some good news…
You DON’T have to go on feeling that way…
For most people, the reason why you feel “blah” and low on energy is due to an underlying issue that can be fixed…
And the even better news is that the “fix” to feeling less than energetic is pretty simple…
Although most people think they are getting the nutrients that they need, a majority of the people out there are not getting certain VITAL nutrients each day…
Without the nutrients that our bodies need each day, we’re just not able to function at the levels we are supposed to be at…
To put it simply, when your body doesn’t have the nutrients it needs each day, it’s not much different than a car trying to win a fast, high-octane race with little to no fuel…
At some point, that car is going to run out of gas, and end up on the sidelines… losing the race…
With Our Fast-Paced Lives, Most Of Us Don’t Eat The Right Foods And End Up “Running On Empty” Most Days…
That’s because…
A very large portion of the food you find at the grocery store these days is processed…
And processed food is NOT good.
Sure, it may last forever on a shelf, but that’s because most processed foods are PACKED with preservatives and sugars…
…and contain almost NONE of the vital nutrients that we actually need to fuel our bodies each day…
These “empty calories” are…
- Depleting your energy levels day after day
- Making you feel tired
- Increasing your stress levels
- Causing you to store and gain fat (while you lose muscle mass)
- And ultimately destroying your overall health…
It sounds horrible, I know…
So, What’s The Answer?
How do you turn things around?
The bottom line is this…
You NEED to eat more fruit and vegetables every day…
Our bodies literally CRAVE fruits and veggies, and lots of them…
To get all the nutrients you need each day, you’d need to eat MULTIPLE servings of both fruits and veggies…
But that’s easier said than done, right?
Even with the best of intentions, it’s difficult to eat fruits and veggies all day long…
It’s not all that convenient, and we often don’t have easy access to healthy foods in our busy daily routines…
But what if there was a simple way for you to get a “HIT” of the fruits and veggies that you need at one time?
The good news is…
The Answer Is Drinking A Smoothie Every Single Day…
You’ve heard the old phrase that an apple a day keeps the doctor away…
Don’t get me wrong…
An apple a day is great and certainly better than nothing, but your body needs much more than just 1 apple to get all the needed daily nutrients…
The Ultimate Guide To Boosting Energy And Improve Your Health With A Smoothie A Day
(Great tasting, easy-to-make smoothie recipes included inside)
This step-by-step guide gives you everything you need to boost energy, lose weight, and improve your health with daily smoothies.
On top of all the health benefits and way you’ll feel, the smoothie recipes I’ve included inside taste AMAZING!
Here’s A Preview Of Some Of The Things You’ll Discover Inside…
- How smoothies can quickly transform your health
- Why nutrients are so important and the BIG problem that virtually all of us have with or our modern diets… (and what we can do to quickly turn things around)
- The danger in consuming too many empty calories, and how frequent consumption of empty calories are literally destroying your health and making you feel horrible… day after day…
- Why smoothies are a great solution for getting the daily nutrients you need, and what to expect when you start drinking them…
- How to get the most out of smoothies and avoid harming yourself with the sugar found in many smoothies
- Not all smoothies are the same… Discover the 5 keys to the PERFECT smoothie… Almost no one knows this, but making sure your smoothies have these 5 keys is crucial to getting the best results possible
- How to supercharge every smoothie you drink for maximum health and energy… This is simple, but again, very few people know this simple “health hack”
- How to create Energy and Defense Smoothies that boost your immune system and quickly improve your health
- Supercharge your morning routine with the Morning Wakeup Smoothie…
- Unlock the power of the Prep and Pick-up Smoothie anytime you need a quick BOOST…
- Get a simple recipe for the ultimate Brain Fuel and Breakfast Smoothies
- Want a relaxing smoothie that calms you down? You’ll also get a recipe for an awesome Bedtime Smoothie that will have you sawing logs in just minutes
- Like to have a drink every now and then? We’ve got you covered with the Perfect Smoothie for Hangovers… (This one works great when you’re overworked or recovering from being a little sick too)
- You also get an entire selection of smoothies focused on weight loss, building muscles, and getting the most out of your body…
- Plus, a whole lot more…
This guide will give you everything you need boost nutrients and improve your health extremely quickly.
But don’t just take my word for it…
“This Sounds Like Exactly What I Need…How Much?”
When it comes to finding a solution for improving health and boosting energy with smoothies, a lot of people just aren’t sure exactly where to start…
There are some resources out there about boosting energy and improving your health with smoothies, but most people just end up getting confused when they wing-it and try to figure it all out on their own…
In fact, some people get so confused that they hire a nutritionist or invest in expensive smoothie programs to help them get the best results possible with regular smoothies…
The problem with this is that it can quickly end up costing you an arm and a leg…
The good news is…
This guide is the next best thing to hiring a nutrition expert to point you in the right direction…
And although this guide will change your life, you won’t invest nearly as much as you’re probably thinking this is going to cost when you get started today…
Because this guide is so powerful it normally sells for $97.
I’ve personally devoted my life to helping people get amazing results with smoothies and truly believe that daily smoothies are THE answer to boosting energy and improving your health quickly in today’s fast-paced, modern world…
I know when you get this, you’re going to love it, which is why I’ve slashed the price for a limited time and made this so affordable that ANYONE… ANYWHERE can get this without breaking the bank…
When you grab this guide today, you can get INSTANT ACCESS for just…
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And I’m about to make this even BETTER…
When You Get This Guide Right Now, You’ll Also These Money-Making Bonuses For FREE…
Fast Action Bonus #1 – The Ultimate Smoothie Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that makes it easy to get started boosting energy and improving your health with daily smoothies.
