680 Business and Marketing PLR Videos Firesale

MASSIVE PLR Video firesale

CoachGlue is the Elite Provider of Premium Ready-To-Go PLR Coaching Programs and Content Trusted by Thousands of Business Coaches Around the World

Thinking of Starting Your Own Business Coaching Membership or Becoming a Marketing Coach? Here’s The Best Source For Done-For-You PLR Coaching Content, Products, Programs and Workshops You Can Re-brand and Use To Grow Your Coaching Business

If you’re an IM coach like me, you’re probably sick and tired of spending hours creating content for webinars and group programs. However, CoachGlue can help, like it has helped thousands of other coaches. With this PLR content for coaches, you’ll spend less time on paperwork because your coaching planners, letters and content are all done for you. Simply take what you need, customize it with your own branding, and use it with your own clients or sell it. The choice is yours!


Let us have a look at what Coach Glue offers and how they can help your coaching business with a steady flow of premium quality PLR coaching content that you can feel proud of when presenting it to your coaching members or adding it to your coaching membership site.


Coach Glue Done-for-You Private Label Coaching Products & Programs


Coach Glue Done-for-You Private Label Coaching Products


Being an entrepreneur is a delicate balancing act between work and home life. Believe me, I know! It can be hard to run a business AND have an outside life, and that may be why you’re having trouble turning your business know-how into coaching content. With CoachGlue, you don’t have to spend hours of your valuable time developing workshops and programs, and you don’t have to spend money hiring others to create your content. With this done for you coaching content, you can easily turn your expertise into classes, workshops and e-courses that you can sell and re-sell as many times as you want. By purchasing a PLR coaching workshop, you get the license to edit the content as you see fit, brand it with your logo, and sell it or give it away as a valuable bonus to your subscribers.


Done-for-You PLR Coaching Content


Done-for-You PLR Coaching Content


I know you’re busy, but CoachGlue has made it simple for you to build your email list, develop low-cost mini-products and create coaching content for your paid and free members. By buying executive coaching PLR from CoachGlue, you get permission to change the content however you’d like. Use it in the following ways:

  • Develop free gifts that you can promote through advertising to recruit new clients and grow your list
  • Create mini-products by recording webinar training and including it with a checklist and workbook
  • Increase your coaching program’s value by creating a reference library for clients

All of this coaching PLR content is presented in .doc format and it’s completely ready to use, and you can change as little (or as much) as you’d like.


Done for You Coaching Forms


Done for You Coaching Forms


With CoachGlue’s PLR business coaching programs and forms, you have customizable versions of all you’ll need to run an efficient, effective business. With referral letters, client intake forms and more, you’ll free up more of your time to devote to running your business. You’ll get:

  • A save-the-sale kit that can help an on-the-fence client make a decision
  • A set of ready-made letters that can help you navigate tough situations you may run into with clients
  • Payment letters to help you in the accounts receivable department


PLR Planners


PLR Planners and Business Coaching Content


If you were to ask a business owner, they would say that the faster you can close the deal, the more profits you’ll make. For the greatest chance at success, you’ll need to present an offer that flows from step to step—and one that will put any idea of rejection out of the customer’s mind. Do it right, and your customers will await your follow-up emails and fill their online shopping carts with your best PLR coaching programs. Using planners from CoachGlue, you can mentor your clients one-on-one, or you can offer recorded e-courses and live mini-classes. Alternatively, you can use these planners to generate leads and build your email list. Simply create an opt-in, monetize the package with your own info, and give it as a bonus for new signups.


PLR Coaching Workshops


PLR Coaching Workshops


Dreams are wonderful, but they’re worthless without a solid plan. To bring your dreams to fruition, you’ll have to take certain steps and set goals. Along the path, there are countless obstacles, and unless you have a good plan it’s easy to get lost. This set of done for you coaching programs is full of actionable steps and ideas that can turn you from a mere dreamer into an IM coaching success. When you buy one of CoachGlue’s workshops, you can change it any way you’d like and you can either sell (and resell) it or give it to customers as a fantastic bonus.


