Amazon Bestseller Blueprint PLR Videos
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Amazon BestSeller Blueprint Video Course with Private Label Rights
This PLR video training course was designed so you could watch over my shoulder, step-by-step, click by click, to ensure that you are able to successfully and effectively understand how to market your book on Amazon.
Who is this PLR Video Course Perfect For?
- Internet Marketing Coaches
- Book Marketers
- Affiliate Marketers
- Digital Product Resellers
- Email Marketers
- Membership Site Owners
- Marketers looking for Editable Video Guides and Tutorials with Private Label Rights
- Newbie marketers looking to learn from it
- Online businesses looking to grow
- Serious Marketers
- And many other ways!
The fact is that people love learning from videos and video training in highly in-demand because people prefer learning from videos.
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Introducing The Amazon Bestseller Blueprint PLR Video Course
Video# 1 – Introduction
In this specific video I am going to help you get started in understanding how to effectively market your book. I’m going to get you into the right mindset so that you understand how to do this the right way and rocket your book to the bestseller list. And also, most importantly I’m going to show you how all this works and what tools you will need.
Video# 2 – Conversion Basics
Before we jump in and talk about potential marketing strategies that you can use to begin driving traffic to your book, the first thing you want to do is look at your book to ensure that it converts the highest when people come and check out the sales page. So, in this specific video we are going to cover two primary areas that you need to make sure you have done correctly in order to have the best conversions.
Video# 3 – Categories and Keywords
Amazon gives you the ability to choose up to two categories and seven keywords for your book. Therefore, you want to make sure that you choose these categories and keywords wisely, because the worst-case scenario is that you choose the wrong categories and keywords. If you do, you may not get the most targeted traffic to your Amazon sales page.
Video# 4 – Reviews
Unfortunately in this day and age social proof is so important. This means that if you don’t have any reviews on your book’s sales page then it’s most likely that people will simply pass over it and not take a look at it. So the big question is how do you acquire good reviews? Now in this specific video I am going to show you legitimate ways of getting reviews that also follow Amazon’s rules. This is because there are also different ways that you do not want to get reviews with to avoid violating Amazon’s terms and conditions.
Video# 5 – Social Media
Social media marketing is a great way to promote your book and get the word out. This is simply because if you are able to reach a market that is already interested in your type of book, then most likely they will know other people that are interested in the same topic of book as well. So, in this specific video we are going to be covering four different social media networks that you can use to promote your book.
Video# 6 – Book Social Networks
Besides the other four basic social networks that we covered in video number five, in this specific video we are going to be covering social networks that are focused primarily on books. These types of networks are great for book readers who are looking for specific types of books, to be shared, to be read, and more. One of these two book social networks are a great way of driving tons and tons of traffic to your book’s sales page.
Video# 7 – Book Blogs
Book blogs are another great way of getting the word out about your book. However, there is a right way of doing it and a wrong way. So. in this specific video I’m going to show you the right way of finding people in your target market to promote your books through these blogs.
Video# 8 – Giveaways
Giveaways are another great method of marketing your book. In this specific video, I am going to show you how to properly use giveaways to drive massive amounts of targeted traffic to your book’s sales page and therefore increase your Amazon sales rank.
Video# 9 – Your Buyer’s List
One of the things that most book authors forget to do is build their list. Think about it – if you create a book and you have a list of buyers and readers who are interested in your future books, then when you release a book in the future you will be able to announce this new book to your list followers. And most likely they are going to want to know about your new upcoming book anyways, so it’s a win-win situation.
Grab This Video Course and Learn How to Boost Your Book to Bestseller Status!
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Here’s The Sales Video You’ll Be Getting With This PLR Video Course:
Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These PLR Videos:
Here’s a Link Where You Can Preview the Actual Sales-letter and Sales-page:
Click Here To View The Sales Page
This Private Label Rights Video Course comes with an entire business in a box reseller package that you can use, rebrand and resell at your wish.
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Download Package Details:
- 10 640X360 MP4 Flash Videos
- 10 1280X720 MP4 Videos
- 10 MP3 Voice-overs
- 10 PowerPoint Slides
- Sales Video in MP4 Format
- Sales-letter in DOC, HTML and PDF Format
- Editable Graphics: Covers, Flat Cover, Header, Footer, Button (Images and PSD)
Total File Download Size:
487 Megabytes (MB)
Private Label Rights License:
Legal Disclaimer: This license is Non – Transferrable; meaning you cannot give these same rights away. If you want to sell rights to your customers; pay close attention to the license below. We closely
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