Bookkeeping PLR Pack
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Bookkeeping PLR Pack
How would you like to grab private label rights to your own Bookkeeping PLR product?
Yes you heard right, today you can own your own Bookkeeping PLR bundle that you can rebrand and resell as your own!
Introducing the…
Bookkeeping PLR Pack
So What Do You Get With This Bookkeeping PLR?
This Bookkeeping PLR product is jammed-packed with value and comes with the following components:
- List Building Report/Lead Magnet in PDF and Editable Word Documents
- Training Guide in PDF and Editable Word Documents
- Video Training in MP4 Format
- Audio Training in MP3 Format
- Graphics and Facebook Advert (JPG and PNG files)
- Powerpoint Slides
- Follow-up Emails
- Rebranding Tutorial Video
- Full Private Label Rights License
Amazing right? Yes if you grab the Bookkeeping PLR Pack today you’ll be able to get your PLR license at the lowest possible price!
Don’t miss out on this great deal and STEAL this value packed PLR deal for only $9.99 today!
This deal might not be around forever, so grab it while you can and sell unlimited copies and KEEP ALL THE PROFITS!!
Here’s a Sample Of The Report So That You Know What To Expect From This PLR Pack:
Not everyone who has a great business idea has been to business school. If you’re just starting out in the business world, the financial side of your new company can seem daunting. This book will show you how to navigate bookkeeping options and choose the one that will best suit your small business.
Bookkeeping is a vital component of any business, and getting it right from the very beginning will prevent problems in the future. You should organize your bookkeeping as soon as you can to maximize efficiency and give your business an organizational boost.
The first thing to understand if you’re going to do your own bookkeeping is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting. If you’re unfamiliar with these practices, you’d be forgiven for thinking they’re the same thing. Many seasoned business people would struggle to put the distinction between them into words. Before you look into how bookkeeping works, it’s important to know what bookkeeping is.
Bookkeeping is the process of recording daily transactions and organizing financial documents. Accounting uses the data gleaned from bookkeeping records to make sense of a company’s finances and progress. Simply put, a bookkeeper tracks finances and an accountant analyzes them.
Sounds easy, right? Bookkeeping is definitely less daunting when you know it doesn’t require the same math ability as accountancy. Bookkeeping can be easy, as long as you’re organized. It might seem like something you can handle yourself or something you’d rather outsource but either way, you should understand how it works. When bookkeeping, there are three main things you need to do:
- Keep track of your finances
When bookkeeping for your small business, you can break down your finances into four categories: profits, expenses, inventory cycle, and liabilities. Profits can be divided into cash or credit sales, depending on whether the customer pays you at the time of purchase or when you send them a bill. Expenses can be divided into recurring or non-recurring expenses; non-recurring expenses are usually one-off unexpected payments, whereas recurring expenses cover items such as bills. If your business sells a product, your inventory cycle should catalogue product purchases and sales, allowing you to see how much inventory you have at all times. Liabilities are separate to expenses and should be organized accordingly. Liabilities are outstanding balances your company owes, as opposed to expenses that are incurred by the running of the business (such as buying inventory and paying employees).
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Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These Videos
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Package Details:
- List Building Report/Lead Magnet in PDF and Editable Word Documents
- Training Guide in PDF and Editable Word Documents
- Video Training in MP4 Format
- Audio Training in MP3 Format
- Graphics and Facebook Advert (JPG and PNG files)
- PowerPoint Slides
- Follow-up Emails
- Rebranding Tutorial Video
- Full Private Label Rights License
Total File Download Size:
322 Megabytes (MB)
License Details:
You are hereby granted the right to resell this product as is, give it away in return for a lead, add it to a free membership site (only if opt-ins are required in order to access the membership site), add it to a paid membership site, use it as a bonus for a paid offer, package it together with a paid offer.
You are ALSO granted the right to re-purpose this PLR content, change the title, the cover, add your name as the author, use the audio separately, remove the audio and add your own voice over, use the text as a blog post or article, or literally anything you want. This is all for selling/giving to END USERS ONLY.
You MAY NOT Sell resell rights for this product.
You MAY NOT Sell PLR rights for this product.
You MAY NOT Mention Warlord Marketing or WarlordMarketing.com or my name, or the word “PLR” anywhere on or inside this product nor on any sales pages or anything at all. Again, if you want to say that YOU wrote it or that YOUR website/business created it, that’s fine.
We do web crawls and deep web searches regularly and we WILL know if you have violated these rules.
Legal Disclaimer: This license is Non – Transferable; meaning you cannot give these same rights away. If you want to sell rights to your customers; pay close attention to the license below. We closely monitor vendors that sell the product and take legal violations seriously.
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