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Fit without a gym Premium PLR Ebook

Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Package 25k Words

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Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 25 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness and Exercise Content.


Attention: Fitness and Exercise Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Fitness PLR Product on a



Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness and exercises searches, the Fitness is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that fitness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you Fit Without A Gym PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers how to Save Money & Time By Getting Fit At Home.

Everything is done for you – from the main info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative fitness and exercise niche.


Introducing The…

Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 25 000 Words of High Quality Fit Without A Gym Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality fitness PLR package covers the hugely popular fitness niche. Fitness and exercising is evergreen and will always be. This Fitness PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Fit Without A Gym MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook: Getting Fit Without A Gym! (Save Money & Time By Getting Fit At Home!)

(5,407 words, 19 pages, 8 images)

Fit without a gym Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR eBook:

Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview



Table of Contents for the Fit Without A Gym PLR Ebook:

Introduction – Getting In Shape Without A Gym Membership Is Easier Than You Think……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Part 1: Cardio Exercises……………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Running………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

Walking………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Getting Started With Cardio……………………………………………………………………………… 8

Part 2: Strength Training Body Weight Exercises………………………………………………… 9

Squats………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Pushups………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Dips……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Sit-ups………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Pull-ups………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Lunges………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

Plank………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Fun Strength Training ideas to Consider………………………………………………………….. 15

Creating Your Cardio and Strength Workout Program………………………………………. 17

Cardio and Strength in One Workout………………………………………………………………… 17

Staying Motivated…………………………………………………………………………………………. 19



Sample Content for Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Ebook:

Introduction – Getting In Shape Without A Gym Membership Is Easier Than You Think

How familiar does this sound..?

You decide to get in shape. Maybe you’ve set a New Year’s Resolution, or perhaps your favorite jeans no longer fit. You have the motivation to exercise, so you do one of two things…

  1. You head straight to the gym and sign up for a membership.
  2. You head to the fitness store and spend a few hundred dollars on equipment and attire.

Regardless of the path you choose, you probably start off with some enthusiasm. Maybe you actually do make it to the gym a few times each week for the first month. And then the enthusiasm wanes. It’s difficult to find time to get to the gym and, let’s face it, memberships are expensive. And if you’ve invested in a lot of home fitness equipment, you may find that it becomes just another thing that you have to dust.

There are many benefits to working out without spending tons of money on a gym membership or exercise equipment. You save money, of course. However, you also get to find your right exercise program before you invest too much.

For example, Judy thought that she’d enjoy lifting weights and exercise classes at the gym. She joined the gym and spent a few months attending classes. But she found that she enjoyed her walks outside even more than any of her pricey classes. Judy quit the gym and began walking outside. Her fitness program gradually added bodyweight exercises during her walk, as well as some HIIT training. Judy is now in the best shape of her life, and she got there without a gym.

If you think the gym isn’t quite the best solution, or you want the convenience of exercising on your own at home with minimal equipment, then this exercise program is right for you. We’re going to explore three different aspects of working out without a gym or gym equipment. They include cardio, strength, and a combination approach. We’ll talk about different ideas for exercising, offer some tips for getting started and then explore some sample exercise programs. Let’s start with good old cardio exercise.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.


Short Report: Top 12 Outdoor Exercises to Replace the Gym!
(1,669 words, 8 pages, 5 images)

Fit Without a Gym Premium PLR Report


A look inside Top 12 Outdoor Exercises to Replace the Gym Premium PLR Report

Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

Black Mountain Products Heavy Duty Stand – 504 words
Captains of Crush Hand Gripper – 491 words
Marcy Utility Flat Bench – 423 words
Maximiza Pull-up Bar – 492 words
“Mind Gym: An Athlete’s Guide to Inner Excellence” by Gary Mack – 433 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Adjustable Dumbbell Sets – 837 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Can I Really Build Muscle and Get Fit Using Just the Weight of My Body? (226 words)

Complementary Bodyweight Training Accessories (220 words)

How to Customize Your Unique Home Training Program (240 words)

Top 5 Beginner Bodyweight Exercises (260 words)

What Is Bodyweight Training? (221 words)


Fit Without A Gym Email Sample:

Complementary Bodyweight Training Accessories

Have you started your body weight training routine? Great! You are probably already seeing results. That is because naturally working out using nothing more than the weight of your body really cranks up the fat and calorie burning process.

People see weight loss, muscle and strength building results quickly using this type of exercise program.

Would you like to know a little secret? There is a way to improve the fitness results you get from body weight training. That is by adding a few simple (and inexpensive) accessories to your workout.

