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Different Types of PLR Products
Different Types of PLR Products

PLR Products You Should Know About

The web is all about content. While the majority of the Internet is full of text-based content, there are also video and audio files which are viewed and listen to every day. This means the different types of PLR products are not just text-based.

On the other hand, most of what you find sold with PLR rights is predominantly text. In addition to e-books and articles, there are some text-based forms of content covered by PLR you may not have thought about. Here are just a few of the many examples of PLR products.


PLR articles are extremely versatile. You can publish them as blog posts. You can combine several articles and create an e-book. Chop articles into smaller pieces and use them for social media engagement.

A single article can be used by a smart marketer in a ton of different ways. Use the content to create a how-to video. Cover the content in a PLR article on your podcast. Add some graphics and change your title and sub-headers and you have next month’s blog post ready to go. A PLR article can be edited and reused in ways only limited by your marketing imagination.


Simple e-books made the earliest Internet marketers a bundle of money. When the World Wide Web was a toddler, you could whip together a 10 page e-book of very low quality and little value and make a mint. The Internet was new and the idea that you could access just about any knowledge in an e-book from anywhere in the world was exciting.

eBooks PLR, plr content, plr content
eBooks PLR

People would spend good money on e-books that looked like nothing more than a long a blog post these days. E-books are still one of the top forms of PLR content you’ll find. Get your hands on a quality e-book with PLR rights that solves a big problem and you can benefit in a number of ways.

Change the e-book cover, the title, chapter titles and sub- headers, and add your own images. You can even sprinkle in a few videos. Now with a little basic editing you have a unique property. You can purchase PLR e-books that are accompanied by sales pages, email autoresponder sequences and other extras. They basically serve as a “business in a box”. E-books are one of the most common types of PLR content you’ll find online.


Reports with PLR licensing rights are about as versatile as articles. You can give away a report to build your email list. You can tweak a report and turn it into an effective sales page. If your report has enough content and solves a big problem or answers big questions in the minds of your audience, you can sell it.

Reports are needed to build many areas of an online business. Reports basically serve as short e-books, as they are usually not as long and detailed.

Email Autoresponder Messages

You can take any PLR content and rewrite it in email form. Restate a 500-word PLR article into 100 words and you can use that content as an email. Some PLR sellers have already written email autoresponder sequences for you. This is needed not only to build your list, but also to keep your current list engaged and interested.

Email Autoresponder Messages PLR, autoresponders plr, email plr. email marketing plr, list building plr
Email Autoresponder Messages PLR

Video Tutorials

“How to” videos are huge. They have been popular since the beginning of the Internet and have only become more commonplace in recent years. You can purchase video courses and tutorials with PLR rights. One attractive benefit of video is that it carries a much higher perceived value than text.

Think about it. 

Imagine you come across a text-based course that teaches you how to catch more fish. You love fishing. You’re tired of going out and bringing nothing home. This sounds like something you would really like to take a look at. Then you find the exact same course is offered in a video format.

The information is exactly the same. In your mind, you immediately expect to pay more for the video course than the same information in an e-book or some other text-based course.

Creating videos is more technical in nature than writing articles or e-books. There’s a lot more involved. The process is more difficult. On top of that, some subjects are easier to understand after you’ve watched a video rather than reading some instructions.

In the example of fishing videos, someone can show you exactly how to bait a hook or perform a certain fishing technique. In text-based form, this has to be explained to you, and you might miss out on certain points. Video shows you exactly what to do. This is what makes video PLR so powerful.

video tutorial plr, video marketing plr, education plr, video plr
Video Tutorial PLR

Other Types of PLR Content

Instead of a video course, you might want to offer an email course. You can sell these rather inexpensively, which makes them attractive to your prospects. Other types of PLR content include audio courses and software, graphics and websites, templates, journals, planners, checklists, brandable coaching courses, cheatsheets and audio files.

If there is a piece of content you are looking for to build your business in any way, there’s probably PLR available somewhere.

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