Email Marketing Excellence with Master Resell Rights
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#EmailMarketingExcellence #EmailMarketing #EmailMarketingTips #EmailMarketingGuide #ListBuilding
Email Marketing Excellence with Master Resell Rights
Step-By-Step Blueprint Reveals How To Become An Email Marketing Expert Even If You’ve Never Built An Email List In Your Life…
- You can start seeing traffic flowing within minutes
- It’s easier to find targeted traffic sources
- You can see what’s working and what’s not without putting in a lot of effort and time
- You can begin to profit within days or even hours in some cases… NOT weeks or months!
Are you looking for a marketing method that will consistently generate a positive return on your marketing investment?
What if you could invest $1 and get $2 back?
…or $3 back…
…or even $43 BACK???
Would you take that deal?
If you’re like most people, that’s a no-brainer…
One of the easiest, most profitable marketing methods that is consistently generating positive returns for over 88% of marketers that use it is email marketing…
Whether you’re currently using email to drive traffic and make sales, or you’ve just thought about trying it, there’s never been a better time to take a close look at email marketing…
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Here’s Why You Need To Build An Email List…
Email marketing is…
Fast – You can literally reach hundreds or even thousands of targeted people with just a click of your mouse.
Affordable – You can get started building a list and sending emails with little to no marketing budget.
Trackable – With simple click-tracking, it’s easy to see who clicked on what with email marketing.
High Returns – Email is low cost, has high engagement, and the result is a MASSIVE return on your time and money investment… email marketing is PROFITABLE!
Not to mention…
Email Is Big And Getting Bigger
There are over 4.1 Billion registered email accounts… This is projected to increase
to 5.2 Billion by 2018… with 91% of people checking their email every single day!
- 88% of marketers are able to generate a positive return on their marketing investment with email!
- 81% of online shoppers are more likely to make additional purchases and buy more as a results of email…
- 66% of ALL consumers have made a purchase online as a direct result of email…
Although email marketing can be extremely easy, effective, and profitable…
To See Big Success With Email Marketing, You Must…
Pay close attention to the details.
You can’t just wake up one day, start sending emails, and expect to profit like crazy.
There are many details you must pay attention to if you want to see success… Although email marketing is not complicated, if you ignore the details, you can find yourself wasting time, spinning your wheels, and losing money…
Here’s Why Most Marketers Struggle With Email Marketing…
There is a step-by-step formula to success with email marketing.
What worked 2 years ago, a year ago, or even 6 months ago doesn’t work like it used to…
To become an expert at email marketing, you need someone that is already seeing results with email marketing to show you the steps you must follow to see success…
When You Do Things The Right Way With Email Marketing, This Is What You’ll See… ![]()
But Do Things Wrong With Email Marketing, And You Could See This…
But NOT making money isn’t the worst-case scenario if you do things wrong with email marketing…
Many countries have rules that you must follow with email marketing or you could find yourself in hot water…
That’s why you really need someone to show you how to market with email… the right way!
Not only will you avoid wasting time, but you’ll make more money, and stay out of trouble!
“Email Marketing Excellence“
Inside This Step-By-Step Guide To Success With Email Marketing, You’ll Discover…
- 4,300 reasons why you should be using email to market… (This will shock you!)
- Why email marketing is even better than marketing with Facebook and driving traffic with SEO…
- How to use email to get in front of your customers 24 hours per day…
- The right way to structure your first email marketing campaign, and how to start making a profit right from the get-go… even if you’ve never seen success with email before…
- Why you need an autoresponder to get the best results, the top 3 options that provide the best quality autoresponder service, and a chart that compares the prices of all 3… (You can get started with 2 of them for $1 or less!)
- The importance of a list and how to start getting targeted subscribers as soon as today!