Chin-Up/Pull-Up Bar

Obviously, you can’t perform pull-ups or chin-ups without a bar. There are pull-up and chin-up bars available online which work in standard doorways without permanent installation. Chin-ups and pull-ups are simple but incredibly efficient strength builders.

A Set of Dumbbells

Dumbbells with different weights can be used to increase your resistance in many bodyweight exercises. Make sure you purchase a set that has both light and heavy weights so you can continually step up the intensity as you become stronger.

A Workout Mat

A lot of bodyweight movements are done on the floor. A mat specifically designed for exercising can keep your sweat and dead skin from staining or stinking up your floor and rug. It also provides some comfortable padding.

Resistance Straps

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High Quality Fit Without A Gym PLR Articles:

3 Household Items You Can Use Instead of Weights – 405 words
3 Reasons to Start Bodyweight Training – 464 words
4 Abdominal Exercise Ideas – 444 words
4 Stair Workout Ideas for the Home – 439 words
5 Ways Anyone Can Benefit From Bodyweight Training – 456 words
5 Variations on the Standard Push Up – 410 words
9 Benefits of Working Out With A Jump Rope – 421 words
A Guide to Calisthenic Exercises – 481 words
A Guide to Isometric Exercise – 430 words
Can Yoga Replace Strength Training? – 396 words
Can You Build Muscle Using Bodyweight Training Exercise Alone? – 432 words
Easy Ways to Increase the Amount of Walking You Do – 401 words
How and Why to Practice the Plank Exercise – 442 words
How to Minimize Bodyweight Muscle Aches When Getting Started – 438 words
How to Turn Any Park Into A Gym – 507 words
How to Use A Foam Roller to Build Muscle Strength – 404 words
How to Use Resistance Bands to Build Muscle – 408 words
Is Running a Good Companion to Bodyweight Training? – 413 words
The Psychological Benefits of Strength Training – 402 words
What Is the Stretch-Shortening Cycle of Muscle Action? – 411 words


Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Article Sample:

3 Household Items You Can Use Instead of Weights

There are many items around the house that one can use instead of weights. Whether your reason is not having enough space to store more exercise equipment or a lack of funds to buy it, here are some items that make good strength training equipment equivalents.

Canned, bottled, bagged or boxed items

A can of soup makes a great replacement for a one pound weight to use in doing bicep curls. And the beauty of it is that as you progress, just use a heavier canned or bottled product. Need a two pound weight? Grab a big bottle of ketchup!

Need a heavier weight to do weighted lunges? A one gallon milk jug weighs around 8.5 pounds. You and make it weigh more by refilling it with sand once empty for an even better workout or as you progress in strength and want to challenge your muscles even more.

A bag of flour or rice can easily weight 5 pounds. Either works great to put on your chest when doing crunches. Grab a box of laundry detergent for one-arm rows; it can weigh up to 10 pounds. Most of the boxes even have a built-in handle. What a deal!

Bunji Cords

You might already have these in your garage, the stretchy cords that you use to tie down things when hauling. Just tie loops on each end – one for your hand and the other for your foot. Or if long enough, you can put a loop in each hand and step on the middle of the cord to work both arms doing bicep curls. If you have short cords, you can put a hand in the loop on each end and stretch it to workout chest and arm muscles. Be sure to work it slow in both directions so you get the full benefit.

Your Own Bodyweight

And of course, you can always use your own bodyweight. If you have stairs in your house, a 140-pound person burns 175 calories by walking up and down for 30 minutes. For tricep dips, use a kitchen chair and your bodyweight.

With strength training, you should have at least a day between exercising the same set of muscles. Strive to do two to three sets of each exercise in your routine with 12 to 15 repetitions per set. A 20 to 30-minute session three to four days per week is all you need to get firm and tone.


Bonuses: 10 Muscle Building Articles

5 Habits to Get a Fit Body by Summer – 554 words

Four Common Muscle-Building Myths – 521 words

Best Shoulder, Back and Bicep Exercises for a Beach Body – 579 words

Can I Do Both Weight Training and Bodyweight Training? – 567 words

Compound Exercises VS Ab Exercises: Which are Better for a Flat Belly? – 604 words

Creating a Meal Plan That Aligns with Your Fitness Plan – 533 words

Do This Bodyweight Workout to Lose Weight and Get Ripped – 545 words

How is Your Diet and Training Making You Feel? – 604 words

Should You Train Your Abs Daily to Get a Beach Body? – 566 words

Structuring Your Workout Routine for Ultimate Summer Fitness – 564 words


10 Muscle Building PLR Article Sample:

4 Ways to Take Your Bodyweight Training to the Next Level

One of the limitations to bodyweight training is that it requires you to be a lot more creative when it comes to challenging yourself. When you’re first starting out with this protocol, you’ll find it challenging. However, as time progresses and you get fitter, you’ll discover that your body has adapted.

