A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil Premium PLR Package 18k Words
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A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil Premium PLR Package – A High Quality CBD Oil PLR Content Package Ready To Be Used In Your Business, Over 18 000 words!
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Done for You Premium CBD Oil PLR Product on a
Guide To CBD Oil!
Dear Health online business owner, When it comes to CBD Oils and treating pain, anxiety, and stimulate appetite searches, the Beginners Guide To CBD Oil is one of the most searched-for topics online.
It’s safe to say that Beginners Guide To CBD Oil has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.
This is where my premium done-for-you Beginners Guide To CBD Oil PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil.
Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main CBD Oil Private label digital product to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative CBD Oil niche.
Introducing The…
A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil Premium PLR Package
Featuring Over 18 000 Words of High Quality CBD Oil Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!
This high quality Beginners Guide To CBD Oil PLR package covers the hugely popular health niche. The Health niche is evergreen and will always be. This Beginners Guide To CBD Oil PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.
Here’s everything you’ll get in the Guide To CBD Oil MEGA PLR Pack…
Main eBook: “A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil: How to choose and use the best CBD oil for the most health benefits”
(10,367 words, 50 pages)
A look inside The Beginners Guide To CBD Oil PLR eBook:
Table of Contents for The Beginners Guide To CBD Oil PLR Ebook:
Introduction…………………………………………………………………. 5
How Is CBD Oil Manufactured?…………………………………………………………………. 6
Understanding Cannabidiol – the “Magic” in CBD Oil…………………………………………. 11
How Much THC Is There in CBD Oil?…………………………………………………………………. 16
Will CBD Oil Make Me Fail a Drug Test?…………………………………………………………………. 22
What Is the Difference between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil?………………………………………… 27
How to Choose the Best CBD Oil…………………………………………………………………. 31
How Are You Going to Use Your CBD Oil?………………………………………………………. 32
How to Use CBD Oil the Right Way…………………………………………………………………. 36
The Side-Effects and Risks of CBD Oil…………………………………………………………………. 40
Beginners Guide to CBD Oil – Conclusion……………………………………………………………. 50
Sample Content for The Beginners Guide To CBD Oil Premium PLR Ebook:
CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many compounds found in the Cannabis plant, which is often harvested for producing marijuana. THC is another compound found in the same plant.
Are CBD and THC the same thing? If you’ve heard of the many benefits of CBD oil, is it legal to use where you live? Will it make you fail a drug test? How do you use it properly? How do you decide which CBD oil to buy?
These are common questions people ask when they are considering using CBD oil for pain relief and anxiety. It’s used to treat epilepsy and other disorders which cause seizures. It has cancer fighting properties. CBD oil can help you in a number of ways.
If you have any questions about CBD oil, we’ll try to answer them in this report. Let’s get started by looking at how CBD oil is manufactured.
How Is CBD Oil Manufactured?
For some people, the word marijuana raises red flags. This is understandable. Most people think of marijuana as a drug with psychoactive properties. That’s exactly what it is. THC is the component in marijuana that makes you “stoned”or “high” when you smoke it.
However, CBD (cannabidiol) can be extracted from the marijuana plant with nearly no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) coming out in the process. That makes CBD oil safe and as long as the THC content is less than 0.3% and derived from the hemp plant, the resulting oil can be legally sold and used in the United States.
A few states in the US have legalized medical marijuana. If your doctor signs off for marijuana as an effective treatment for your condition, you can purchase medical marijuana legally. Some of those same states, and others, have legalized marijuana as a recreational drug.
Even with this acceptance of marijuana use in certain conditions, most CBD oil manufacturers derive their products from the hemp plant.
There are a lot of reasons for this. Public perception is the first. Most people have never smoked marijuana and don’t want to pick up the habit tomorrow. All they know about the drug is that it causes a mind-altering “high” and they don’t want their CBD oil coming from that source.
That’s why they prefer CBD oils, sprays and balms, drops and roll-on products made from industrial hemp plants. Hemp plants have a tiny amount of THC. They are naturally 99.7% THC-free. This trace amount of tetrahydrocannabinol won’t alter your mental state. Products with 0.3% THC or less that are manufactured from hemp plants are legal to be sold and used in all 50 states in the US.