- Why sometimes having a small, targeted list can make you MORE money than a massive list…
- Why making it easy for people to unsubscribe is not only compliant with the law, but how it can put more money into your pocket…
- The top 3 traffic sources for building a targeted email list quickly, and which method you should be focusing on in the beginning…
- People don’t just give you their email address for no reason… How to ethically bribe people to hand over their email address so you can sell to them over and over again…
- Building a list is just part of it… How to engage your subscribers and make them raving fans that are EXCITED to get emails from you and ultimately BUY!
- Why you don’t need to write super long emails and why sometimes shorter converts much better…
- The often-asked question of “how often should I email my list” is answered…
- The words you should NEVER include in your emails to get past the SPAM filters and get the highest delivery rate possible…
- Why your online reputation matters, how to keep it intact, and how it can destroy your business if you mess it up…
- The 3 times you should delete subscribers from your list, and why deleting these 3 groups of subscribers will actually put more money in your pocket…
- 6 simple strategies for quickly growing your subscriber list to 10,000 subscribers and beyond…
- How to setup the perfect autoresponder sequence that sells 24/7… making you money even while you sleep…
- Selling products and services isn’t the only way to monetize your email list… discover additional, more creative ways to send emails and PROFIT!
- Plus, a whole lot more!
Who Should Get Email Marketing Excellence?
If you answer “YES” to any of the below, Email Marketing Excellence is for you!
- You’re looking for a marketing method that can increase your profit per customer.
- You don’t want a marketing method that requires you to be tech-savvy.
- You’ve tried building a list or marketing with email in the past, and you didn’t see the results that you had hoped for.
- You don’t have a massive marketing budget, but you want to do something that will be effective and give you a positive ROI.
- You want to learn what’s working TODAY in email marketing.
- You like the idea of building a list that you can continue to market to over and over again…
Email Marketing Excellence is the best guide out there for quickly becoming an expert at email marketing…
But don’t just take my word it…
“Yes, I’m Ready To Start Profiting With Email Marketing… How Much For Instant Access?”
There’s no question that email marketing, done correctly, can be extremely profitable.
Of course, you could certainly figure it all out on your own…
To do this, you’d have try multiple list-building methods, spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars testing various traffic methods, and invest countless hours in trying to find what works and what doesn’t…
The other option would be to grab the Email Marketing Excellence guide…
If you were going to hire someone that’s an expert at email marketing to show you the ropes, you’d easily invest several hundred or even thousands of dollars…
But, today, you won’t spend anywhere near that for Email Marketing Excellence.
Normally, I sell this training for $100, or more, but this won’t set you back $100 today.
In fact, you won’t even spend $67 when you grab this today…
For a limited time, you can get access to Email Marketing Excellence today for just $9.99…
Click the Buy Button now for INSTANT ACCESS…
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(Don’t delay – If you wait and come back tomorrow, the price could be much higher)
To make this really easy for you, I’m going to sweeten the deal even more…
When You Take Action Today, You’ll Also Get These Fast Action Bonuses…
Fast Action Bonus #1 – Email Marketing Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that you can print out and use to easily take action at every step of the process.
It breaks up the whole training into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have every single piece of advice taught in the training at your fingertips.
This helps you to track your progress and will help you meet your income goals faster than you thought possible…
Fast Action Bonus #2 – Email Marketing Mind Map
Some people learn better by looking at a mind map. This mind map gives you an overview of every step you need to apply. You can also print it out for quick reference any time you need it!
Fast Action Bonus #3 – Email Marketing Resource Guide
The Resource Guide gives you a quick point of reference to all of the resources mentioned throughout the training.
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Discover How To Profit With Email Marketing Even Faster… And Get Bigger Returns Than You Ever Thought Possible…
First off, thanks so much for your purchase of the Email Marketing Excellence Ebook.
With what you learn inside, you’ll be able to start building a highly-targeted, engaged emailed list and turning those subscribers into massive profits…
But, what if you could start seeing results with email even faster?