Teach Your Tribe Monthly Program


Teach Your Tribe Monthly Program


If you’re ready to save a tremendous amount of money and time, and you want to take your coaching business to the next level, you should consider this PLR business coaching kit. In the Teach Your Tribe program, you will receive a script to lead clients through tele-classes, webinars and workshops. No more wasting your valuable time writing your own content, and no more paying a ghostwriter hundreds each time you need to create more training courses. You’ll get modules on:

  • Understanding the Chaos
  • Maximizing Basic Email Functions
  • Using Gmail Labels
  • How to Use Filtering Effectively
  • Consolidating Communication Methods
  • Keeping it Simple
  • Using Tools Correctly

Your clients will love these tools and templates because they’ll be able to more easily apply what they have learned. These extras can add a significant amount of value to your coaching events and programs, especially if you connect with your subscribers every month.


Coach Glue All Access Pass Monthly (Monthly)


Coach Glue All Access Pass Monthly (Monthly)


When you subscribe to the monthly All Access Pass, you will get ALL of the Teach Your Tribe programs, coaching workshops, workbooks and other materials CoachGlue releases—from here on out. Every month, CoachGlue releases three items:

  • A Teach Your Tribe program
  • A licensed private label rights coaching workshop that includes workbooks, four modules, and a load of other marketing materials
  • A checklist and workbook

All Access members get all this, the moment it’s released. No more waiting, and no more wondering if you need to order a particular item. With this program, it’s all yours!


Coach Glue All Access VIP Upgrade ($5000 value) (Yearly)


Coach Glue All Access VIP Upgrade ($5000 value) (Yearly)


As an All Access VIP, you will get instant, year-long access to all the materials in this business coaching PLR program. At this time, CoachGlue only keeps twelve months’ content in its download area, and it removes old content to make space for its newest offerings. That’s why I suggest downloading everything to your PC or online storage when you join, and thereafter you should log in at least once per month to get the newest downloads.

Your VIP subscription will renew automatically a year from the date of your signup. That way, you won’t have to worry about service interruptions, and you won’t have to re-sign. You will retain access to all downloads by paying a small yearly fee—and you’ll be set for a whole year. It just can’t get any easier!


How to Get the VIP Program FREE!


How to Get the VIP Program FREE!


When you buy an All Access VIP membership, CoachGlue’s goal is for you to recoup your investment as fast as possible—and to then become profitable. Below are some ways to earn back your money fast.

  • Group coaching: Take this month’s Teach Your Tribe program, record a webinar or tele-class and offer the accompanying calendar and workbook to members. You’d only have to sell one “seat” at $97/month to pay for your VIP membership with money left over!
  • Membership sites: If you do not want to record your training, you can take the reports within this group of private label rights coaching courses and turn them into PDFs. Sell 4 spots at $27/month to pay for your VIP membership and make a profit.
  • Planners: If you take one of CoachGlue’s done-for-you planners and customize it, then record a training video and turn it into a PDF, you can sell just 37 planners at $27 apiece to pay for your VIP membership.
  • Hold a digital workshop: Take one of CoachGlue’s workshops and create a boot camp or e-course. Use PowerPoint slides from the modules to record videos and webinars, or recruit clients for live events. Use worksheets, checklists and other materials to allow clients to apply what they’ve learned. Just sell one at $997 to break even and get on the road to profitability.


“How It Works” Video Walkthough All Access Monthly


"How It Works" Video Walkthough All Access Monthly


Over the past five years, CoachGlue has helped over 10,000 business coaches discover a revolutionary secret to creating great products. Many of its most successful clients have created training and coaching programs by combining their business skills and CoachGlue content, and they generate a passive income. The All Access Annual Program costs $997 per year, but there’s also a monthly option. To see what private label rights coaching courses you get, watch the video walk-through to learn more about the program. If you sign up today for just $97, you’ll immediately get the monthly coaching workshop, Teach Your Tribe package, and monthly workbook/planner package—and you’ll get them each and every month that you remain a member.

There’s a lot to learn from CoachGlue, and you can put these materials to work in multiple ways. Apply what you’ve learned to your own business, and then turn around and resell the package for a massive profit. There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain—so go check out CoachGlue now to start your premium business coaching website or membership today!

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