You’re much stronger and your muscular endurance has improved. Doing the usual push-ups and pull-ups is just not cutting it. You need to do more to challenge your body.

In this article, you’ll learn 4 methods to make your bodyweight exercises tougher. These will help to strengthen your body further and cause some degree of hypertrophy so that you build lean muscle.

  1. Use a weight vest

You can easily purchase a weight vest from Amazon or most sports stores. What the vest will enable you to do is add more weight on your person. The vest has several pockets with weights that can be added or removed.

Wear the vest when you’re doing your dips, pull-ups, push-ups, squats, etc. Now there will be more resistance and almost every exercise will become more difficult with the added resistance.

  1. TRX cables

TRX cables are a fantastic way to train your body in a way that it’s not accustomed to moving. With most types of core exercises, there’s often a lot of stability in the movement. You either have your elbows on the ground when doing a plank or you’re lying on it when you do flutter kicks, etc.

TRX cables is suspension training where you’ll need to engage your entire core to stay stable. There’s a lot more instability and you’ll need to focus hard to stay balanced instead of swinging uncontrollably.

Using these cables in your training will help you target your core better and also improve balance and stability.

  1. Adjusting the angle / Contact points

By adjusting the angle of an exercise, you can make it more challenging or make it easier. For example, by placing your feet on a chair and doing push-ups, the decline angle will make the push-ups seem much more difficult.

The reverse holds true too. Doing push-ups with your palms on a desk will make it much easier. So, try out different angles and see which exercises become more challenging.

The points of contact that you have with the bar or floor will also determine how easy or challenging an exercise is. The fewer points of contact, the more difficult it is.

A pistol squat is much more difficult than a normal bodyweight squat because only one weight is used. The same applies to pull-ups or push-ups where only one arm is used. So, reduce your contact points to increase the difficulty.

  1. Pulsing

Pulsing during an exercise means that you make small up and down movements repeatedly during the exercise. When you pulse during a squat or push-up, the muscles remain under tension and start to burn. That makes it excruciatingly difficult to do multiple reps.

These 4 techniques when applied effectively will help you get the most out of your workouts and accelerate your progress and proficiency at bodyweight training.

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Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Fitness Tips Graphics (PLR)

Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Social Fitness Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational PLR Images

Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Inspirational Images


20 Social Media PLR Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Social Media Tweets and Bylines


13 Royalty Free Images

Fit Without A Gym Royalty Free Images


Images of All Products Reviewed

Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Products Reviewed


Fit Without A Gym Keyword Research Pack

Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Keyword Research



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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!


For the first 50 buyers of this Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

5 High Quality Fitness Mindset PLR Articles

5 High Quality Fitness Mindset PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Fitness Mindset Articles:

  1. Are You Patient Enough to Achieve the Body You Desire? (560 words)
  2. Decision Fatigue and How it Affects Your Fitness Journey (591 words)
  3. Discipline VS Motivation: Which is More Important for Fitness? (605 words)
  4. How to Analyze Your Fitness Progress Objectively (700 words)
  5. Understanding Why Perfectionism is Detrimental to Your Fitness Goals (520 words)


Bonus 2

5 High Quality Fitness Habits PLR Articles

5 High Quality Fitness Habits PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Anti Inflammation Diet Articles:

  1. Discover Why Your Journal is Your Fitness Roadmap (575 words)
  2. Eat the Frog and See Your Fitness Levels Soar (601 words)
  3. Increasing Your Daily Improvements to Transform Your Life (671 words)
  4. Want to Get Fitter? Don’t Forget this Secret Ingredient! (588 words)
  5. Plan Your Meals and Work the Plan (540 words)


Bonus 3

5 High Quality Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR Articles

5 High Quality Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Weight Loss Articles:

  1. Is Exercise Really That Important for Your Weight Loss Journey? (662 words)
  2. 4 Training Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight (662 words)
  3. Are You Killing Yourself with High Intensity Training? (639 words)
  4. How Often Should Your Exercise to Lose Weight (677 words)
  5. How to Structure a Training Program to Lose Weight (567 words)