Common CBD Manufacturing and Extraction Processes
In other words, choose agricultural hemp as opposed to marijuana for the source of your CBD oil. This hemp is grown specifically for harvesting CBD products. The next thing you need to understand is exactly how the cannabidiol is extracted and how CBD oil is manufactured.
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Extraction
This is a very popular method for extracting CBD. Carbon dioxide is a very unique chemical. It is best known as a gas, but it can also take the form of a solid or liquid. It is this versatile nature that makes it perfect for pulling CBD out of cannabis plants.
The extraction starts by taking a solid CO2 clump and placing it in a pressurized chamber with either hemp or marijuana materials. The pressure is regulated so the CO2 moves from a solid to a liquid-like state. This allows it to absorb the oil and flavonoids from the cannabis plant. The mixture is then moved into a separate chamber.
The environment is manipulated so that the carbon dioxide returns to a gaseous state. This allows it to pull away from the CBD. The CO2 is extracted and what you’re left with is a combination of the flavonoids and oils taken from the plant. This is your CBD. High quality products can be created using the CO2 extraction process.
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A Beginners Guide to CBD Oil PLR Checklist:
(1003 words)
A look inside the Beginners Guide to CBD Oil Premium PLR Checklist
Beginners Guide to CBD Oil PLR Report:
(2058 words)
A look inside the Beginners Guide to CBD Oil Premium PLR Report
A Beginners Guide to CBD Oil PLR Editable Ecovers:
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5 Emails/ Blog Posts:
Topic: CBD Oil for Beginners 5-email sequence
Email #1 – Can you use CBD oil every day?
Email #2 – Is CBD oil legal?
Email #3 – Doesn’t CBD oil get you “high” like marijuana?
Email #4 – Are hemp oil and CBD oil the same?
Email #5 – How can I learn more about CBD oil and its health benefits?
CBD Oil for Beginners PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1500 Words
Bitcoin Profits Email Content Sample:
Email #1 Subject line: Can you use CBD oil every day?
Have you ever heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away? This is an old saying that speaks to the natural goodness of apples.
You might never consider if eating an apple every day is unsafe. It’s a natural product. You see apples everywhere. They’re found in lots of different food products. You might automatically assume that if you ate an apple each and every day, you would suffer no ill effects.
In fact, you would probably do your health a lot of good.
Like an apple, cannabidiol (usually shortened to CBD) is a natural product. It’s made by good old Mother Nature. Depending on the product you purchase, there may be some unnatural and unsafe man-made products in the oil.
Since CBD oils are not regulated in most countries, this is why it’s so important to read product labels. As far as the CBD itself is concerned, this is a safe and natural product.
Which begs the question, if an apple a day keeps the doctor away, can CBD oil every day boost your health as well? The short answer is yes, you can safely use CBD oil on a daily basis.
Here’s the possible problem.
We just mentioned it but it bears repeating … there are no guidelines or regulations for the manufacture of CBD oil. There are also no recommendations of safe maximum amounts of CBD oil to be used daily. Usually the oil is delivered sublingually (that means under the tongue).
When you purchase CBD oil, it will usually come in a small bottle (a 30 milliliter size is common). The lid of the bottle will have a dropper built in. This makes it easy to place just two drops under your tongue.
Safety might not be an issue at all. Most CBD “experts” say that a daily dose between 5 and 25 milligrams is safe. That’s a pretty big spread.
What’s tricky is figuring the exact amount of CBD you get per milliliter of the product you purchase. Some products deliver 1,500 milligrams per 30 milliliters. Others may have as many as 3,000 milligrams in the same size bottle.
Then you have to factor in what carrier oils and other products have been added to the CBD oil.
What’s the solution? Take it slow.
Read your labels. If a 2 or 3-drop dosage is recommended, try 1 drop at first. Do this for a few days and monitor your experience. Generally speaking, manufacturers will err on the side of caution. So you can usually go with their recommendations.
But where your health is concerned, you have to take an active role in doing what’s best for you.
Remember, read your labels. Then start off with 1/2 or 1/3 the recommended dosage. This is the safest way to benefit from the wonderful health-boosting properties of this natural oil.