It breaks down the entire guide into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have all the most important aspects of drinking daily smoothies right at your fingertips…
This makes it easy to track your progress and stay focused on drinking a delicious smoothie day after day.
Fast Action Bonus #2 – The Ultimate Smoothie Mind Map
Some people learn better by looking at a mind map. This mind map gives you an overview of everything covered inside the guide so you get the best results possible. You can also print it out for quick reference anytime you need it!
Fast Action Bonus #3 – The Ultimate Smoothie Resource Guide
The Resource Guide gives you a quick point of reference to all of the resources mentioned throughout the guide.
This makes it easy to make sure you have everything you need lined up for your daily smoothies.
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Before You Get Started…Upgrade To The Video Version Of The Smoothie Guide And Get Better Results Even Faster…
First off, thanks so much for your purchasing my guide that will show you how to lose weight, boost your energy levels, and feel better than you ever have with daily smoothies…
If you follow the step-by-step guide you will begin to see improvement in a matter of a few days in most cases…
But, what if you could get better results and make sure that you stick with your new “smoothie life?”
And, what if you could avoid some of the common pitfalls that people run into when they start drinking smoothies?
The good news is, you can…
For a limited time, you can get access to the video version of this powerful guide that will help you get the best results possible with daily smoothies, boost your energy faster than ever, and stick with it…
To be very clear… this is an exclusive, customer-only offer to upgrade…
Here’s Why You Need To Upgrade To The Video Version Right Now…
It’s a proven fact that as much as 65% of the entire population are visual learners…
Visual learners get the best results when they can watch something being done as opposed to just reading about it.
It’s quite likely that YOU are a visual learner.
How do you learn the best?
Would you rather just read a text-based guide, or do you think you might get better results if you were able to watch something being done live or on video?
Although the smoothie guide you just purchased gives you a step-by-step approach to boosting your energy and improving your health with daily smoothies..
…it’s crucial that you follow the directions and make your smoothies correctly to get the best results possible.
If you miss any of these details or do things the wrong way, you may find yourself wasting your time making smoothies that don’t give you the results you’re looking for…
…or even worse…
If you don’t make the right kinds of smoothies, you could even find yourself getting the opposite of the effects you were hoping for.
The wrong smoothies at the wrong time of day could cause you to become tired and lethargic and even end up gaining weight…
I don’t want that to happen to you.
I want nothing more than for you to lose weight, boost your energy, improve your health, and get the best results possible with smoothies…
That’s why I’ve put together a video upgrade that will make it even easier to understand everything in the guide you just purchased and make sure that you get the results that you’re looking for…
When You Upgrade, The Video Smoothie Guide Will Help You…
- Prevent missing out on the important details related to making the right kinds of smoothies at the right times during the day
- Make sure you maximize your energy levels and feel better than you ever have
- Stay focused to sticking with your new “smoothie lifestyle”
- And help you avoid getting frustrated and giving up…
The Video Upgrade To The Smoothie Guide You Just Purchased…
Are you ready to feel better than you ever have before by drinking a smoothie a day?
If the answer is “YES,” click the link below…
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Of course, you’re probably wondering how much this is going to set you back, right?
The good news is…
Right Now, You Can Lock-In A Massive Discount…
This is the next best thing to having a nutrition expert creating a daily smoothie plan for you, creating the recipes, and giving you a guide to make sure you get the best results possible.
Of course, if you hired a nutritionist, it would easily set you back hundreds… if not thousands of dollars over time.
The good news is you won’t pay anywhere near that today…
Not only will you avoid frustration and wasted time you’ll see results FASTER and get better results when you make the wise decision to get this video upgrade…
If you’re the type of person that learns better from watching something instead of just reading about it, you need to get this upgrade today…
The normal price for this video upgrade is only $197.
But, you won’t pay anywhere near that today.
Like I said earlier, my #1 goal is to help as many people as possible change their lives for the better with daily smoothies…
That’s why, I’ve heavily discounted this video upgrade.
As a valued customer, you get the limited opportunity get this video upgrade for the low, one-time investment of just…
And it’s about to get even better…
When You Upgrade Today, You’ll Also Get This Exclusive Fast Action Bonus…
Fast Action Bonus – High-Quality MP3s Of The Entire Video Training
You also get 10 audios of the video training in MP3 format so you keep “staying healthy with smoothies” on the brain at all times…
Listen to them in the car, at home, or even at the office and you’ll become a smoothie expert in no time!
And, the best part about all of this…
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Here’s the Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These Videos
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Package Details:
Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – MindMap
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – Sales Letter And Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Articles
Module 10 – Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Images Pack
Advance Video Course:
Module 1 – Training Videos
Module 2 – Salespage
Module 3 – Legal Pages
Module 4 – Sales Video
Module 5 – Affiliate Page
Module 6 – Promotion Email Swipes
Module 7 – Squeeze Page
Module 8 – Giveaway Report
Module 9 – Graphics
Module 10 – Audios
Total File Download Size:
350 Megabytes (MB)
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