What if you could take what you’ll learn inside the Ebook to the next level and get even more subscribers and make even more money with email marketing… faster than you ever thought possible?
The good news is, you can…
For a limited time, you can get access to the Email Marketing Excellence Video training course that will give you the upper hand when it comes to using email to generate targeted subscribers that ultimately lead to sales and online profits…
This is an exclusive, customer-only offer to upgrade…
Why You Need To Upgrade To The Video Version Of Email Marketing Excellence…
Did you know that many people learn MUCH faster by watching something being done rather than just reading about how to do it?
What’s the best way for you to learn?
Although everyone is a little different, the majority of the population learns better and retains information MUCH faster from watching a video than be reading the text version of something…
It’s true that with a little time and effort, almost anyone can see great results with email marketing…
But, it’s the little details that make the difference between getting results as soon as today… and losing money, time, and failing completely…
Success all starts with getting everything setup and planning how you’ll build your first list and turning that list into profits… Do things correctly and you’ll see a huge return on your time and marketing investment… You’ll profit like crazy!
But, if you miss any of these details or do things the wrong way, and you could find yourself missing out on traffic…
…or worse…
…you could even find yourself getting into BIG trouble by not following email marketing rules and regulations…
That’s why you need to focus on all of the details to avoid having issues and get the BEST results possible with email marketing…
The Video Version Of Email Marketing Excellence Will Help You…
Get things setup the right way and start seeing results within hours of getting started…
Stay focused and accountable to following through and building a highly-targeted list…
Start generating traffic to whatever it is you’re selling and making you more money than you ever thought possible…
“Email Marketing Excellence”
Are you ready to master email marketing and begin seeing big results… faster than ever?
If the answer is “YES,” click the link below…
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Of course, you’re probably wondering how much this is going to set you back, right?
The good news is…
Today, You Can Upgrade To The Email Marketing Excellence Video Course For Over 75% Off The Normal Price…
This is the next best thing to an email marketing expert sitting down next to you…
…SHOWING you how to build your list full of targeted subscribers with little to no investment and quickly turn them into a PROFIT!
Of course, having an email marketing expert sitting down and coaching you would easily cost you $500+…
But, pay close attention, because you won’t pay anywhere near that today…
Not only will you avoid many of the most common mistakes that people make, you’ll see results FASTER and get better results with this exclusive video training.
If you’re one of those people that learns better from seeing someone DO something rather than reading about it, you need to get this upgrade today…
The normal price for the Email Marketing Excellence Video Course is only $197…
But, you won’t pay that today.
In fact, you won’t even pay $97 for this special upgrade.
As a valued customer, you get the limited-time opportunity to upgrade to the Email Marketing Excellence Video Course for the low, one-time investment of just $47.
That’s over 75% OFF the normal price of this training…
But, it’s about to get a little sweeter…
When You Upgrade Today, You’ll Also Get This Exclusive Fast Action Bonus…
Fast Action Bonus – 10 High-Quality MP3s Of The Entire Email Marketing Excellence Video Course
Don’t have time to watch videos? I am also providing you with 10 MP3’s that you can use to learn while you’re on the go…
Listen to them in the car, at home, or even at the office and you’ll be seeing BIG results with email marketing in no time…
Here’s the best part about all of this…
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Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These Videos
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Package Details:
Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mind Map
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – SalesVideo
Module 6 – Legal Pages
Module 7 – Graphics
Module 8 – Banners
Module 9 – Articles
Module 10 – Promotional Email Swipes
Advance Video Course:
Module 1 – Training Videos
Module 2 – PowerPoint Slides
Module 3 – Voiceover
Module 4 – Upsell Salespage
Module 5 – Legal Pages
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Affiliate Page
Module 8 – Promotion Email Swipes For The Upsell
Module 9 – SqueezePage
Module 10 – Giveaway Report
Module 11 – Graphics
Total File Download Size:
257 Megabytes (MB)
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