Bonus 4

5 Top Quality Summer Fitness Weight Loss PLR Articles

5 Top Quality Summer Fitness Weight Loss PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Summer Fitness Articles:

  1. 5 Habits to Get a Fit Body by Summer (554 words)
  2. Can You Lose All That Weight by Summer? (580 words)
  3. Discover Why Weight Loss is More Than Just Calorie Counting (543 words)
  4. Want a Beach Body? – Watch Your Insulin! (561 words)
  5. Want to Get a Summer Body? – Read This First (600 words)


Bonus 5

10 High Quality Bodyweight Training 101 PLR Articles

10 Bodyweight Training 101 PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 10 Bodyweight Training 101 Articles:

  1. Basic Bodyweight Training Equipment You Will Need (542 words)
  2. Bodyweight Training: How Many Reps and Sets Should I Do? (515 words)
  3. Can I Do Both Weight Training and Bodyweight Training? (567 words)
  4. Expecting the Unexpected When Embarking on Bodyweight Training (571 words)
  5. How Long Before I See Results with Bodyweight Training? (592 words)
  6. How to Get Started with Bodyweight Training (547 words)
  7. How to Track Your Bodyweight Training Progress (636 words)
  8. Is it Possible to Isolate Muscle Groups with Bodyweight Training? (542 words)
  9. Nutrition and Bodyweight Training: What You Need to Know (580 words)
  10. Using Mini Habits to Make Bodyweight Training a Lifestyle Choice (594 words)

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Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Fit Without A Gym Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:
“Getting Fit Without A Gym: Save Money & Time By Getting Fit At Home”
(5,407 words, 19 pages, 8 images)

Short Report:
“Top 12 Outdoor Exercises to Replace the Gym”
(1,669 words, 8 pages, 5 images)

Product Reviews:

Black Mountain Products Heavy Duty Stand – 504 words
Captains of Crush Hand Gripper – 491 words
Marcy Utility Flat Bench – 423 words
Maximiza Pull-up Bar – 492 words
“Mind Gym: An Athlete’s Guide to Inner Excellence” by Gary Mack – 433 words

Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Adjustable Dumbbell Sets – 837 words

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Bodyweight Exercises

Can I Really Build Muscle and Get Fit Using Just the Weight of My Body? (226 words)

Complementary Bodyweight Training Accessories (220 words)

How to Customize Your Unique Home Training Program (240 words)

Top 5 Beginner Bodyweight Exercises (260 words)

What Is Bodyweight Training? (221 words)

Related  Fitness PLR Articles:

3 Household Items You Can Use Instead of Weights – 405 words
3 Reasons to Start Bodyweight Training – 464 words
4 Abdominal Exercise Ideas – 444 words
4 Stair Workout Ideas for the Home – 439 words
5 Ways Anyone Can Benefit From Bodyweight Training – 456 words
5 Variations on the Standard Push Up – 410 words
9 Benefits of Working Out With A Jump Rope – 421 words
A Guide to Calisthenic Exercises – 481 words
A Guide to Isometric Exercise – 430 words
Can Yoga Replace Strength Training? – 396 words
Can You Build Muscle Using Bodyweight Training Exercise Alone? – 432 words
Easy Ways to Increase the Amount of Walking You Do – 401 words
How and Why to Practice the Plank Exercise – 442 words
How to Minimize Bodyweight Muscle Aches When Getting Started – 438 words
How to Turn Any Park Into A Gym – 507 words
How to Use A Foam Roller to Build Muscle Strength – 404 words
How to Use Resistance Bands to Build Muscle – 408 words
Is Running a Good Companion to Bodyweight Training? – 413 words
The Psychological Benefits of Strength Training – 402 words
What Is the Stretch-Shortening Cycle of Muscle Action? – 411 words

Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Sitting Disease Tips
5 Shareable Social Media Parenting Quote Images
20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging
13 Royalty Free Images
Images of All Products Reviewed

Bonuses: 10 Muscle Building Articles

5 Habits to Get a Fit Body by Summer – 554 words

Four Common Muscle-Building Myths – 521 words

Best Shoulder, Back and Bicep Exercises for a Beach Body – 579 words

Can I Do Both Weight Training and Bodyweight Training? – 567 words

Compound Exercises VS Ab Exercises: Which are Better for a Flat Belly? – 604 words

Creating a Meal Plan That Aligns with Your Fitness Plan – 533 words

Do This Bodyweight Workout to Lose Weight and Get Ripped – 545 words

How is Your Diet and Training Making You Feel? – 604 words

Should You Train Your Abs Daily to Get a Beach Body? – 566 words

Structuring Your Workout Routine for Ultimate Summer Fitness – 564 words

Total Word Count: 25 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Fitness PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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