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High Quaity Beginners Guide to CBD Oil PLR Articles:
- 5 Little-Known Facts about CBD Oil 519 words
- A Brief History of the Use of CBD 480 words
- Can You Diffuse CBD Oil like Essential Oils 494 words
- CBD Oil and Vaping – What You Need to Know 667 words
- Should Pregnant Women Use CBD Oil Safe 851 words
A Beginners Guide to CBD Oil PLR Article Sample:
5 Little-Known Facts about CBD Oil
CBD oil delivers health benefits without the “getting high” side-effect of THC. This is why CBD oil is legal in many places around the world where THC-based products are not. You can boost your health in a number of ways without having a psychoactive effect on your brain.
You might already know this. What you may not know are the following 5 facts about CBD oil that aren’t common knowledge.
1 – CBD Oil Is Easily Extracted Because of Where It’s Found
CBD oil is found in both cannabis and hemp plants. Civilizations around the world have understood the healing power of this compound for centuries. There is ancient wall art showing the use of hemp products by Egyptians for medicinal purposes.
Its popularity as a natural medicine has a little bit to do with how easy it is to obtain.
CBD oil can be taken from the seeds, flowers and even the stalk of hemp and cannabis plants. It’s very easily extracted. Additionally, the extraction process is natural and doesn’t break down the inherent composition or quality of the oil.
2 – Your Body Recognizes CBD Oil as a Slice of Nature
You are a natural being. You were made naturally, and so are the plant products which can be used to make CBD oil. In addition, every mammal was created with cannabinoid receptor sites.
This means you were naturally created to recognize cannabinoids like CBD oil. That means your brain and central nervous system are quickly and positively influenced by CBD oil as a natural product.
3 – CBD Oil Can Help Not Only Your Physical and Mental Well-Being, but Your Emotions as Well
CBD oil can positively improve your physical health. It does this many ways that are far beyond the scope of this short article. It can positively impact your mental health as well.
What some people don’t understand is how this translates to emotional balance and well-being.
Your emotions are heavily influenced by your physical and mental health. When you are physically and mentally healthy, your hormones are also healthy and balanced. Your hormones affect your emotions.
When your hormones are out of whack, your emotions can get the best of you. Sometimes this comes out of the blue. You don’t understand why you feel a certain way and act on certain emotions. CBD oil influences hormonal balance, which also leads to emotional balance.
4 – You Can Receive CBD Oil Benefits Several Different Ways
CBD oil can be taken orally. Some products are used by placing a couple of drops under your tongue. There are CBD oil gummies and you can even bake this natural oil into foods.
There are plenty of edibles available which contain natural CBD oil. Additionally, it can be vaporized for smoking with an electronic cigarette or e-pen. Some people smoke CBD oil in a pipe. This means a “something for everyone” application.
5 – CBD Oil Can Help Fight Unhealthy Addictions
Scientists have found that CBD oil can block the addictive effect of other drugs.
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Package Details For The Bitcoin Profits Guide Premium PLR Package:
A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil – PLR eBook
eBook – A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil – How to choose and use the best CBD oil for the most health benefits eBook (10 367 Words)
Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.
Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.
A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil – PLR List Building Report
The Many Proven, Science-Backed Benefits of CBD Oil (2,058 words)
Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.
Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.
A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil – 5 High Quality CBD Oil Articles (3,011 Words)
5 Little-Known Facts about CBD Oil 519 words
A Brief History of the Use of CBD 480 words
Can You Diffuse CBD Oil like Essential Oils 494 words
CBD Oil and Vaping – What You Need to Know 667 words
Should Pregnant Women Use CBD Oil Safe 851 words
A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil – PLR Emails
CBD Oil – 5 Email Autoresponders (1,689 words)
Email #1 – Can you use CBD oil every day?
Email #2 – Is CBD oil legal?
Email #3 – Doesn’t CBD oil get you “high” like marijuana?
Email #4 – Are hemp oil and CBD oil the same?
Email #5 – How can I learn more about CBD oil and its health benefits?
A Beginners Guide To CBD Oil – CBD Oil PLR Checklist
CBD Oil Checklist (1,003 words)
Total Word Count: 18 000 Words
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